Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Sad Story....

Why is it that people always die when the love story is all about two people in love and the other one is a soldier or works for the military?
how come the soldier always has to go away?
Away as in dead or away as in just gone.
It's always a sad story. and stories like this one makes me want to cry.
c'mon! the girl who get's left behind is so lonely or crushed or torn or whatever!
why do people or these guys promise girls that they will come back even if they are not really sure if they will come back??
they don't even know if they can survive the war or something.
and then again of course these girls will wait or write letters hoping someday their loved one will come knocking on their doorstep.
the sad part is.....sometimes it's not their loved one who will come and knock. it will be the messenger or the captain or the co-soldier giving them the news that that person died in the war and he wants to give you this or that(it can either be a letter or something sentimental)
what a sad sad story.....
i hate stories like this! although i want to watch or read something like this one because it makes me feel so emotional. hahaha!
ok, so maybe i really don't hate it that much.