Monday, September 08, 2008

If You Could See Me Now

I know, OK, here I go again with my babbling to all of you guys.
You see, i just read a book called "If You Could See Me Now" i was really deeply involved in the story that i can't stop grasping the story in my mind and just held it there. it's like i don't want it to end or it's like I'm wanting the story to go on and lead to that HAPPY ENDING that i want! I really want the story to have a happy ending. although i know it did by making me see that the characters were all happy and contented by just feeling a small part of their lives that they met someone that made them fall in love and then just move on.( i don't think i made that one clear enough) but still, you know me, i always keep on babbling here in this blog that i can't stop myself from saying the things that i want for myself or for whatever story it is that my mind can't stop in forgetting and just move on....grrrrrr.. i can't help feeling but sad, lonely, it's like i want to cry as in really cry but i can't seem to do it. well actually i did cried back in my room when i finished reading the book. yep, as in with tears! hahaha! anyway, it's not funny, i really feel like crying right now, but i just can't, although i feel like I'm crying from the inside. i know i may sound really crazy but i don't know, i just feel like this. and believe i kind of feel happy feeling "This".
First of all, how come some people just end up their stories with somewhat happy YET REALLY REALLY depressing for other readers. Well, readers like me. i just don't get it! they LOVE each other!!! for crying out loud! THEY LOVE EACH OTHER! and that seems to be not enough for them to love happily ever after. OK, given the point that Ivan is immortal or doesn't really exist or imaginary! Even so, how come he has the capabilty to fall in love for someone. Huh? what's the sense of that capability if he can't even really hold on to it in the end!!!! i hate the feeling if i was him, i know he hated or well, he got really really sad that he can't love her normally. that was a really sad THING! so sad that i even cried fo it! haha! NOT FUNNY!
so anyway, given that how come there's nothing that they can do about it? like wish for him to be a normal person or something to make Others see him. how come Opal can't do anything about it? look at her love life, she kept loving the old man until he arrived on his deathbed. really really sad! how come the Jinky joes didn't help at all? the falling star?? waaaaaaaaaaah!
i'm really disappointed because just look at that really DEPRESSING idea. (it makes me want to cry all over again)
and here's another one, the fact that Elizabeth has been abandoned, lonely and afraid of facing what she has or what life she has!!! now, that she found someone that really understands her and love her, that guy isn't even meant to be with her FOREVER??!!! that is so cruel!!!!!!!!!!
how come life for her is like that? didn't she suffered enough for her to face another lost? and this time the lost of the love of her life!??!!

i don't like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, i really like the book and the story. but COME ON!!! i want a happy ending!!!!!!!!! i want Ivan to be a normal person or for him to EXIST in the world of humans so that they could all be happu and enjoy each other's company! for crying out loud Luke is also his FRIEND!!! they make a great FAMILY!!!
okok....i have to

by the way i even have a song for this book.
it's called Come On Get Higher by Matt NAthanson..
i heard it when i was reading the book and, well, the lyrics really remind me of the's like Ivan and Elizabeth's thoughts...waaaaaaah!
