Sunday, September 29, 2013

Review: Sins and Needles

Sins & Needles (The Artists Trilogy, #1)Sins & Needles by Karina Halle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


"It's a beautiful lie
It's a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful it makes me"

Awwww it's all about not messing around with very bad people. For someone like Ellie, she was born in it.

"Lie awake in bed at night
And think about your life
Do you want to be different?
Try to let go of the truth
The battles of your youth
'Cause this is just a game"

She can never erase her past. Especially if something always keeps on reminding her of it. That scar was the very thing that defined her life. She didn't chose it. It just happened to her. Her life sucks then. It still sucks now. Though she did try to leave it all behind, but being a con artist that she was raised from, it doesn't go all the way so easily.

For Camden, his youth was a nightmare as well. Starting from his father, and how everyone treated him so unfairly, even how Ellie broke his heart. Once something struck you so hard and deep it can never go away. Especially if it's your heart. Being broken and destroyed, you'll always carry that pain with you.

"It's time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last
Hide behind an empty face
Don't ask too much, just say
'Cause this is just a game"

This song, A Beautiful Lie by 30 Seconds to Mars really fits this story. And i am loving every lyrics of it.

One thing i know is that love for a person can never really go away just like that. Just like pain will always stain your soul and heart. Love can turn into hate or obsession. It can be lethal and deadly. But, it can also make you feel the peace that you've been craving for. To some, they have the chance to have that peace. But for others? The ones that are not lucky enough? They have to live a lie and sacrifice their happiness to achieve the happiness of others.

Cannot wait to read the second book!

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