Sunday, September 29, 2013

Review: Sins and Needles

Sins & Needles (The Artists Trilogy, #1)Sins & Needles by Karina Halle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


"It's a beautiful lie
It's a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful it makes me"

Awwww it's all about not messing around with very bad people. For someone like Ellie, she was born in it.

"Lie awake in bed at night
And think about your life
Do you want to be different?
Try to let go of the truth
The battles of your youth
'Cause this is just a game"

She can never erase her past. Especially if something always keeps on reminding her of it. That scar was the very thing that defined her life. She didn't chose it. It just happened to her. Her life sucks then. It still sucks now. Though she did try to leave it all behind, but being a con artist that she was raised from, it doesn't go all the way so easily.

For Camden, his youth was a nightmare as well. Starting from his father, and how everyone treated him so unfairly, even how Ellie broke his heart. Once something struck you so hard and deep it can never go away. Especially if it's your heart. Being broken and destroyed, you'll always carry that pain with you.

"It's time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last
Hide behind an empty face
Don't ask too much, just say
'Cause this is just a game"

This song, A Beautiful Lie by 30 Seconds to Mars really fits this story. And i am loving every lyrics of it.

One thing i know is that love for a person can never really go away just like that. Just like pain will always stain your soul and heart. Love can turn into hate or obsession. It can be lethal and deadly. But, it can also make you feel the peace that you've been craving for. To some, they have the chance to have that peace. But for others? The ones that are not lucky enough? They have to live a lie and sacrifice their happiness to achieve the happiness of others.

Cannot wait to read the second book!

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Review: On Every Street

On Every Street On Every Street by Karina Halle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Do you live? Do you die? Do you live for a fantasy? (Fantasy by 30 Seconds to Mars)

“I tricked myself into thinking it had all been a dream, that none of it had really happened. I pretended that I was falling in love with Javier and that was all to the story. I didn’t let myself dwell on who he really was.”

All it was in Ellie Watt's life with Javier Bernal is a fantasy, it's all a lie. Eden White is a lie. But a better word to describe Ellie's life as Eden? It's a fantasy. Fantasy is a word that can be describe as an illusion going through a person's mind and believing it to be real. Wanting something to be real. In reality? It can but it won't be forever.

It started with revenge, but like Gus said, a people can change his or her mind. There are so many factors that can be involved in this. It could be about the situation, the people around you or the feelings that seep through your skin and mess with your mind or your goal. For Ellie, it all comes down to her emotions.

Believe it or not, a person only has one thing in mind. This is to be loved. We are created to love others and be loved by others, most importantly, we have that mentality wherein we think that we can be truly love by one person who made us feel the love that we wanted in return. It's the raw type of love that will be the death of us. I think, this mentality is what's in Ellie's and Javier's mind.



“That’s the kind of person you think you’re in love with, Ellie. I want you to wake up and see the lie. Obsession is not love. He is a bad man.”

-- to be honest, it is scary to live in a lie. It's ok if you have control and can manage to handle the pressure, but what happens if it becomes your weakness or something that will trigger your weak side? The pain or the fear that will come afterwards will be something that you will wish that you never have to experience.


“I’m scared of him. I’m disgusted by the vile monster he becomes, this beast he lets out. But I still love him. I’d still do anything for him. I can’t just turn off my heart. I want to, I do, but I can’t. I love him with everything I have and I hate myself for it. Because it’s wrong to love him, I know. It’s so wrong.”

-- for Ellie, i pity her. She never expected to love Javier that way she did. She never saw it coming. But she still fell in love with him. That's something that changed all her plans. Her love was able to change her too. She accepted and trusted the man that's why she was able to let go of her revenge and see Javier as her forever. She was able to see the good in him and was able to justify his actions. Yes, he is bad, but she was able to look deeper and she found something essential and wonderful.

-- for Javier, i know he love Ellie or Eden for him. I just know it! I can see it too! From the way Ellie described him in the book. For some reason i think he's obsessed but he loved her deeply. What i don't get is why did he cheated on her????? Why why why? I mean, i know he's a ladies man but that all changed when he met Ellie. So, i wanna know WHY? I mean was starting to like Javier!! I was starting to believe that a bad guy has this soft and sweet side that can truly change him to something good!
GUESS I WAS WRONG? Or not? Can he explain this in book2? Please?


“I went to the bathroom to clean up and was surprised to see the weary eyes of Ellie Watt looking back at me. Judging me. I had been so close to becoming her again. So close to freeing her. She was disappointed, her body marred by bloody smears, bite marks and bruises, physical signs of our troubled love.
I gave her the finger. Then I got ready to go back home.”

--Life can be confusing. Especially if you got hurt then you found out that you still feel the love that you have inside. Feelings make living your life confusing. All you have to do is choose what you think is right. Not what is right in the situation, but what is right for YOU.

I am loving this story!!!!!

Book 2 now please!

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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Book Review: Lost and Found

Lost & Found (Lost & Found, #1)Lost & Found by Nicole  Williams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

One thought came to me while reading this: Damn! Where can I find someone like Jesse Walker?

Someone like that is really really hard to find. You're lucky to even find a glimpse of him in this world.

Ok so, thought?

1. This book made my mouth water.
- every conversation with Jesse was mouth-watering or jaw dropping kind. He's someone you'll have a serious crush on. Like what Rowen keeps saying, he's someone who's hard to get over. I like how their relationship went from flirting to push and pull then to a serious loving kind of relationship.

2. Sometimes it's ok to want something you think you don't deserve.
- who has the right to dictate to you what you should or shouldn't have? It always comes down to you. You have the decision to choose. It's not about what shouldn't happen because you think you're not good enough, it's about making the right decision. It's hard to explain. Lol. For me, you have to choose what's right all the time. Not because you listen to other people or relate it to bad things, you do it because you know it will be good. Or better.

3. Stop punishing yourself.
- don't punish yourself for thinking about all the bad things and choosing all the negative things. Reward yourself! You deserve every reward that you can get. Grab those opportunities and options.

4. It's ok to love and be loved.
- wonderful!!! Jesse and Rowen :)

5. Don't ignore happiness.

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