Sunday, October 06, 2013

Review: Shooting Scars

Shooting Scars (The Artists Trilogy, #2)Shooting Scars by Karina Halle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is Ellie in this book,

oh my gosh. This story keeps getting better and better. After reading On Every Street, I was really wanting or more likely BEGGING for Ellie and Javier to get back together. I just thought that it would be so romantic if even with all the lies, deceits and awful situations that they were in, it will always come down on them being in love with each other. I was so set with that idea, but along the way of reading Shooting Scars, i am not so sure anymore. Well, I was sure for like two times when Ellie and Javier had sex like MANY times and they were also able to confess every thing that happened to them 6 years ago. They were able to rip the band aid out of each other's wound. They were able to bring back the past emotions! oh my god! was I wrong to be that romantic in me and tell myself that this will be a happy ending? BECAUSE! well, unfortunately, there's still Camden McQueen. Besides, Javier is still Javier.

This book was able to break my delusional concept of having a happily ever after for Ellie and Javier. Just like all the characters in this book, one thing is real.
Javier is a changed man. Yes, he was different now but I do know one thing. He cannot hide it in this book. I can SEE it! Ms Karina Halle is actually letting us see it. Javier is still deeply and insanely in love with Ellie. He cannot deny that. But then again, he's still full of revenge. He still wants to hurt people. He still wants to kill and the difference now is that he's willing to use Ellie.

As for Ellie, I can't say she feel the same way. Being "in love" i mean. One, it's because she's now in love with someone else. Camden McQueen. She became hopeful to that idea that she can have a future with him. Two, i know she still has those feelings for Javier, but it's not the same just like before. Yes she's weak and she was able to succumb to Javier's seduction but she's more afraid of him now than before. I can honestly understand Ellie's weakness. Yes she was weak. She let Javier do those things to her, not to hurt Camden but because she thought that she has no one but herself. she's all alone.
she thinks that she will never see the man that she's in love with. She was lost and she was scared. She was ALONE. It was a miracle that she didn't lose her mind.

As for Camden, well helloooo Mr. Clark Kent. I think in all this, Camden is saying
I know the rage and pent up fury inside him. He's a very scary person to come across with. I admire his devotion. If one can describe him, i can totally say that he's the very example of a person who give ALL of his love to a person. He'll do anything for Ellie. Yes, he was hurt but love was able to empower all the pain that Ellie caused him. That's how deeply and greatly he loves Ellie. Obsess? maybe. But it's wonderful. I like it.

ok, i don't know what will happen but seeing the 3 of them together is weird and kinda exciting. I love it. book 3 come on!!!

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