Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reading Blue Bloods Novels by Melissa Dela Cruz

Blue Bloods.
ok. this started out months ago, when my friend started telling me that her new book which was Blue Bloods was good and scary at the same time. but then i just ignored her. lol.
then came April and i started asking her about it again... i was like ok, i will read that....
then, i did. well, in an ebook actually because i don't want to buy the books just in case they are not good enough and well, also because i don't like to spend my money again buying books. [but then, turns out that i will buy them after all. actually i just bought 2, because the third book is hardbound therefore it's more expensive than the first 2. soo... Blue Bloods check! and Masquerade check!. it's pretty silly and stupid actually, buying the book after reading them. grrrr. soo much for my eyesight sacrifice. anyway, the story is GREAT actually, i got hooked up pretty bad! i dont sleep, eat or anything at all, i can't seem to take my eyes off the screen of the laptop. it's just so captivating and enticing!

soooo. what i like about the books.

Schulyer Van Alen: i like her because she's not the spoiled rich girl, she's totally herself and well, kind of like has her own style and all.[about her clothes] she's a blue blood and a vampire! yeah!

Jack Force: OMG! he has feeling for Sky! and it says in the books that he is totally hot! hahaha
he has this friendship with Sky, and at the same time the intimate feelings that he has for her. He is also the Angel of Destruction

Oliver Hazard-Perry: He is the bestfriend of Sky! and a family conduit. he will do anything for Sky because he's in love with her. my gaddd. hahaha

Mimi Force: Jack's twin and they are like bound to each other. for eternity! gadd! Angel of Death. i don't like her because she's making it hard for sky and jack to be together! grrr.

Bliss Llewellyn: She is the other daughter of Alegra Van Alen. She's responsible for the deaths of the other vampires although she's not aware of it. She is also a silver blood.

Dylan Ward: intimate with Bliss. yeeee. hahaha but then he died in Revelation because he was used by the silver blood.

Story: Ok, the story, well actually the love story is that, Schuyler and JAck are in love with each other, the problem is they can't be together because, Schuyler is like the new vampire in the circle of Blue Bloods and she is also half human considering her father. She doesn't have that someone who will be bounded to her just like the other vampires. on the other hand, Jack can't be with her because he is already bounded to Mimi, and disobeying what is meant for Jack will only lead to his death, just like what happened to Alegra Van Alen[comatause] who is Sky's mother. you see, she and Charles Force are also twins and are bounded, however, she fell in love with her human imprint, then comes Schuyler, her father's death and Alegra's coma.
At first JAck thought he was attracted to Sky because he saw in his past the he was pursuing her and totally head over heels to her, however, he was only mistaken because that girl in his past was actually Alegra or the so called Angel Gabrielle. knowing this makes Jack confused because even though he knows the truth he still can't erase or let go his feelings for Sky. Sky on the other hand felt hurt because all of a sudden, JAck started avoiding her. in the end of the first book, she lets go of Jack and went to Venice with Oliver to find his grandfather.

obviously in Masquerade Jack still has feelings for Sky, he actually kissed her in the Masquerade ball. However, he still cant really be with her because well, Mimi Force. Oliver is also in love with Sky! yeah! i knooow! i actually like Oliver because of the jealousy part and the concern and loving bestfriend that he is! gosh! anyway, Sky, learned all these feelings and well, she actually doesnt want to lose Ollie because even though she's not in love with him, she still loves him for being her bestfriend. The reason why Sky knows Ollie's love for her is also because she gave him the Sacred Kiss. making Ollie her human imprint. so technically Ollie is hers.

in revelation, Sky, was force to live with the family Force, because her grandpa loss in the case of keeping her and being her guardian. here, JAck and Sky are secretly meeting and well, doing intimate stuff. Jack is jealous of Ollie, Ollie is jealous of Jack, Sky is jealous of Mimi and Mimi is jealous of Sky. wow. sooo, you see, JAck promised Sky, that he will do anything for them to be together and love each other without keeping it as a secret. Jack told her that he knows a way for them to be together. however, Mimi told Sky, that letting Sky's relationship with Jack, will only put Jack's life in danger and might lead to death. Sky's grandpa, told her that there is no way that Jack can break the bond that he and Mimi has, because that bond is not to be broken and not to be disobeyed, because death will come out of it. Ollie, wanted Sky to choose, because he can never share her with someone. He loves Sky so much but he doesn't want to be played or used. not that Sky is just using her, Sky cares for him but she is just torn between the two, because she loves them both.
Jack is ready to do and give his love to Schulyer, ready enough that he will fight for it. however Sky made a decision that she has to let Jack go because she doesn't want him to die and get punished just because of their love for each other. so in the end of the 3rd book revelation, Sky told Jack that she loves Ollie[she does actually] and that they have to let each other go. She did this for Jack even if this totally breaks her heart SUPER. Jack, doesn't want to accept this because like Sky, hearing all of this is also breaking his heart BiG TiME!
my gadddd.so complicated! they both love each other and they are both miserable and aching because they can't be together. Sky doesn't want to lie to Jack but for her it's for Jack's own good. Jack doesn't want to believe all of these that's why he trashes their secret place, attacked Mimi, and the end kissed Mimi! grrr! i know! how annoying! i am completely blaming that bond that they have with each other! i wish i can break that bond! grrr! because of that bond, they are dependent to each other! grrrr again!
i can feel Sky's misery! awwww.

can't wait for october! Van Alen Legacy! 4TH BOOK!