Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blood Coven series

so, i was again, SAD. why? because i finished reading Vampire Academy Series and well, i have nothing to read AGAIN. so not fun! sooo while i was browsing… or maybe SEARCHING for another book…. i saw one. THANK GOD!

i saw the novel in someone’s blog… and i liked the cover.. later i read the excerpt.. then because i found it interesting i torrent it. lol.


soo there. i now know that there are 4 books. only 3 are available for ebooks. and the 4th will come out this Jan 5.

i read the first one Boys that Bite. dec 31. :D

then Stake That! Jan1. and of course Girls that Growl Jan1 and 2. :D


Wednesday, December 30, 2009


these things that i typed are not exactly the WHOLE story.. but still.. i can't control the things that i know right nowww. sooo. i can't say them all here...

by the way,, the books are scattered sooo just don't get distracted by them. lol

Thoughts while i was about to finish reading VA4: Blood Promise

i think there're only 8 pages left... then i kept stopping because i don't want to reach the end of the book yet because i know there will be no more for me to read.... until May 2010... waaah soooo here they are...

1. dimitri might still be alive.:
      rose missed his heart with her stake

      maybe, they can be reunited, through rose's ability to see ghost.

     he could be healed and be brouht back to life

2. Abe might be working for Rose's father Ibrahim!
    or someone royal...

3. Christian and Lissa will of course be back together again. i really hope so!

4. Adrian Ivashkov please i want you for Rose, because as of now you're the only person that is suited to replace Dimitri!!!

5. Someday, Ibrahim will finally meet Rose. There's always a reason why someone's name is mentioned in these... haha

6. The gHOst power that Rose has, will someday be useful or can be a very scary part of her life....


some of these are actually answered in the remaining 8 pages...


1. DIMITRI IS ALIVE! STILL STRIGOI! my god! Rose wasn't able to kill him because she never really hit Dimitri's HEART!!! awww!
he even sent a package to Rose, the silver stake that Rose used to kill him... there's also a note saying... that Lesson: You never turn back when you're not sure if you killed the strigoi .... (ok, wait, i'll copy the quote.................HERE!)
     You forgot another lesson: Never turn your back until you know your enemy is dead. Looks like we’ll have to go over the lesson again the next time I see you—which will be soon.
Love, D.

2. ABE IS IBRAHIM! lol. Abe is Rose's father all along!!! my goddd! i knoooow!

3. well... Lissa LOVES Christian so much that's for sure.. Christian is the same BUT, HE IS HURTING. :(

4. This is still TRUE!. he really LIKES/LOVES Rose. i'm not sure about the LOVE but i know he really treasures and cares for her. as IN! he's even going to ask her mother for a permission to date Rose! how sweet! also he's really going to take Rose's assignment for him to make a date proposal seriously!!! awwww. how sweet! Adrian Ivashkov really is the PERFECT guy next to Dimitri for Rose's heart. :D sadly she doesn't really feel anything right now... except that slight warm feeling for him...

5. Again. ABE IS IBRAHIM!!! haha!

6. I have no answer for that right now... MAY 18, 2010!!!!! :(((

First off, i really really enjoyed reading Vampire Academy! right now i'm sad because i read it even though i knew that if i reached the 4th book i'll get saaaad! why? because there's a 5th book out in MAY! MAY 2010!!! :((((

soo anyway... here are my thoughts on the characters:

Rose Hathaway: I really like her! she has the attitude! at first i don't like her because she's a flirt and has a crush on a grown-up, a teacher even. (Dimitri) but in the end i kind of like the two of them together. Rose really LOVES Dimitri in a way that i think TRUE LOVE is the one to call it. However, the love is forbidden and all because both of them are dhampirs. **i don't want to explain anything here about the vocabs, i'll just assume yo know what i'm talking about.** so anyway, Rose is shadow kissed with Lissa, her best friend and the Dragomir princess. Both Dimitri and Rose are soon to be dhampir guardians for a royal like Lissa. that's the problem, besides Rose and Dimitri's 7 years age gap, they can't continue with their love, because once they get into a fight, Dimitri told Rose that she might not defend Lissa but Rose instead. obviously they can't let that happen because Lissa ALWAYS comes FIRST, because she's a Moroi. sooo there FORBIDDEN LOVE. however, they really can't seem to not acknowledge their attraction and love, because little and simple things were done between them.... feelings and stories were shared, emotions fire up between them, when they reached the point that they couldn't take it anymore. The cabin where they had sex was the most amazing thing for both of them. it was the most memorable encounter and memory that they have of each other. ** I AGREE TO THIS!** then, just like that, battle between the strigoi and the dhampirs happened... Dimitri turned into a Strigoi. Rose lost the man she loved the most. To cut the story short well, Dimitri is not dead dead.. he's just not dead and alive that is, but can still walk the earth.... so anyway, Rose hunt him down to kill him. by kill, meaning to free Dimitri's soul in that monster ergo Dimitri's body. She went all the way to RUSSIA! that broke Lissa's heart so much. Also Adrian, in some way... not compared to Lissa, but who knows? i really don't know how much Adrian loves/likes Rose. In Russia, Rose bonded with Dimitri's family, she even attended the funeral that Dimitri's family has for him, and there she poured all her grief and sadness and her love for Dimitri. she also met Abe, who happens to be his FATHER! also, she found Dimitri, spent time with him, and she called it a-blood-whore-for-a-Strigoi, but all because, he was hoping to see the man the she loved before. for her, she can still see some of that man, but it's just hopeless. again, to get to the point... Rose staked Dimitri with a wooden chair leg to escaped from him.(she was a captive because Dimitri wants Rose and he wants her to be awakened just like him, but Rose refused)... then Dimitri chase after her.... then the bridge part happened. this is the part where Rose cant handle it anymore and she decided to jump off the bridge, when she did, Dimitri caught her by the arm, pulling her up, she told Dimitri that she will always love him then staked his chest. Dimitri told her that he was about to say that then fell off the bridge. Now knowing that she killed Dimitri and freed his soul, she can't take away the thought if he will say that he still love her. she went back to the Academy and good thing Lissa is there for her like always. in the end of the fourth book, Dimitri is alive and had sent a package to Rose saying that they will see each other soon.

Dimitri Belikov
I like Dimitri, but well, he is mysterious and all, really passionate and stuff and i really like him for Rose because of the way Rose felt about him. i also like the way he felt for Rose really passionate and all. the problem for me is that there are really not that many sweet moments for Rose and Dimitri because of the forbidden thing again. but then in Blood Promise, there are parts that revealed the short times that they had spent together and those are really great and romantic in some way. awwww! i will miss that! i hope Dimitri will be un-Strigoi again.i like her for Rose! I LIKE THE OLD HIM BACK! pleaaase!!! i was crying whenever i'm reading Rose sad thoughts and memories about him. ok although, when he was turned into Strigoi, some part of him is still him, well except the passion and control andd... something... i dont know but he really did change.. however i can still see that he really still loves Rose, although i'm not sure if it's the same... i hope so. :( I CAN CRY ALL OVER AGAIN.

Vasilisa Dragomir
I also like Lissa, although i'm irritated when she loses control and her temper is out. she is also selfish in some way. she can't see the feeling of others... ok not true because she can... she just can't control the spirit in her.maybe that's it. but she's a real good friend for Rose and i like her for Christian as well. *yeeee*

Christian Ozera
Ok, he is my crush actually! LOL. hahahha! i just like him because of the crush that he had on Lissa. also he is just himself, the annoying yet caring and very deep person. i just LIKE HIM SOO MUCH! hahahah He is also passionate when it comes to Lissa, they had sex all the time in that attic inside the chapel. also he's friends with Rose that's why i like him too. i like seeing they also care for each other and loves Lissa almost equally.

Adrian Ivashkov
i love this guy! lol. he has a crush on Rose. ok i thought at first that it's just some teasing and a joke. but what the hell, he really does care for Rose and i think he loves her too! my gaaad!  he's the person that i think will be a GREAT replacement for the one in Rose's heart. i just hope Rose notice him and loves him back one day. of course if Dimitri is really NOT THERE anymore.... which i hope is also not going to happen. lol. Adrian is well, i think dedicated to Rose. i really hope he will pursue her in a romantic kind of way. awwww!
somewhere in my mind, i think well, Adrian might be the spirit user that will/can/might heal Dimitri from being a Strigoi, for Rose. IDK. hahahha but maybe.... if not Lissa maybe he can. for love?

ok. i'm obsessing again! but i really do like the idea of Adrian as Rose's love interest. Rose might have Dimitri as her soulmate but maybe she will/can love the guy who also "loves" her: who is Adrian... gaaawd!

this is the 5th book. and it wont be out until MAy 18 2010!!!!!!!! i know!!! the LONG WAIT!!! gooooosh! i want to read this RIGH. NOW.!!!! aaaaaaaaaaah!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ji Hoo <3 Jan Di

Jan Di and Ji Hoo. <3

they never got married or anything, they are soulmates. but, well, Jan Di doesn’t love Ji Hoo the way Ji Hoo LOVES her. they are just bestfriends. they entered a wedding couple pic contest that’s why they have a picture like that.

Boys Over Flowers addiction strikes now! hahaha

if you are wondering why i keep quoting from that show, well that’s because i LOVE that show. i just realized that last week! HAHAHA! i don’t know if that’s pathetic or not, but i just can’t help it! LOL.i don’t even know if writing a blog about that is pathetic, but WHO CARES RIGHT? hahaha. ~oh by the way, i’m writing this while listening to BOF’s OST. HAHAhA~

so basically, Jan Di(girl) and Jun Pyo(boy) are the “couple” HOWEVER, i didn’t fell in love with Jun Pyo’s character, instead I’m totally swept away by Ji Hoo’s character. he’s just sooo lovable! well, FOR ME, of course. you see, he’s in love with Jan Di! and Jan Di had a crush on him first. BUT well because there’s Jun Pyo who’s his bestfriend and….well, you get the point right? Jun Pyo and Jan Di love love love….
Ji Hoo has to step back for the sake of his friend and the girl that he LOVES. he knows that even if it’s hurting him, he has to do it because he can see that those two really love each other. the thing that i really like about his character, is that even if he knew the love that those two have, he’s still ALWAYS there for Jan Di. he never leaves her. Jan Di can never return his love for her, but he doesn’t care. he loves Jan Di so much, he just can’t let her go. He even told her, “i can’t live without you”. AWWWWWWWW! for Jan Di, Ji Hoo is her firefighter. whenever she needs help or she’s suffering so much, Ji Hoo is ALWAYS there. ready to help her even from the beginning. he wipes her tears, he helps her when she’s in trouble, but most of all he’s always there when her heart aches so much, she just can’t fight it. what hurts for me is that, he loves Jan Di UNCONDITIONALLY. it hurts because, he can’t have the girl that he loves, still, he loves her. :((((

poor ji hoo. :(

~i don’t know if i make sense here… but maybe that’s the point, what i feel is too much for words.~ HAHAHA

ANYWAY, here is Ji Hoo’s song “Because I’m Stupid” i want to cry by just reading the lines… :((

Because I’m so stupid and such a fool
My eyes don’t see nobody but you
Even though I know you love someone else
You could never know the pain that I felt
Oh oh oh

You probably never think of me at all
And I know we have no memories
But the one who really wants you is me
In the end only my tears will fall

I stay, you walk away
I stand back, watching you day by day
You can’t see that I’m so in love with you
Like the wind you just fly right through (ohhhhh)

There are days when I just miss you so much
There are days when I just long for your touch
“I love you” somehow flies right off my lips and so
Once again I’m left crying for you
Once again I’m left here missing you
Baby I love you I’m waiting for you

You’ll probably never have a dream of me
And I know I’m in love all alone
That’s why we don’t really have memories
In the end, I’ll make them all on my own

Love’s like a river of tears
That will flow whenever you’re not here
Even though your heart will never be mine
It’s enough just seeing you smile

There are days when I see nothing but rain
There are days when I just feel so much pain
“I miss you” somehow flies right off my lips and so
Once again I’m left wishing for you
Once again I’m left here missing you
Baby I love you I’m waiting for you

Bye, bye, never say goodbye
Even though it’s not me by your side
I need you, I just can’t say it but I want you
I cannot stop wishing for you

There are days when I just miss you so much
There are days when I just long for your touch
“I love you” somehow flies right off my lips and so
Once again I’m left crying for you
There are days when I see nothing but rain
There are days when I just feel so much pain
“I miss you” somehow flies right off my lips and so
Once again I’m left wishing for you
Once again I’m left here missing you
Baby I love you I’m waiting for you

Friday, November 06, 2009

Writing through Windows Live Writer

ok! hello. this will be my first time to use Windows Live Writer in my new netbook. how cool is that? ok fine.

i just got home and i feel sick. i hope that this is just because of stress and not something major.

ok i don’t want to write anymore. bye!


Saturday, October 03, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Reading PRlVATE Novels by Kate Brian

Private Novels by KAte Brian.Yes my dear bloggers and readers, i collect those books. lol. since 2oo7. and just today May 11, 2oo9, i started reading them. want to know why? well, because im about to graduate next year and i just got this funny feeling that it will be too weird for me to read high school-teen-ish books next year because, well you know, graduate and about to work like some adult serious type. yeah, i think you get the picture. so anyway, i started reading them, and then i realized that i still lack the 8th and 9th book, sooo vadabeeem-vadabooom, i will eventually get my hands on them..
about this books,
ok, get this, in this blog it says it was written in may 11, but the truth is, it's already may22, lol.
and i'm done reading books 1 to 9. waah book 1o will be released in september and im like waaaaaaaaaah. i can't wait! i have to know what will happen already! as in right now! and i dont think it will end on that book, i think there are still a lot more to come.. soooo
anyway, moving on to my point on blogging about this...
here are my comment and opinions on the book/ characters..

REED BRENNAN: i SOOOOO hate her! well, i kind of like the concern attitude that she has and her love for Josh Hollis[LOVE HiM!], but then, why does she have to be such a social climber? [ouch. i know. but i can't think of other words to describe her] what i mean is that, she already knows that she is way better than those Billings Girls, yet she still wants to be a part of that sorority or dormitory or group of spoiled brats! grrr. i mean c'mon! those girls are like mean to her and bossy and all the annoying attitudes that you can think of, and still she wants to be friends with them! grrr. one of my reasons why she is so stupid and easily manipulated are these: first, those Billings, tortured and killed his first boyfriend Thomas Pearson, 2nd, they accused the love=of=her=life Josh Hollis for a murdering his bestfriend Thomas, although he's not the one responsible, 3rd, like i said, horrible ways of treating her. hello??? wake up already girl! you are so desperate to be one of them although you know it's hurting you! and your life and your love life! how can you even choose those girls for JOSH? hello?? i though he's you LOVE-of-your-life! he's only lecturing you and telling all those stuffs about Billings because HE cares and LOVES you sooo much and also the fact that those girls put him in jail! why can't you see that? he even asks forgiveness all the time whenever things are wrong with you guys. and the 'i love you' moments that he has with you! oh, c'mon!!!! he's totally in love with you!!! and what the hell is going on with you FLiRTiNG with DASH MacAfferty?? hello!!!!! now, look what you did! you lost him! and he's now with ivy slade! i know you still love him and he is still totally in love with you, but hello again? conflict. ivy. *sighs* you know Josh, he wants to do the right thing all the time, meaning no cheating! and then, in paradise lost, you suddenly fall in love with another guy? Upton Giles? seriously? i know you said that it's just a fling and all, that you are moving on for Josh and for yourself. but... waaaah!

Josh Hollis: He is like my crush in this series! lol. well, he is totally the best great perfect boyfriend type! seriously! he's always there for Reed, always apologizes even though it's not his fault, always supports and understands Reeds, LOVES REED SO MUCH! as in! always happy when he feels the love he is giving and the one he is receiving in return. super sweet!!!! totally sweet! and i am just so head over heels for this guy. lol. you know when Reed and Josh broke up it was like he had broken up with me. lol. i felt like crying and how come he moved on already with ivy!??? why is that?? can't he just be single or something as of the moment? why move on for a NEW one already?? why why why? he knows he's still in love with Reed! so why???
ok. i guess i dont know. when he saved Reed from that gun! hello? love is there! in the hospital! HELLO?? it's totally obvious that he doesn't know what to do, because of his love for reed! aaaaaaaaaargh but i really do hope they get back together! please?? kate brian!!! hey! please?? PLEASE?

Noelle Lange: well, i like this girl at some points because she treats Reed as her sister and all. but there are just some qualities that are really hateful. lol.

Arianna Osgood: psycho-killer! but motherly in some ways. creepy eyes, especially when she stares. is totally in love with Thomas.

Taylor Bell: SMART! nice!

Kiran Hayes: Wow. model and all! totally generous! lol. likes getting drunk. and Dreck Boys.

Dash MacAfferty: Abercrombie Model look. wuhooo! HOT!

Upton Giles: Whatta player! but i doubt this sometimes[and i hate it because i really dont like him to end up with Reed because JOSH is FOR Reed. period!] but then, all of her friends say that he has changed when reed and him started hanging out. then, he confesses to her that he's in love with her! talk about WHAT?!

Sawyer Hathaway: i dont know why he's part of this post. well, it's just because i like him for being the quiet and handsome and mysterious type! totally hot! hahaha. and also, because Reed cares for him in a friendly way. and because of this i kind of started crushing on him! lol. and i wish if it's not Josh for Reed, i wish it will be Sawyer! hahah. well of course im still a JOSH fan!

cant wait for book 1o!!!!!!! suspiscion!!! september!!!!! aaaaaaaaah

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Reading Wicked Lovely Series by Melissa Marr

talk about Faeries and a hottie! hahah
soo anyway, Wicked Lovely series is one of my addictions this summer. i personally don't know how it all happened. and why.. well, ok. i actually know why! haha! it's because i want to collect book series and since i already read Blue Bloods Novels in ebooks, i've decided to not buy the books yet. and also since House of Night Novels are tooo many already and expensive, i also did not consider them anymore. and then there is this other novel series which are about Faeries. so i said to myself, why not collect this one since there are only 2 books out as of the moment. so there. tada! i bought them last April 27, 2oo9. i started reading the first book, which is Wicked Lovely on May 3, 2oo9; ink exchange May 4, 2oo9 and Fragile Eternity May 5, 2oo9.
i really love these books because i really really love the love story between Seth and Ash! waaaah.

Wicked Lovely
Love Story: You see Ash has been crushing on Seth for like, when he started flirting and turning into someone handsome and cute and oh! you know what i mean! HOT boy! haha. but then, she doesn't really want to confess what she really feels for him because she knows Seth as a one-night stand kind of person and she doesn't want to be one of his' girls' that get tossed around after sex. also, she doesn't want to ruin their special friendship just because of her feelings for him. for her, she's contented by flirting[e.g. sweet talk, small kisses on body parts like neck hands cheeks etc, sitting on lap, hugging, caressing. intimate touches! lol] On the other hand, Seth here, TOTALLY feels the same for Ash, he's like, wanted to get settled with one girl and that's Ash. he never felt like that before Ash came to his life. and he's only respecting and giving her space so that she can figure out for herself that he totally cares and loves her. sooo one night He KiSSED ASH! waaah! [haha, i know im just uber kilig over here.] then, Ash started kissing him back, and Seth was like happy that he waited for that kind of moment for so long because for him it totally feels great! sooo there confessions! Seth has been waiting for Ash to recognize and feel that he's in love with her for 7months now. and Ash was like 'really?' because she can't believe that they both have the same feelings for each other. but then, faerie-issue comes and suddenly Ash turned out to be a faery and a Queen for Keenan the Summer King. then, suddenly he wants to kill Seth because he's in the way of his plans.
to make this short, Ash came up with an idea that she will only treat Keenan as a business partner of some sort and the Summer Queen issue as her job and all. of course Ash and Seth are like TOGETHER still! and Seth, well, it's not that his ok with it. but whatever, for him as long as Ash and him are in love with each other, that's all that matters. and besides Keenan is like in love with Donia the Winter Queen. so there.

in ink exchange, it's all about Leslie and irial and Niall. The guys, love Leslie. but in the end Niall replace irial as the Dark King and Leslie, well she turned away from faeries and remain as a mortal.

in Fragile Eternity [i haven't bought this book yet, although i already read it in an ebook]
here, Seth becomes a faery. a one of a kind faery. Sorcha the Queen of High Court turned him into a faery and considered Seth as her own son. during this process, Seth vanished for 6months in our world, and broking Ash's heart. because of this Ash, considered Keenan's love or in other words giving him a chance to make her fall for him. but then in the end Seth came back and explained everything to Ash, saying that he only did it because of his love for her. [AWWW sooo SWEET!] he also metioned that he did it because he doesn't want to be the fragile mortal anymore and he wants to be able to protect Ash from danger. he also told her about Keenan being manipulative and selfish.
Ash started crying in the end.

waaaaaaaaaaah PLEASE MORE ASH AND SETH LOVE STORiES! im dying over here!!!

this last book is soooo bitin!
i don't know when the 4th book will come out.. sooo future impending?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reading Blue Bloods Novels by Melissa Dela Cruz

Blue Bloods.
ok. this started out months ago, when my friend started telling me that her new book which was Blue Bloods was good and scary at the same time. but then i just ignored her. lol.
then came April and i started asking her about it again... i was like ok, i will read that....
then, i did. well, in an ebook actually because i don't want to buy the books just in case they are not good enough and well, also because i don't like to spend my money again buying books. [but then, turns out that i will buy them after all. actually i just bought 2, because the third book is hardbound therefore it's more expensive than the first 2. soo... Blue Bloods check! and Masquerade check!. it's pretty silly and stupid actually, buying the book after reading them. grrrr. soo much for my eyesight sacrifice. anyway, the story is GREAT actually, i got hooked up pretty bad! i dont sleep, eat or anything at all, i can't seem to take my eyes off the screen of the laptop. it's just so captivating and enticing!

soooo. what i like about the books.

Schulyer Van Alen: i like her because she's not the spoiled rich girl, she's totally herself and well, kind of like has her own style and all.[about her clothes] she's a blue blood and a vampire! yeah!

Jack Force: OMG! he has feeling for Sky! and it says in the books that he is totally hot! hahaha
he has this friendship with Sky, and at the same time the intimate feelings that he has for her. He is also the Angel of Destruction

Oliver Hazard-Perry: He is the bestfriend of Sky! and a family conduit. he will do anything for Sky because he's in love with her. my gaddd. hahaha

Mimi Force: Jack's twin and they are like bound to each other. for eternity! gadd! Angel of Death. i don't like her because she's making it hard for sky and jack to be together! grrr.

Bliss Llewellyn: She is the other daughter of Alegra Van Alen. She's responsible for the deaths of the other vampires although she's not aware of it. She is also a silver blood.

Dylan Ward: intimate with Bliss. yeeee. hahaha but then he died in Revelation because he was used by the silver blood.

Story: Ok, the story, well actually the love story is that, Schuyler and JAck are in love with each other, the problem is they can't be together because, Schuyler is like the new vampire in the circle of Blue Bloods and she is also half human considering her father. She doesn't have that someone who will be bounded to her just like the other vampires. on the other hand, Jack can't be with her because he is already bounded to Mimi, and disobeying what is meant for Jack will only lead to his death, just like what happened to Alegra Van Alen[comatause] who is Sky's mother. you see, she and Charles Force are also twins and are bounded, however, she fell in love with her human imprint, then comes Schuyler, her father's death and Alegra's coma.
At first JAck thought he was attracted to Sky because he saw in his past the he was pursuing her and totally head over heels to her, however, he was only mistaken because that girl in his past was actually Alegra or the so called Angel Gabrielle. knowing this makes Jack confused because even though he knows the truth he still can't erase or let go his feelings for Sky. Sky on the other hand felt hurt because all of a sudden, JAck started avoiding her. in the end of the first book, she lets go of Jack and went to Venice with Oliver to find his grandfather.

obviously in Masquerade Jack still has feelings for Sky, he actually kissed her in the Masquerade ball. However, he still cant really be with her because well, Mimi Force. Oliver is also in love with Sky! yeah! i knooow! i actually like Oliver because of the jealousy part and the concern and loving bestfriend that he is! gosh! anyway, Sky, learned all these feelings and well, she actually doesnt want to lose Ollie because even though she's not in love with him, she still loves him for being her bestfriend. The reason why Sky knows Ollie's love for her is also because she gave him the Sacred Kiss. making Ollie her human imprint. so technically Ollie is hers.

in revelation, Sky, was force to live with the family Force, because her grandpa loss in the case of keeping her and being her guardian. here, JAck and Sky are secretly meeting and well, doing intimate stuff. Jack is jealous of Ollie, Ollie is jealous of Jack, Sky is jealous of Mimi and Mimi is jealous of Sky. wow. sooo, you see, JAck promised Sky, that he will do anything for them to be together and love each other without keeping it as a secret. Jack told her that he knows a way for them to be together. however, Mimi told Sky, that letting Sky's relationship with Jack, will only put Jack's life in danger and might lead to death. Sky's grandpa, told her that there is no way that Jack can break the bond that he and Mimi has, because that bond is not to be broken and not to be disobeyed, because death will come out of it. Ollie, wanted Sky to choose, because he can never share her with someone. He loves Sky so much but he doesn't want to be played or used. not that Sky is just using her, Sky cares for him but she is just torn between the two, because she loves them both.
Jack is ready to do and give his love to Schulyer, ready enough that he will fight for it. however Sky made a decision that she has to let Jack go because she doesn't want him to die and get punished just because of their love for each other. so in the end of the 3rd book revelation, Sky told Jack that she loves Ollie[she does actually] and that they have to let each other go. She did this for Jack even if this totally breaks her heart SUPER. Jack, doesn't want to accept this because like Sky, hearing all of this is also breaking his heart BiG TiME!
my complicated! they both love each other and they are both miserable and aching because they can't be together. Sky doesn't want to lie to Jack but for her it's for Jack's own good. Jack doesn't want to believe all of these that's why he trashes their secret place, attacked Mimi, and the end kissed Mimi! grrr! i know! how annoying! i am completely blaming that bond that they have with each other! i wish i can break that bond! grrr! because of that bond, they are dependent to each other! grrrr again!
i can feel Sky's misery! awwww.

can't wait for october! Van Alen Legacy! 4TH BOOK!