Saturday, September 08, 2007

okei, new book strikes again.

wahah! i don't know but i just happened to go to fullbooked yesterday. guess what? instead of my usual habit in going to the Comic section, i actually went in finding the Young Adult section...and i LOVED IT! hahaha! well, it's because there are lots of TEEN BOOKS! -talo pa national- ehheh! so anyway, i went there browsing and reading the summaries in every back cover's of the books that i get. so anyway, i saw this book that i already saw in and i got curious and all and it's like it's been waiting for me there so that i can buy it or read it or anyway...guess what? hahah! yah! i bought it! well, i'm out of control sometimes you know...that's why if you left hanging in a bookstore you should never give me any money at all.

*COMMERCIAL: while i was on my way to the cashier in fullybooked, i saw someone familiar...yah...the girl from my former school, and so i was there walking and staring at her at the same time, then, well she's not looking at me, so i suddenly saw someone with her but i'm not actually sure if that guy was with her or anything, so when i did saw the face of the guy, he was like FREAKIN STARING at ME. you know ME! yah ME! hahah! so anyway, i know that guy because he was the girl's boyfriend. also that guy is from DLSU too, just like me and well, we sometimes see each other along the hallway, corridors, anyway, when i looked up and saw him staring at me, i stared back, and he was like "Uy!" and i was like "Hello!"-smiling at same time and ignoring the girl beside her...i just continued walking and headed towards the cashier...- haha! I was like, "WAAAH! he's cute...and he just STARED at ME!, and i forgot, i have a stupid crush on him. well, nothing serious...he's just, you know extremely cute when he's sleeping and confused? hahah! so about my new book. when my aunt and i were left hanging in the foodcourt. she was like reading the new book that she just bought. she even told me that i should read my new book too. so what i did was, i carefully unwrapped the book with it's plastic cover...-at first, i didn't want to read it because i might you know wreck the NEW book-, but then, i said i can't just sit there and stare at the people eating there food. so there, i started reading as well... here's the book...

Lovesick by Jake Coburn for P355.00 After driving while drunk, crashing his truck into a tree, and wrecking his knee, Ted York no longer has a basketball scholarship to NYU or much of a future. He attends Alcoholics Anonymous on a judge's orders and has been sober for 90 days. When a stranger offers him full tuition if he'll keep an eye on a bulimic freshman for her billionaire father, the teen accepts the deal, expecting it to require little effort. But he hadn't counted on falling in love with Erica, and he finds himself forced to decide whether his loyalty is to her or the man paying his bills. Coburn skillfully balances the issues of alcoholism and bulimia with the fragile love story of two lost teens. Ted and Erica are surprisingly mature and aware of their faults, and their dialogue, including obscenities, is realistic. Erica's father is sympathetic in his genuine but misdirected concern for his daughter. The fast-paced narrative is helped along by frequent e-mails between characters.