Saturday, March 17, 2018

Review: Alphas Like Us

Alphas Like Us Alphas Like Us by Krista Ritchie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I can never forget the first MM book that I've read. Now that the third book has arrived, I sure did not put any hold into reading that one. I AM SO HAPPY BECAUSE THIS ONE DID NOT DISAPPOINT.



1. Now that you have it, you can cherish it.
Marrow's love for each other really is top notch and one of the best there is. They understand each other so much that it sometimes feel like they stitched together or made just for each other. I LOVE THAT EVERY DAMN TIME. Now that they are in public, they have the freedom to be all over each other. It was easier than before because although not every one accepts their relationship, the important thing was that Moffy's family and Farrow's accepts them. In the book, they talked about sometimes they can't believe that they are with the love of their life. IT WAS SO ROMANTIC I COULD DIE GUSHING ALL OVER THEM. I was that exhilarated!!!

2. Control is not something you can always have.
Every part of their lives thrive for that control that they want to have. Whether it's their siblings, parents or partners involved. Nothing could change the way things are. Sometimes we just have to accept whatever happens especially if those person involved decided on it. Now, if it all goes south, at least in the end you'll be there to catch them.
I am not making any sense but this was how I felt in the book. What with all the family draamaaaa and relationship drama.

3. Confusion leads to being hesitant and doubt.

Expressing how you feel can be so hard sometimes. Especially if you feel like once you express them others might give you a negative feedback or something. Or sometimes, it could just get you in trouble. When Moffy met Farrow's ex, that was like whoa! red alert. But when that ex turned into a jerk, it was all like all hell breaks loose!
Grandmother Calloway was so callous, I want to pull my teeth.
Thatcher and Farrow expressing hate was not something new here, but when Thatcher explained his side, I was like yassssss!
Charlie and Moffy talking was one of the highlights and I was rolling with happiness!!!!!
Loren, Connor and Ryke's lunch date with Marrow wasn't so bad either!
Hale siblings unite scene was a really heartbreaking moment!!!
Luna acting differently that was something else.
all in all, COULD IT BE ANY HARDER TO DO AND OVERCOME ALL THIS? I was on edge but it all went ok in the end.

Now, Sulli expressing something like what she expressed in this book, was a surprise for me. I never expected her to feel like that or to act on it. Also, Akaraaaaa. I was like WHAT IS HAPPENING???
Donelly hinting something with Luna, oh wow. I know fans are all over that but I did not see that one coming. Especilly Farrow, commenting on it.
I was waiting for some Thatcher and Jane action, but I guess since next book is about them it was ok. BUT I WAS STILL SO HUNGRY FOR SOME COBARETTI. At least the longing looks from Thatcher were there. ha!



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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Review: Letters to the Lost

Letters to the Lost Letters to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“I want to fall into him. I want to let someone else carry this weight, even if just for a little bit. But it's been too long.”
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1. Sometimes talking to someone is the key
- You can never really accept or understand something or someone unless you talk them. Sometimes expressing what you feel towards a situation can help you overcome your worries and your frustrations. It can help you make a clearer view on things. It can help others understand you. Sometimes, miscommunication or lack there of can never really solve anything. It can just prolong the sorrow that exists. Talking to others just to vent out also gives you a relief because at least someone is listening and you get to hear their opinions. You may not like them or you might, but, in the end at least you were able to release those emotions that are clawing their way out.

2. A photo can give you a story but not the whole story
- It’s true that a photo can capture the beauty, the horror, the sadness or an emotion in one single click. It portrays the emotion during that one shot. Sometimes it gives us an emotion on which how we interpret it. But then when you look at it, we don’t really see everything with that picture. We only see that one side or one part of the story. In real life, we choose to give a part of ourselves to others because it’s what we can give. We don’t really meet one person then suddenly share everything with them. It will took time. It will took trust to do it.

3. Judging someone based on impression is not enough to know the person
- Being influenced by others is a major part of our everyday life. It’s not our fault if we think a certain way because initially it’s what we have come to know of. What changes that is when we come to have a closer and much more personal involvement with someone or something. Then we can get the chance to change our perspective.

4. Be brave, you choose your own path
- On the other side of the coin, you don’t accuse someone when they think of you as something negative. Sometimes you have to find that courage to prove them wrong and show them off. They don’t dictate who you are. You are the one who controls it. You actions and your words. Don’t ever forget that.

5. Falling in love in mysterious ways. Literally.
- This teen romance gets me soooo emotional I wanna cry all over again. Meeting each other the way they did is very unusual and beautiful at the same time. Mysteriously is the way to describe it. Having a secret name for being anonymous. Sometimes sharing your deepest darkest emotional secrets to a stranger that gets you is one way to let go. At least someone understands, right? All the ways they interact was also very extraordinary. It felt like the way the fight all the time is flirting. Ha! Anyway, i just want to say that I love how they come to get to know each other!!!!! Loved it so much!

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