Monday, May 19, 2008

out of the blue

i dont know what to say. ok, that's a first.
i know i have a lot of things going on inside my mind right now, but i can't seem to find the right words and explain myself in a right way of explaining. bummer!
for the past few days well actually last week is the appropriate term for that, i was locked inside a cage with sparrows roaming outside my window and smoke with blue flame flowing across the road. lol! just joking...
in other literal way, i was just inside the house reading dancing singing and other nonsense that can be done....i don;t have enough choice because...first of all i money is a reason, 2nd is because i'm too far away from the civilized place(lol, just kidding) 3rd would be because there was a storm last week, 4th would be because the distance on my way out of this subdivision is too far! garr.
so, i'm stuck here all alone in the wilderness. hahaha! just kidding...
it's not that it's not fun and all, it's just that GOSH! all i do is read read read AND READ! if you can see my planner it's full of BOOK TITLES! like HELLO? all i do around here is read. not that i don;t clean the house or anything, i manage to be the dishwasher everynight and i always sweep the 2nd floor for the sake of cleaning....and i also take a bath..not that it's not of the usual things i do. lol. i just want to mention that one. oh well, i guess THIS is MY SUMMER....BORING...but i don't know i enjoy's just....oh i don't know. grrr.
another point that i want to share with you my dear is that CLASSES start netx MONDAY for a Lasallian like ME! grr! it's not that i don't want to go to school, part of me wants to go ONLY problem is the "TRAVEL" part. to be honest i'm SCARED! i don't know....maybe because knowing the HOURS that would take me there to school and again to go back home is like....YEARS of get the picture. IT's TOO FAR!!!!!!!! *sighs* i'm also scared because i don't know if i can manage to study or do my schoolworks once i got home, i imagine myself fall to my bed and just sleep...i'm scared of that! you know i have a weakness when it comes to SLEEP! waaah!!! really scary....anyway....i just hope i can manage. and obviously i'm really going to curse someone once it rains or anything!!!! I HATE STORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and FLOODS!!!!!!!!!!! really ANNOYING and EPAL!
i don't what to say anymore....all i know is that 6 days from now i'm sitting in a class room, trying not to be nervous and all....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Last Book of Dream Trilogy

oh yeah! c'mon! hahah!
i'm done reading the last book yeah!
the book is "Finding the Dream" by Nora Roberts.
it talks about the story of Laura Templeton, finding and feeling the real and true LOVE of her life.
she was able to experience the feel of someone wanting her and loving her more than anyone or anything.
i feel so glad and i envy her!! i wish i have someone like the bad and dangerous michael fury. errr...
ok here i go again. hahahah!
i hope to feel that kind of wanting to.
i know it's not yet time for me or so i think it's not.. but i don't know...
no one will know except me i guess....
it's not that bad but..ok i don't know what to say.
i pity Laura at first because she's so ALONE!
i mean...alone in a sense that she doesn't have someone with her like at night...someone to hold her..someone to guide her...someoneshe can depend on... you know.. a LIFETIME partner..
then someone came sneaking behind her back and saw her scrubbing a bath tub. hahahha! i know form the moment they were just teens...LAura had an eye for Michael.. like Michael had an eye for her. ir eally wished they were the one who well....or rather Michael was the guy who Laura fell in love at that she can just have that LOVE the magic or the desire that she has with her...errr..
ok...that's all. hahahahah!