Monday, January 25, 2016

Review: Throne of Glass

Throne of Glass Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I cannot put this book down! Omg!!!! 5stars! 5hearts! Perfect!!!


Woot! a week has passed since I've read this book and I am still ga-ga over it. haha!
Well, you certainly can't blame me if you were the one who read it. I can assure you. You will make yourself believe in the good things inside others regardless of their reputation. Ok. So, back up. I'm getting ahead of myself. First things first.

This was my reaction when I realized that I was falling in love with this book. LOL. It's been a while since I've read something like this. I think the last one was a Susan Dennard book. or Leigh Bardugo.

So anyway, what a way to tell a story! Thoughts.... here goes.

1. What a creature you are!
Celaena Sardothien. I cannot even....ok. Hands down! This girl right here. This girl is like WOW. I loooove her! Everything about her is A-W-E-S-O-M-E! I mean everything! Her story was one of the heart-wrenching/sob story ever! I can't even believe how she survived that. Being a prison after what she have been through. Who was I to question her decision/s? I actually like her decisions in life. Knowing you have minimal options that is. Maybe if I was her, I'd just kill myself. That way I don't have to do anything. ha-ha. What a coward am I, right?

2. Oh, Captain. My Captain.
I wasn't really expecting anything from Captain Chaol Westfall. Though I have to admit, I was beginning to find it hard to read his name, so 50% done with the book, I went to Ms Maas website and searched for the right pronunciation. LOL. So, it was "Kay-all". yay. Anyway, like I said even though I was trying to lecture my mind that maybe this dude is just a friend, my mind keep saying, "Girl, I don't think so. Are you blind?" So, then reading the whole book, my mind was right after all. He is not JUST a friend. I actually have a HUGE crush on him. HA! Seriously, this dude likes to brood and be serious all the time but when he loosens up, especially with Celaena, wooot! Ok. keep your mind out of the gutter. It was sweet. Their friendship, even though it hurts sometimes because Chaol isn't really 100% open yet, he is still lovable! hearts all the way for you, my captain. hahaha!

3. Your Highness.
Hello, Dorian! You charming lad you. What I can say about his highness is that I like his easy going self. All his questions and his feelings for a certain someone. It's fun to read his thought and his self doubt. Imagine someone who is so confident then became unsure of a certain part of his life. A part that he extremely wants. oh well. life is full of wonders for your my prince.

4. The competition begins. The dark kingdom breathes.
It's like watching a game show on TV. a brutal one at that. The suspense, the magic and the horror. All are exciting and interesting to read. I never got bored. The evil things in this book... oh boy.

I don't know what to say anymore because anymore words and I might spoil anyone who reads this. yep. no more. shut up. 5STARS!!!

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