Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Review: River Cast

River Cast (The Tale of Lunarmorte, #2)River Cast by Samantha Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ohhh boy! Here goes.

I love the 1st book more than this. But it's still soooo good :)

Here are my comments:

Alone/ Lost
Jaeden suffered a lot in the first book. As in really suffered. I was very sad for her then and i am still sad at the beginning if this book. She scared because she don't know how to deal with her love ones and it made her leave them behind. I admire her though in this one because she was still able to face some those fears. With a little help from her mate :)

Caia, i really felt her in this one. You know not being able yo confide with the person she loves because she thinks he's in love with another. Arrrgh! She really really needed him! Plus Sebastian wasn't there anymore for her!!! :( boy, she can really control herself. Even though it's breaking her heart. :( want me to show you how she's hurting?

“I haven’t lost what you have. I’m sorry you can’t be with the person you want.”


Not being able to confide in anyone had brought on a fresh wave of grief over losing Sebastian. If she’d been given the chance to tell Seb she thought Midnights might not be so bad after all... he’d have believed her. No questions asked.

Everyone is in love! Caia, Lucien, Jaeden, Ryder, Laila, Vilhelm! :) love is in the air! Oh! Very possessive lycans in the leash! Ha!

Deception/ War
Really vampyre? I haven't really figure out yet if you're evil or not. Guess i'll find in the last book.
Marita, you know what, i really hate you!

“We were just discussing that. After all, you two aren’t going to commit to your mating, and Lucien and I would have been mates if he hadn’t been obligated to fulfil his father’s betrothal to you.”
----- whatta bitch!!!! I hate this girl!!

One more quote, this one i love:
She would tell you that in the end we only have ourselves, no matter how many friends, allies, or loved ones are in our lives. You have to trust yourself before you can trust anyone else.

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Review: The Selection

The Selection (The Selection, #1)The Selection by Kiera Cass
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another awesome read right here! I can't believe i let this book waiting in my shelf for a loooong time! Not only am i excited about the story, i'm also excited because CW will be airing this show next year! Or maybe later this year!

Okay, first thing, i really enjoyed this book! Like they all said it's inspired by The Bachelor with some Hunger Games - ish added to the mix.

What i like about the characters:

America Singer, at first i was kinda doubting her personality, because i don't know what she really feels. Okay, not really. Ha! I was kinda questioning her love for Aspen. Maybe she really does trust him at first, because she've been really faithful to him. Then he broke her heart. The heartbreak was really reasonable if i say so myself! She was really broken. And plus points for her because she was making herself heal not by jumping to the next guy at once but by just opening herself to friendship with Maxon. I really like it how she's in love with Aspen. He's like her only world and happiness. How much she gave herself wholeheartedly to him. Saving all those money for them/future. Not afraid of the consequences of their relationship. It was also acceptable to me how she forgave Aspen. I mean come on! I don't blame her for being weak. She LOVED the guy for 2 years! Plus they ended it pretty badly! She missed him too!
As for her 'growing'-more-than-friendship with Maxon, well who wouldn't want a friend right? She did it because she admitted that she doesn't want to win his heart. Straightforward like that. She can't help it if Maxon can't help himself. PLUS it was normal for her again to react that way because meaning consider winning The Selection, really, if she thought that Aspen really did move on she should as well. She shouldn't hold herself back to other possibilities right? Besides she said she would TRY. She didn't immediately said yes to Maxon.

Maxon Scheazer, wow you are so dreamy in a very pure way. Lol. He was a gentleman! I don't know what to say really. Just that i like him for being like the way he is. I really hope you find the one that will love you as much as you love the girl. Idk if it's America though. Aspen is still there! You don't even know that you already saw the "dog" who hurt America!!!

Aspen Leger, i was in love with you because America really loves you from the beginning of this book. But i doubted you also because i thought you cheated with America and also it's more like you were greatly attracted to her in a physical way. You are always kissing her! Lol. But that was countered by all those emotional stuff and family and all. So i still like you. And that wink you gave at the end of the book, you are so ready for that challenge! Gosh! Melts.

Okay some of the quotes that i LOVED!!:

1.) “America Singer, one day you will fall asleep in my arms every night. And you’ll wake up to my kisses every morning. And then some.”
------- who in the world would not fall in love just by hearing this? Okay i know Mer is already in love with him, so maybe she her love increased or heartbeat got really fast or something.

2.) “I do, Mer. That’s the point. I can’t make you like me. I can’t stand the thought of you hungry or cold or scared. I can’t make you a Six.”
------ this was one of those heartfelt words that countered the physical attraction. He really cares about her! C'mon! A martyr right here!

3.) "Maybe he’s even with the girl from my send-off. I don’t know. And I can’t do anything about it. But the thought of going home and watching it… I just can’t, Maxon....”
------- see how broken-hearted America was. :((

4.) “Maxon, I hope you find someone you can’t live without. I really do. And I hope you never have to know what it’s like to have to try and live without them.”
------ yep. That's America Singer for you.

5.) “Love you again?” I asked incredulously. “Aspen, I never stopped.”
----- see! I just love this.

I cannot wait for the second book! And the TV series!!!!

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