Friday, September 14, 2007


waaah! blogger! i'd just watched the movie 1408 at gateway cineplex..

to tell you honestly, i was SO SCARED! as in!! huhuhu!! i think it was my firt time to really tell myself that i want to get out of the cinema room as fast as i can -well of course, i can't do that- hahah! waaaaaaaah!!
i was really scared! as in SUPER scared!
from now on, i'm not going to listen to the song "We've only just Begun"....waaah!
that song is evil!!!

oooh!!the movie "Take the Lead" was an awesome movie by the way..the dance moves are SO COOL!!

okei,,, i 'm not in the mood to write about stuffs right chao!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Teen Idol by Meg Cabot

TEEN IDOL by Meg Cabot from my friend Cara....
Nothing much happens in the small town of Clayton, IN. At least not until major teen heartthrob, 19-year-old Luke Striker, comes to town to research a part for a new film project. Jen Greenley, a junior at the local high school and all-around friend to everyone, is assigned to show him around. The only problem is that no one besides Jen is supposed to know who he really is. Between keeping his identity a secret, lying to her best friend who's Luke's biggest fan, writing the advice column for the school paper, and developing a crush on her friend Scott who happens to already have a girlfriend, Jen is feeling a little overwhelmed. The characters are funny and engaging and the dialogue is just right; both elements redeem the somewhat predictable plot.–

yes, my dear fellow bloggers, another one of cute young adult book from Meg Cabot. it's called Teen Idol.
i started reading it yesterday, and i just finished reading it today. you know at some point when i started reading this book, i somehow quite found it difficult for the protagonist(Jen) to get the "big time teen movie star" as her you know, love of her life(Actually i'm so right! it's not HIM haha! RIGHTEOUS!)....but when i always encounter this other guy(Scott), whom Jen can't stop mentioning or telling the readers how or what her experiences with Scott(the guy) feels like "they're just friends" and all other stuffs. also the fact that Scott already has a girlfriend. blah blah....but in the know that strange and excited feeling that i have been you know always had a feeling that this was the GUY for Jen...-because you know all the scenes whenever they're together always makes my heart go "ekkeeee!" also all those scenes or parts were all SWEET!! all the coincidence that they have the same interest and same books borrowed in the library in grade 5, the part when Scott's chasing Jen in the car wash, when Scott carried her in their retreat just so they could cross a log? or something...and also the part when he said that if Kurt(some jock) would bash Jen's face it's OK for him to sacrifice his own face just so someone could also bash Kurt's face...SO SWEET!!! AND CARING AS WELL!! (I SO WANTED A GUY LIKE SCOTT!!) - aaaaaaah!!suddenly it turned out to be TRUE! hahaha! yeah! i was so excited by the time that he got dumped by his girlfriend....and at the end of the story he's been SECRETLY in LOVE with JEN the whole time...the only thing that's keeping him from doing it(telling her that he loves her.i mean.) was that he thought she doesnt think of him that way, that she treat every other guy the same...u know the NICE JEN....BUT! yah!! they end up kissing each other at KWang's party! yeah!! because Jen figured it out. that she'd been in love with him as well ever since grade 5! yeah!! RIGHTEOUS!


Sunday, September 09, 2007


1:08am: hi, i just finished reading my Lovesick book. it was so TEEn! i loved it! yeah! so there, i have to go to sleep now...

Sunday(normal day): yah! it's the end of my very first sembreak as a college student. so anyway, i still want to read my new books...but i just can't i don't know what's stopping me, but maybe it's because of the fact that i have to go to school tomorrow..and well, that kinda sucks...well not..ugh! you know what i mean. so there, i'm here seating on a couch, listening to some old songs from the radio, typing this crap words for my sunday....yah...well, they're not that's just i'm bored and i can't stop the feeling that i'm afraid to go to school tomorrow...huhuhu!! i want to cry right now!!! well, it's not that bad i guess...waaaaaaaaaaah!! help me get through this semester! just help me! please!

i wanted to go to NEW YORK CITY!!! i just freakin want to!! i want to i want to i want to!! huhuhu!!!

"love will lead you back. someday i just know that. love will lead you back to my arms, where you belong! i'm sure.... one day you will find me again ,it won't be long of these day love will lead you back"...~haha! this is the song playing right now...

Saturday, September 08, 2007

okei, new book strikes again.

wahah! i don't know but i just happened to go to fullbooked yesterday. guess what? instead of my usual habit in going to the Comic section, i actually went in finding the Young Adult section...and i LOVED IT! hahaha! well, it's because there are lots of TEEN BOOKS! -talo pa national- ehheh! so anyway, i went there browsing and reading the summaries in every back cover's of the books that i get. so anyway, i saw this book that i already saw in and i got curious and all and it's like it's been waiting for me there so that i can buy it or read it or anyway...guess what? hahah! yah! i bought it! well, i'm out of control sometimes you know...that's why if you left hanging in a bookstore you should never give me any money at all.

*COMMERCIAL: while i was on my way to the cashier in fullybooked, i saw someone familiar...yah...the girl from my former school, and so i was there walking and staring at her at the same time, then, well she's not looking at me, so i suddenly saw someone with her but i'm not actually sure if that guy was with her or anything, so when i did saw the face of the guy, he was like FREAKIN STARING at ME. you know ME! yah ME! hahah! so anyway, i know that guy because he was the girl's boyfriend. also that guy is from DLSU too, just like me and well, we sometimes see each other along the hallway, corridors, anyway, when i looked up and saw him staring at me, i stared back, and he was like "Uy!" and i was like "Hello!"-smiling at same time and ignoring the girl beside her...i just continued walking and headed towards the cashier...- haha! I was like, "WAAAH! he's cute...and he just STARED at ME!, and i forgot, i have a stupid crush on him. well, nothing serious...he's just, you know extremely cute when he's sleeping and confused? hahah! so about my new book. when my aunt and i were left hanging in the foodcourt. she was like reading the new book that she just bought. she even told me that i should read my new book too. so what i did was, i carefully unwrapped the book with it's plastic cover...-at first, i didn't want to read it because i might you know wreck the NEW book-, but then, i said i can't just sit there and stare at the people eating there food. so there, i started reading as well... here's the book...

Lovesick by Jake Coburn for P355.00 After driving while drunk, crashing his truck into a tree, and wrecking his knee, Ted York no longer has a basketball scholarship to NYU or much of a future. He attends Alcoholics Anonymous on a judge's orders and has been sober for 90 days. When a stranger offers him full tuition if he'll keep an eye on a bulimic freshman for her billionaire father, the teen accepts the deal, expecting it to require little effort. But he hadn't counted on falling in love with Erica, and he finds himself forced to decide whether his loyalty is to her or the man paying his bills. Coburn skillfully balances the issues of alcoholism and bulimia with the fragile love story of two lost teens. Ted and Erica are surprisingly mature and aware of their faults, and their dialogue, including obscenities, is realistic. Erica's father is sympathetic in his genuine but misdirected concern for his daughter. The fast-paced narrative is helped along by frequent e-mails between characters.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Captivating it is. WOW!

ok, Hello again for the second time. I have to admit i'm not really in the mood for writing, and i don't actually get what i am doing right now; but all i know is that i have to write what's in my head or i'll explode and be dead by now.
so here goes....i just spent my whole afternoon reading my very new book called Flipped. And i have to tell you, the story was so undeniably cute. i'm not going to tell the whole story because i'm not a very good "story-teller", but still i can try. well, it's about a girl who has a crush on a boy when she was 7yrs old up to the present. but then the boy didn't like her the way she does for him. in fact the boy doesn't want to be near her because he's to sick and to annoyed of the girl's behavior towards him. but then again in some time, they actually see the real deal. they started seeing as a whole and not just the parts of it. they started seeing what's inside and not just the outer appearance. also they started seeing the spirit that lies within a person.'s so cute..well, we all know what happened in the end. the boy started feeling the same way for the girl and how much he regretted the years that he could had used to spend some time with the girl. little problem was the girl started to close her door for him, but then got confused and then slightly opened it.
ok, so i hoped you got the message...hahaha...i'm not a very good story-teller like i said. hahah!
i really like the story you know. and i started wondering if there was ever something like that that happened in my life before. but then of course there's none. as in zero. nada. period! oh well, life goes differently to all of us. some people like me wants to experience something that i never had. yet some people wants something that i have, or i just think that. oh well. life can be so...uhmmmm..what you call that.....unfair? cheat? i can't come up with the right word so i'll just go with complicated. hahha...yah....complicated it is. sometimes it just makes you go for something impossible to happen and then the next thing you'll know it's right there in front of your nose. ha.ha.ha.
okei, now i don't know what i'm saying. i just think that what if i was like Juli? (the girl from the book) what if i also have a neighbor like Bryce(the guy)? what if you know at some point our paths (the guy, i mean.) will intersect the way it did to the two of them. heavy that i don't even know if i'm thinking right. ha.ha.ha.
okei, to make things short, all i know is that the book is really cute and wonderful. i just hope that Juli got the kiss she was wishing and hoping to have; because they never mentioned it in the book. well they got along fine in the end but, i was hoping that she can be able to experience it. you know,,,,oh well, maybe there's a second book. hehehe..HOW I WISH!!

PS: i just found out that there will be a movie in 2008! waaah! i can't believe it myself either! waah!! i'm so looking forward to seeing the movie! and well, i kinda hope that Anna Sophia Robb will play Juli and Josh Hutcherson as Bryce. I don't know. they just look so cute together. hehehe... i kinda imagine and picture it's so CUTE!and inthe movie Bridge to Terabithia, both of them are neighbors and share the same bus to school.wah!! i hope it's them! wah! please Lord! let it be them!!!
take a look at this video...



My aunt just gave me her book tonight. it's called Stardust. So i read it. at first i was kind of not understanding some of the words but well, of course i can still understand the story.

so anyway, this book is about to be viewed in the big screen so better watch for it. yah! i'm kind of excited myself. hahah!
the story was ok, it was kind of funny too! i'm really hoping that i could watch the movie...

so anyway, here's the book...

Stardust by Stephen Jones and Neil Gaiman
What happens when you make a promise to bring back a fallen star? Teenager Tristran Thorn is about to find out,
as he ventures beyond the wall of his English
countryside town.
After falling in love with the
hauntingly beautiful Victoria Forester,
he sets out on
a quest to fulfill
his promise to his
beloved—and stumbles into
the magical realm that lies beyond.

I just finished reading it at this time..yeah...hahha! i really like the story! heheh! you should read it too!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Rise of the New Books! hahah!

OK, so i'm just here today to introduce to y'all my new books that i just bought from national bookstore, cubao a while ago...hahah! yah! finally! i spend my own money! well, not that i don't spend my own monel when i buy my books, it's just that i spent 1000pesos for 4 books...yah! and guess what? they're all TEEN BOOKS! yah! start of a new beginning! well, not that i kind read them all in 3 days...i can't, well on account of i have many stuffs around here that can distract me, and sometimes i worry too much with my eyes getting tired and all used up; also the fact that i have my 2nd semester on MONDAY! rarr! so anyway, i just hope i can read this,,,rarr!!

here are my new books...

The Year of Secret Assignments by Jaclyn Moriarty for P375.00
The Year of Secret Assignments, a tenth grade English teacher attempts to unite feuding schools by launching a pen-pal project. Best friends Cassie, Emily and Lydia initiate the correspondence, and are answered by Matthew, Charlie and Seb. Emily and Lydia are more than pleased with their matches, but quiet Cassie has a frightening experience with Matthew. When Lydia and Emily discover that Matthew has threatened their fragile friend, the Ashbury girls close ranks, declaring an all-out war on the Brookfield boys. Soon, the couples are caught up in everything from car-jacking and lock-picking, to undercover spying and identity theft.

Uncensored Confessions by Nina Malkin for P499.00 (YAH! I KNOW!finally! after 2 years of hoping to buy this book, i actually bought it na! take note! with MY OWN MONEY PA! waaah! so happy! uncensored confessions gang, namely, moi, jong, gege and topee! i bought our book na! eheheh!)
~Sex. Fame. Rock 'n' Roll. Four kids on the fast track to pop-rock superstardom reveal the uncensored truth about the glamorous, backstabbing world of sudden celebrity. Introducing... The Voice: Sweet, trusting Kendall sings like an angel--and is about to discover her devilish side. The Body: Rich, spoiled Wynn can't keep a beat to save her life. But with curves like that...who cares? The Boss: No-nonsense Stella is all confidence, attitude, style, and smarts. But her relationship with the band's manager makes her more vulnerable than she thinks. The Boy: A/B has got real talent. Now if only he can keep his mind on the music...instead of on the girls. 6X: Idolize THIS!

Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen for P369.00
~Juli Baker devoutly believes in three things: the sanctity of trees (especially her beloved sycamore), the wholesomeness of the eggs she collects from her backyard flock of chickens, and that someday she will kiss Bryce Loski. Ever since she saw Bryce's baby blues back in second grade, Juli has been smitten. Unfortunately, Bryce has never felt the same. Frankly, he thinks Juli Baker is a little weird--after all, what kind of freak raises chickens and sits in trees for fun? Then, in eighth grade, everything changes. Bryce begins to see that Juli's unusual interests and pride in her family are, well, kind of cool. And Juli starts to think that maybe Bryce's brilliant blue eyes are as empty as the rest of Bryce seems to be. After all, what kind of jerk doesn't care about other people's feelings about chickens and trees? With
Flipped, mystery author Wendelin Van Draanen has taken a break from her Sammy Keyes series, and the result is flipping fantastic. Bryce and Juli's rants and raves about each other ring so true that teen readers will quickly identify with at least one of these hilarious feuding egos, if not both. A perfect introduction to the adolescent war between the sexes.

The Hookup Artist by Tucker Shaw for P289.00
~When his best friend, Cate, gets dumped, Cupid-wannabe Lucas seizes the matchmaking opportunity to pair her with Derek, the hot new guy in town. At first, Cate is dubious of their match, and rightfully so, since Derek cant seem to keep his eyes off Lucas. Lucas, who has just been dumped by Marcus, finds himself curiously intrigued by Derek. Soon, he and Cate–both of whom originally feigned zero interest in Derek–dupe themselves into crushing on him at the same time. Shaws sly twist on the old best-friends-fall-for-the-same-guy conundrum is fresh, funny, frolicsome, and not without genuine tension. The characterizations are coyly unique and mingle well with the novels in-your-face style. Plus, the authors keen ability to reproduce current, realistic dialogue enhances the teen appeal. All of these elements help blend the storys overall sense of comedy and reality successfully, resulting in an amusing story of mismatched lovers with plenty of edge.

by the way, these books are all on sale! hahah! on account of that national bookstore is having a sale from august 25 to september 16...hahah!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

the IT-ish is totally cool in Teen Books!

yah as of now, i've come to AGAIN fully realized what i missed from skipping reading more teen books than adult books. yah! it was the "IT" part. you know. i've come to realized that i was reading a more graphical description about IT when i was reading adult books, and now i just realized that i wished that i shouldn't have! because reading teen books that has that kind of topic is really more acceptable, considering i'm a, HELLO? TEENAGER! yah! rar!! again an even more RARRR!! so anyway, not that i can do anything about it. my only problem is, i'm, well, expecting that teen books also have that KIND OF DESCRPITION like those in the adult books i'm reading. and now, i'm disappointed because they don't write things THAT graphically. not that i wanted them to. well, i guess in some young adult books like "Gossip Girl Series" and "Private Series" -that I haven't even READ YET!- have those you know "things" hah! but, you know? do you even get what i'm saying??...being disappointed is something that I SHOULDN'T BE FEELING! because HELLO? Disappointed just because they didn't described it as much as those that i read in adult books? i mean you know, it's totally LAME -not that it's the proper word, Lame, i mean.- for me to feel and think like that. but waaah! i just you know! i want to go back! back from all "my-starting-of-reading-ADULT-BOOKS!" rarr!! i wished i, you know!! i mean YOUNG adult books are what's best for me! i know that! rarr!!

well, i guess enough is enough for this horrible-regretful-ish because i can't do anything about it anymore...
all i know is that a better solution for me to stop thinking like this, is to READ MORE TEEN BOOKS! yeah!!! spend lots of money on that! -not that i have lots of money to spend with.- hahaha!

In addition to this entry, the reason why i started saying all those things up there was because i just finished reading "All-American Girl Book 2: ready or not" yah! -the front cover of the book is right up there in the first paragraph- it totally talks about being ready to do IT or not! hahaha! it's totally funny and you know INTERSETING as well..hahaha!

so read it! i hope Meg Cabot's going to write a 3rd book! yay!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

My New Teen Book!

yah! i just bought my nEW teen book! it's sale at national bookstore...hahahha!

so here it is...

Bloom by Elizabeth Scott for...ahmm...P200-P300 -haha! i forgot!-
In a style reminiscent of the work of Sarah Dessen and Deb Caletti, Scott tells the story of Lauren, a not-so-popular high school junior who is dating the secretly celibate most popular boy in school. Without warning, Evan, the loner son of her distant father's former live-in girlfriend, returns to town and stirs up confusing emotions for Lauren, who once believed that a popular boyfriend was all she needed to secure happiness. Soon, she invents extra band-practice time as an excuse to avoid her boyfriend, her super-stressed best friend, and her empty house, and spends more time with the decidedly not celibate Evan. While the setup is fairly standard fare for YA romances, Lauren's inner conflict over her affair with Evan, and the various lies surrounding it, rings true, and the novel has enough drama to keep readers interested.