Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Review: Last Sacrifice

Last Sacrifice Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There are some parts that I wasn't expecting but then there are some that I am sure of. :)

so review review. I'm not actually in the mood to write a review. but well, i just want to blabber right now. sooo here goes.

I love the book. again why? well because there are some of the things that I've expected to happen! but sadly there are also things that i wasn't expecting which frustrates me because there are some that are shocking yet ok, and there are some that are shocking in a sad sad way.

here are some of my points...


1. Friendship. I LOVE Rose and Dimitri's friendship in this book. the idea that they got the chance to talk again and give advice/ support to each other was just amazing. I was really happy when they are starting to have that connection again. Having someone there for you makes your life a little bit easy because you know you have someone to lean on. and that happened between the two of them. of course Lissa and Rose have that kind of connection too. No matter what Rose encounters she's still there for Lissa. She knows that she will die trying to protect her and that's a wonderful kind of trait in a friend. Same with Lissa, she's really trying to clear Rose name and whatever she has to do even when she doesn't want to do them she's still does it anyway. i also like Rose and Sydney's friendship. Sydney was brave enough to trust Rose even if she's afraid. Her strength is worth-knowing in this book. Then there's Adrian. gosh that guy really knows how to make me swoon. I mean even if he's not the fighting type of guy he still do some of the things that he usually doesn't for his friends and well for Rose as well. Eddie, that guy will do anything to help a friend even if he's life is on the line or his career. even Mikhail and Sonya.

2. Pain. Dimitri's pain. gosh. that guy knows how to make himself suffer. both him and Rose. good thing they have each other to help themselves. I understand why Dimitri feels guilty and shuts himself from loving someone and living his life. But well, Rose has a point as well, the present is all that matters now. you should appreciate the little things around you because it's what you have right now. enjoy it, embrace it before it's too late. then there's Dimitri realizing that having a second chance is a gift that shouldn't be put to waste. When Rose went a little crazy there, i was scared that she might totally go insane. Adrian's pain is really really uhmm i don't know. HUGE. come to think of it having the strength and love of your life turn away from you that is devastating. He told Rose that she destroyed his life. and that's a very HUGE statement. i know he's bitter but who wouldn't be he got cheated on. no matter what Rose and Dimitri did even if they are meant for each other, that still doesn't leave the fact that because of them someone's life got crushed. Also he's vulnerable. when he asked Rose if he's going insane just like the others, he's scared of that! and he believes Rose is his strength. :(( (Adrian!! i am here for youuuu!)

3. Honor. I know Rose was upset about killing Victor. yes it is wrong to kill someone like that but she's not in control. same as Dimitri being a strigoi before. I respect Dimitri's "honor" for not taking someone else's girl. but then he still had sex with Rose after saying all that. LOL i find that funny but then I still love that they got back together. :)

4. LOVE. I am really happy with Abe and Janine together. i hope they have a novella or something. you know like with Lissa's parents. :) Sonya and Mikhail. that reunion was really a great moment for them. the crying and the hugging and the kissing. perfect reunion. they were able to forgive and forget because of their love for each other. awww. I WISH THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED TO ROSE and DIMITRI in Spirit Bound. but then it's ok. i love drama. :) Christian and Lissa are still the best couple in this series. they both love each other so much. Christian being a very supportive boyfriend from the start and Lissa returning all of her love just for him. those two are really inseparable. i do wish there are a lot of Christian-Lissa scene. :) Then there's Rose and Dimitri. i knew they'd end up together!!!! i knew it! and I am very happy about it. how they'd come to realize that their love is forever and never really left both of them. how they are completely in sync. how their auras match. how they protect and really care for each other. they have experience LOTS of hardships and pain in their life yet now they were able to have their happy ending. i am just sooooo gleeful i might cry. it's weird though, i didn't cry in this book. unlike the others I always cry. hmmm. then there's also Adrian's love. gosh i really really want to hug him right now!!!! i know he's in pain. and I know he loves Rose so much. but Rose is right, she's not the one for him. that's really hard to accept especially if you really know deep inside that he/she is the one for you then get rejected by that person. aaaaaaaaaaargh. i just really hope I get to read more of Adrian in the spin-off.

other shocking news: TASHA!!!!!!!! i didn't see that one coming. also Jill. i mean i know i'll be seeing her in this book but not THAT kind of situation. Dimitri and Adrian helping Rose TOGETHER. huh.

what i expect for the spin-off. MORE OF ADRIAN of course! also Jill. i don't know but i have this weird vibe about Adrian-Jill love story. i mean it's a possibility considering her crush on Adrian, and Adrian like her, but then maybe it's just brotherly or something. more Sydney as well! and Eddie!!!!! i believe these guys will be the center of the spin-off series.

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Thursday, December 02, 2010

Review: Hex Hall

Hex Hall Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

oooh! I LOVE IT!!!
Sophie is one funny, sarcastic character! I like her a lot.
Sophie kinda reminds me of Evie in Paranormalcy, also Evernight, what with the whole Archer and Sophie thing.

What I like about this book...
well, first, it has some spunk. lol. I really like Sophie. Her character is strong, funny and sarcastic. She's also kind of weird, she says. She's a loyal friend and she loves her mother. I feel sorry for her about not knowing anything about her father and not even meeting him in person. But well, she really handled it pretty well. AND to have a vampire best friend, now that is just brave. :)I like that she's powerful but she doesn't know anything about it, let alone use it. :) Also I like how she thinks. She's a little crazy sometimes that I just can't help but laugh while reading.

Archer, i really like that boy. i mean he's like this boy next door who's funny and easy to talk to. I love him. :) I understand why Sophie can't help but have a crush on him. I mean any guy who's like that and is paying attention to you, it's hard not get attracted. Not to mention he's REALLY good looks.

The vampire best friend, i like her supportive self.
Elodie and her coven, lol kind of like mean girls. I like how they are the meanies in that school, but it's irritating too. I am not gonna elaborate anymore because well it's irritates me just by thinking about them.

Cal, i thought something might go on with them and Sophie. lol He's a JOCK! so i thought you know... something romantic. lol

what i want to know now after reading the book...
spoiler alert

i want to know what will happen to Sophie and Archer! yes! what will happen to their love relationship. after their last encounter, i think it won't be an easy reunion.
Will Sophie go through Removal????
what about her demon self??

oooh can't wait! :)
5 STARS!!!!

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