Monday, February 01, 2016

Review: Crown of Midnight

Crown of Midnight Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If i thought Throne of Glass was amazing, this book, this one right here is soooo much better!!!!!! I cannot even explain how I couldn't stop reading this book. My eyes are hurting right now because of lack of sleep and exhaustion and yet i kept on reading. Ha ha. My poor eyes.

My suspicions are correct. I knew it! But what I really love about this book is the building relationships with the characters. Some ended but the new ones are worth reading! Oh boy! I couldn't stop myself from squeeing like a silly girl every time I see Chaol's name. Don't get me started on how I extremely appreciate Celaena's character. The best ever!!! Then there was Dorian. I didn't expect that. I was dumbstruck. Lol

Next book here I cooome! :)


My reaction?

1. I knew it! You are not a cruel person. So don't welcome the pain. No.
The King's Champion, that you are. As an assassin you have to be as deadly and as lethal and cunning and (insert every word that can describe an assassin here). Celaena is those words. But she is not that cruel. You know when you just chose to live and believe that someday you will be free of all these and you can go anywhere you like AND be as far away to those things that you wouldn't want to be a part of. yep. I don't believe it's cowardice. In others' eyes she may seem like a coward, but when you experience all that horrible events that she experienced and feel them each day while you breathe, I think, it's brave. Or just surviving. She may easily end her life but she didn't. Ignoring them may not help anyone but herself but if you put yourself in her position, i wouldn't want to trigger something that may or may not allow me to bring back all those pain. Wouldn't welcome them. at. all. So yes. Celaena. I support youuuu! whatever you do.

2. Assassin + Captain = Everything
I don't really want to share anything. Just that these two are really (hafokhasflkjspaoriwuqorujlka) hahahaha! yep. can't explain it. Tingles the spine. Butterflies in the stomach. Mind pure of sweet bliss. Just know that when I read Chaol's birthday I was like:
Everything after was..... hearts everywhere! Happinessss indeed!

3. When there is happiness, there is sorrow ahead.
I was expecting the heartbreak. But i didn't expect that much. I was shocked of what happened. that and many other things that happened actually.

4. ooooh Magic.
Another thing that I didn't see coming. OK. what is his role. Why him? I never thought about it, never crossed my mind. But it was interesting!

5. My FAEvorite.
Aelin Galathynius. This person. And how she was described in this book. How she was identified by a certain person that I have a crush on. yeah. hahaha

6. One last, Hellooooo, Chaol! :)
My thoughts are all over the place. haha! Must read book 3 now.

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