Friday, January 29, 2010

WICKED LOVELY day! as in

ok, today… because i am so worried about not having my OJT yet.. I……



did the LAUNDRY! lol

hahaha ok fine.. i did the laundry but the important thing here is that

i read WICKED LOVELY again. FULL on reading except the Beira parts. kill me now. i’m an addict! lol

I LOVE SETH! yes, i know you knew that already BLOGGER! haha!


Friday, January 22, 2010

Two Way Street

yeah, i read an ebook AGAIN. it’s Two Way Street bu Lauren Barnholdt. you see, the thing is, this is one of the books that is in my list of books to buy. yesyes.

so anyway, the story is good. i love the relationship that Jordan and Courtney has. in how they were able to change each other and go deeper as to actually falling in love with each other. the problem though is that Jordan’s mother is having an affair with Courtney’s dad. sucks! that’s why Jordan broke up with Courtney. he broke up because he doesn’t want him to be the one telling Courtney about the affair. so after the breakup, they have to go in this trip off to Boston for college. i just love. i don’t want to explain anymore. it’s just that Jordan really loves Courtney and it’s sooo cute. COurtney still loves Jordan and they are both really hurting so BAD! awww.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Head Over Heels

i watched this movie way way back.. probably 2004 or 2006? i really can’t remember. but i think i posted this one here before. AND then again i can’t seem to remember when. oh well.

i really love this movie because it’s so funny and cute and romantic and i just love the line

“do you believe in love at first sight? no, i believe you have to look a lot deeper”

AAAAAAAAAAAAH!  sooo cute and romantic. i’m mushy all over. LOL. hahaha

Freddie Prinze Jr. is sooo handsome in this movie as well. Monica Potter is gorgeous. and those 4 models are really really funny and pretty as well!! awwww. i love this movie!!! the song in the credits, perfect!! Love is a Rollercoaster by Ronan Keating! woooo!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stealing Heaven

I know! finally! i was able to read this book! i’ve been wanting to read this for 2 years! hahha i even hid this one in Fullybooked, Gateway last year just so that i can go back to it and buy it. also i’ve been looking at this book in robinsons galleria for i dont know 1 and half years and let me tell you right now, it’s still there! in the same shelf! hahah! so anyway, the book is Stealing Heaven by Elizabeth Scott.

the story was ok, it’s not the comedy type of book that she writes, it’s more of like the first book that she wrote, Bloom. the story is sad and in a way that it’s not going to make you laugh much. i like it because of how the girl, Danielle is struggling from wanting something that she wants all her life yet she thinks she can’t because of how she lives. she always holds back yet when someone is there for her, ergo Greg, she can’t stop herself to fall and just be herself and with him. it’s cute actually. :D i like Greg and Dani’s conversations and ‘dates’ if you could call those dates. oh!!! i forgot, Dani is a thief along with her mom. And also one of the reason why she holds back from Greg is because he’s a cop. cute. :D in the end, her mom had cancer and she was able to live the life that she wants. have her own place, go to school and have someone who likes her just because of her. again Dani and Greg ,cute. :D

i don’t know if i’m still going to buy the book. waah. i want too though. i just have to find something that is for sale. or maybe if i’m in one of my states when i’m not thinking i could actually buy it. hahaha. or when i have lots of money. hahaha again.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Going Too Far

I just read this ebook that i downloaded and really tried searching for the past 3  or 2 days? thank god  found it! i really like it like the way i liked it last year. is that pathetic? wanting something for over a year? maybe, maybe not, i still like it! what. hahah!  so the book is Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols. I like going too far because of the story and normality or nomal-ish that it has. simple yet deep. well for me of course. i like meg’s character because she has this brave thing going on. she’s tough and that something to admire about her. she knows what she wants, she acts on it, although sometimes she doesn’t want to have them for her because she’s scared. Johnafter’s character is also something. i sympathize for him i like him so much too because of his attitude and possessive-cute-boyish-protective way around Meg. i also like him because of his serious way of presenting himself. i like how they were able to grow on each other and learn from each other. how they understand and connect with each other at the same time care and love each other. awww. :D


Love is Hell Anthology, and a SELCHIE!

Love Struck by Melissa Marr:
ok first of all i just discovered a new not so normal character. A SELCHIE!!! let me put it this wa y, first i had it with normal people, like normal teens, then adults, then i went back to teens, then had my first sci/fi romance teen with: vampires, werewolves, angels, zombies, faeries, sorcerer, witch and now a SELCHIE!!! actually i was hoping that i can read something about mermaids or mermen well no such luck because i have is a selchie. what is a selchie you may ask? well, a selchie is a half seal half human creature. they lure or rather they are trapped by humans by getting their half skin.  anyway i don’t want to expound on that… the story is good though. it has something

Fanfiction: Gabrielle Zevin
the story is crazy. i felt sorry for the girl. :( it’s saaad for me. really as in i felt sad at the end and disturb! so i’m not talking about it anymore.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Getting Lost With Boys

i know it’s late and i’m supposed to be sleeping or whatever but i can’t because like it or not i think i have  a reading syndrome or obsession. so anyway, here i am still not sleeping although it’s late… reading a book. or an ebook actually. Getting Lost with Boys by Hailey Abbott. ABout the story, it’s cute hahah. i find it funny and amusing the way Cordelia is always annoyed with JACOB STEIN. well until she found out herself that she is crushing on him. and to top that Jacob actually likes her back. how cute! lol. ok that’s all. hahah! i really don’t know what to say here anymore. i just find the story the usual and cute. :D


Dangerous and more

waaah! i am really happy that i saw and went to as in!! haha! i was able to read the 1st 4 chapters of The Reckoning!!!! aaaaaaaaaah! sooo happy! PLUS! i was able to read Dangerous! Dangerous is a Darkest Powers novela about Derek and Simon’s life before Lyle House. aaaaaaaaaaah! sooo happy to get to know them some more. especially Derek’s emotions and views and Simon’s way of things. hAhah. of course after that i keep thinking what will happen in The Reckoning. the last book in the trilogy??? what what wahT!!!! aaaaaaaah! will it be Chloe-Derek? lots of fans are requesting for that to happen. i mean of course me too, but then Simon' is a good choice too. haha. still Derek-Chloe stands out more. i wish Kelley Armstrong considers righting the trilogy in Derek’s point of view. it wouldn’t hurt no? haha. please consider!!! :D

Another thing or rather book that i read. RADIANT SHADOWS! i knoooooooow! i read the prologue, chapter 1 and chapter. it’s ok. and i’m really really curious!!! what interests me more is the change with the High Court Queen. her emotions, rather she’s having lots of emotions which is sssooo not normal because she must not have those. and of course there’s Seth. Sorcha(high court queen) is really worried about him and she wants him to come home to her court. She’s worried because he returned to the mortal world for Ash. but then upon seeing Ash she’s not even with him. that’s what worries her. i am really curious as to what will happen to Seth and Ash!!! as in!! i know that they are not the focus or the main focus of the book but still! they are included in some parts of the book and THOSE i MUST read!!! gaaaah!

here are the books that i’m waiting to read and desperately wanting to READ. seriously i’m really desperate. hahah

Spirit Bound (MAY 18, 2010)

Radiant Shadows
(APRIL 6, 2010)








Private 11: Scandal (MARCH 9, 2010)


(MARCH 9, 2010)












Darkest Powers 3: The Reckoning (APRIL 6, 2010)



Blood Coven 4: Bad Blood (January but not yet out in the Phil.)











TAKEN BY STORM 2: UNBROKEN CONNECTION– 2010 or 2011?? aaaaaaah


Friday, January 15, 2010


We always want what we can’t have. -Roman

Because if everything’s finite, if everything has a definite beginning, middle, and end, then why even get started in the first place? What’s the point when everything just leads to The End? –Haven

WHO THE HELL IS JUDE ANYWAY? and i mean this in a really interesting way. hahaha

OK NOW I KNOW BASTIAAN DE KOOL whoah! reincarnated version si JUDE. past lover ni EVER! omg!

hello! i just finished reading Shadowland by Alyson Noel. first off, i really didn’t want to read the book because it’s an ebook. and i am planning to buy the book soon, not just now because it’s so expensive. i read it because i can’t help myself. also, i’m really curious who JUDE is! and now i know… sooo

what i liked about the book. obviously i like the character Jude. why? because i am hoping that maybe Jude is the right guy for Ever? again why? because, it says in the book that Jude was the lover before Damen. and just like Ever, Jude is always reincarnated and always present in Ever’s lives. Damen also admitted that he did his best to “cheat” and use magic just to get Ever and just to get what he wants which of course is Ever. he did his best to compete with Jude although he' used magic so in one way of saying it, he did like cheated or something. the thing that bugs me was what Damen is saying in the book. that what if Ever and him was not really meant to be. the reason why Ever always ends up with him is because he’s always finding a way to get to her and be with her. always waiting for her when the right time comes. What if?? hmmm. one thing is for sure though, i would really like to know if that is true and the whole story of Jude. what of Damen just let them be, will Jude and Ever be together? because seeing that they have this amazing connection with each other. you know the gazing, feeling, piercing look, electrifying touch or whatever it is that the book is saying whenever they are with each other. i really want to know more! because the book is not enough. again why? because Ever keeps denying her own feelings. and again ask me why i’m saying this? one thing first, i’m not sure if she’s really denying, but for me i think that she is denying her own feelings. i don’t like the fact that she chose Damen immediately without even finding out what those feelings of her for Jude means. you know, maybe Jude really is fo her in the first place. if you may ask why i keep mentioning Jude here, it’s just i really don’t like Damen. he’s lacking something and maybe, there’s just something lacking from him. while Jude is you know something different. really different. (or then again maybe because i’m just overwhelmed by the new character, haha) also i don’t like Ever that much too, because she always makes the wrong decisions. and those decision are always disasters. she is so stubborn and hardheaded that i just can’t stand her anymore. i’m even irritated. lol. one thing is for sure, im really intrigued with Jude-Ever story. please please please let there be more Jude and Ever. what’s there story before Damen? pleaseeee! i really want to know. obviously, -well i’m just assuming here- that something happened to them in the past because Ever let herself be seen naked in front of Jude or Bastiaan De Kool. waaah i know right. hahah! i just wish that there are more past lives about them. what they are with each other. have they gone out? are they together as in IN LOVE before Damen happen? is Damen really just cheater that he gets what he wants that’ why the so called ‘destiny’ is like that? are Damen and Ever really SOULMATES??? all i know is i want to know more about the Jude character. because in Shadowland, Ever just left him in her house because she ‘thinks’ that Jude is also a rogue like Roman. but then again, i’m not sure about that because Dame told her that the tattoo that she saw might not be the exact one like Roman’s , maybe it’s just really a tattoo.

these question must be answered by the fourth book. PLEASE! :D fourth book will be out on July 2010!!! waaah! PLEASE! JUDE AND EVER.

oh P.S. i’ve always hated HAVEN! i don’t like her! she’s always suspicious.always annoying! and it’s like she doesn’t trust Ever or something. in some annoying way i really don’t like her! grrr


Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Awakening

i know i said that i can't find The Awakening ebook. and believe me i gave up and lost hope. (hahah dramaaa. anyway... while i was reading a new book, which was Black Hills by Nora Roberst, i got bored because i feel like it's all the same... so i 'tried' to search for that ebook again.. i googled it.. then when i typed "The Awakening Lit" then  came a link from demonoid. waah at first it say's that it was still the torrent from yesterday, then i read the rest then i found this Lit file in this link. then Link!!! waaah. demonoid i was soooo happy. so there. i have the ebook! and it's lit! i really love it. and i can't believe that i found it.

so for the story... remember i told you yesterday that i read the 1st ten chapters... so there i continued. the story is soooo good! why? because i like the way Chloe tries and really tries to be brave and not be damsel. Tori's bickering is soo annoying but it adds to why the story is good. Simon, well he's always there ready to defend and comfort Chloe against Tori, make some really comforting acts, like hold hands, whispers and stuff, he's really sweet actually and i think he likes Chloe as in likes her because there was this part that it's like he was about to ask Chloe to go out with him when Derek cuts him off. ok so Derek, he still has this hot temper but in the book as the story goes on, Chloe and Derek had their moments, every time Chloe is in danger, Derek is always there ready to defend her. he always says that it's because Chloe always finds her way into trouble that's why he has to do the rescuing, but well, my mind says that there is something more. as in maybe, he like as in really likes Chloe. again why, everytime Simon has somethng to say to Chloe regarding about his feelings or maybe if they talk, Derek is always interrupting. and i don't think those are by accident. when they got left behind in Albany because of Derek and his "Changing", Chloe was there for him and Derek is always concern i mean EXTRA concern for Chloe. one of the other werewolves even called Chloe as Derek's mate. awww. hahaha then in the bathroom inside the coffee shop were they took care and cleaned each other up. really sweet. also in the bus, where Derek let's Chloe sleep on his shoulder and he sang the song Dream Believer by Monkees which Chloe sang the other night when He was sleeping. lol. how cute. and best of all, he wants her to talk to him. there are times that he pushes Chloe to Simon , yet Chloe ends up opening  all his thoughts to him. if i'm not wrong maybe Derek and Chloe are the you know in this books. lol. i'm ok with it. it's also nice if it's Simon, problem is i think the author made up her mind and chose Derek because reading the books i can see that there are a lot of Derek-Chloe than Simon-Chloe.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Summoning and The Awakening

this book is goooood! i’m not saying it’s a perfect one but i like it and i’m hooked! as always. haha

i started reading this book last night and just finished it today. did i mention that it’s REAAAAllly gooooood! hahah

I like the story because it’s something different.. ok actually it’s not because i read a series/trilogy by L.J. Smith Dark Visions; and i must say that it’s like this book is based from that trilogy, although completely altered. (you know, the story, characters, etccc)

i like Simon the sorcerer for Chloe the necromancer, but i know that it’s Derek the werewolf. ok i do not know for sure. i’m just guessing. Simon may have the looks but he’s did not show great interest in Chloe. there are some parts like the paying attention, the talking, the touching it’s sooo something yet it’s not enough. on the other hand, with Derek, clearly he’s not showing any romantic interest for Chloe, but i THINK there is something, like the concern for her safety and all, the helping part, the curious gaze, the just the the…. haha. ok i really must read the 2nd book! oh by the way, the book doesn’t really focus on the LOVE part here, MAYBE there will be maybe there isnt. it’s more focused on the powers and struggles and friendship… maybe there is the LOVE part… but certainly not in this book..

Story: Chloe, 15, has the ability to see dead people, but before she can figure out what is happening, she has a breakdown, is diagnosed with schizophrenia, and placed in a group home. She befriends some of the teens at Lyle House and tries to accept her treatment. However, two of her more mysterious housemates suggest that maybe she isn't crazy. Derek tells her to look up necromancy on the Internet, and she finds out that it's the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead. He appears to have superstrength, and his foster brother has magical powers. Chloe's roommate, who causes things to fly around the room when she becomes angry, is taken away to a hospital and never heard from again. When she returns in Chloe's visions, Chloe suspects foul play, a misgiving confirmed when the dead speak to her again and reveal that they were "supernaturals" who were experimented on, killed, and buried in the home's basement many years before. Together with her new friends, Chloe escapes Lyle House, only to be betrayed. This suspenseful novel sets up a secret underworld where some people support and help supernaturals, while others persecute them. Armstrong combines bits of horror, teen relationships, and a dash of mystery to create a page-turner.

about the second book, i started reading the 10 chapters then that’s about it. i couldn’t find any ebook or torrent. actually i downloaded one, however it’s not even English! i know right, sucks to be me. hahha. grrr. i really wanted to read the 2nd book, but right now i can only get recaps, summaries and reviews. grrr not enough totally not enough!. i even thought of going to Powerbooks, Megamall tomorrow just to read the book there. hahah i don’t know if that’s lame or anything but i definitely know that it might be a little too much.. hahahha. grrr. well, i just have to behave myself and WAIT! like what i’m doing ever since i finished FRAGILE ETERNITY, BLUE MOON (actually Shadowland is OUT NOW, and i can’t buy it because it’s too expensive and i don’t have money right now), THE VAN ALEN LEGACY, GIRLS THAT GROWL, STARGAZER, HUSH HUSH, BLOOD PROMISE, TAKEN BY STORM, PRIVATE: Suspicion, soooo many seriessss nad they drive meee crazyyyyy.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Slow Burn

i just finished reading this book. i love it but nothing can ever compete with Heartbreaker. hahaha.  ok i really love DYLAN BUCHANAN… yeah. that’s about it. hahah


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Murder List by Julie Garwood

Just finished reading this book. it’s really good. although i don’t know if it will ever replace the first Buchanan book i’ve read before; because that book really brought something to me. memories that are forgettable and emotions that can’t be erased nor changed. i love it sooo much. hahahah!

this one has it’s own way of making me kilig and all. but the sad parts… heartbreaker really got to me. as in. for me, it’s really heartbreaking, espcially for the heroine.gaaah. i even have a song for that book. Goodnight, Goodnight by Maroon 5, it’s playing now actually. lol.

i know that this post is supposed to be about Murder List but i can’t help myself to compare it with Heartbreaker. :D maybe i should just stop. hehe.

i’m thinking about reading another Bucahanan book. i’m still not sure though, because i know i wont be able to finish reading it. gaaah. im so hopeless. haaay.


Star Trek!

just watched this movie tonight. i gotta say i love the humor in Chris Pine’s character. in fact i love his wit and I LOVE HIM. lol.

the story is good too. the effects and all. i love it. hahahha!

i didn’t recognize Eric Bana because of his baldness.

i know i always blog about how I LOVE almost or every movie that i watched, but i just can’t help what i’m feeling… i just love them all! yeah!


Star Trek is really worth watching!!! you guys see it too!


Saturday, January 09, 2010


I just watched Avatar at Robinson’s Galleria with my sister.

I love the story!!! and the effects are really cool too! i like the part that Jake realizes that he has to do something for his ‘brothers and sisters’ even if it means he has to chose them for his own kind. gah, i just love the movie! :D i’m really glad that we chose to watch this one instead of the chipmunks movie. :D


Friday, January 08, 2010

Whip It!


first of all, i liked the movie! it’s sooo teenager! lol. in a “im-going-to-be-tough-and-be-an-adult-teen” kind of way. i really love it actually. i wish i can skate too. i just learned how to ride a bike 2 yrs ago, maybe i can learn how to skate this year. we’ll never know :). the movie is good and i like the movie, why?

1. i like the story. it’s something. about daughter-mom relationship…what parents want for their kids, what the teen wants to be herself or what teen decides and teen’s happiness and stuff.

2. it has a cute ‘love story’ sort of way. lol

3. i’ve always love Ellen Page! (i even like her as Schuyler Van Alen, IF there will be a Blue Bloods movie. :) )


5. i know this is really COMMON comment, but the movie has it’s cuteness factor. lol.


Jennifer’s Body


just watched Jennifer’s Body. :D i’m bothered by the ewwness factor but still a good one. :D

amanda seyfried looks really young in this one. Megan Fox is sick. lol.


The Hangover



the movie is really funny! as in! a bit bothered by the foul words but still really craaaazy and funny movie! :D the movie is also sick with comedy lol.


Thursday, January 07, 2010

Remember my NAME! FAME!


I just finished watching FAME. :D

I wish i can audition too. that may be one of the coolest experience yet very uncomfortable thing that i could’ve experience. :D

i love Asher Book’s voice, it’s simple yet WOW. and also the Denise character has an amazing voice too. Kay Panabaker is really adorable with her tiny voice and pretty face. the character Alice who’s from SYTYCD is a very magnificent dancer! I like seeing Victor playing the piano.

ok, i know the story is kind of SABOG, actually for me, the story is not really that strong. BUT, plus points for the performances, and the kilig moments of Asher and Kay. lol. hahahah!


Dream Factory

i just finished reading this book.  can't say it's one of the best books that i've read before, but it's good. it's has its own way of being and having a good story. i can also say that this is the MOST depressing book i've ever read. swear. i just feel so depress when i'm reading it. maybe it's because of the narrator and the way the narrator feels about herself. she's sooo SAD. and i don't like it very much. 

also, i just bought this book yesterday at Powerbooks, 'm having second thoughts right now if this is the right book that is worth spending my money for..... i think not. :(

here a short description:

"Maybe letting someone know me past the costume, past this summer, past this very moment, is just too much." After her brother dies and her missionary parents move to Africa, recent high-school graduate Ella takes a job performing as Cinderella at an enormous Disney-like amusement park. Luke, who works as Dale the chipmunk, is drawn to Ella, even though he's dating "perfect" Cassie. As in their debut collaboration, Scrambled Eggs at Midnight (2006), the authors contribute alternating chapters, flipping the funny, intelligent narration between Ella's and Luke's voices. The gleefully detailed theme-park background, with its oppressively manufactured "magic," is an excellent foil for the characters' sly, cynical humor and also their earnest questions about how to trust and recognize intuition and individuality, beauty and truth. The hot-pink cover shouts chick lit, but the strong male voice, the upended fairy tale, and the characters' honest struggles will broaden the audience for this thoughtful romance.


Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Rebound

watching this movie right now with my sister. :D
the guy is so adorable and cute. LOL.
and what a unique and weird name too. Erim. haha

the movie is really sweert :D
even if the relationship is a May-September... i must admit, that this is the first "kind" of movie that i really liked. considering the type of relationship i mean.... :D

and i just found out that the guy Erim, is the one i've been crushing on, in the movie "Hangover", he plays the character Doug. :D

short summary for The Rebound:

A 40 year old divorcee moves to New York with her two children wanting a new start. Catherine Zeta-Jones is playing this leading role. She meets Aram who is played by Justin Bartha and only 25 years old and she decides to make her nanny. One thing leads to another and they start fooling around. Things get complicated when they get into the intimate relationship.

My One and Only

Logan Lerman! :D
will watch this right. about. now. LOL

reasons for watching this movie:
actually.. REASON. haaha..
i know i know.. i'm basing my movie preference with the actors in it. but you can't judge me... some people are like that. whatever preferences those may be. LOL.

short recap:

A self-absorbed woman leaves her philandering band-leader husband and takes her two teen-aged sons across the country, searching for a new husband who's worthy-and capable-of supporting her and her family. In their sometimes comedic, sometimes poignant cross-country adventure, they find new levels of self-reliance as they pull together as a family and overcome the unexpected pitfalls of the road.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Wild CHild

i watched this movie last year already, then i read in twitter that it’s going to air at 9pm HBO…. soo i watched it after Inglourious Basterds. i really like Wild Child! and you may ask why, Blogger? i have 3 reasons.

1. Emma Roberts. i love her! :D since Unfabulous.

2. Alex Pettyfer of course! duh! he’s like HOT. H.O.T.! hahaha *swooons*

3. I like British Boarding Schools! not that i enrolled myself before.. it’s just one of my hopeless frustrations. so sad.


Short details:

A rebellious Malibu princess is shipped off to a strict English boarding school by her father.


Inglourious Basterds

woo, hahaha.

so i finally decided to watch Inglourious Basterds/ yeah i know, it’s been a while since i watched movies… i was so obsessed with ebooks i forgotten about my torrent movies. i know i know. i am completely torn. haha

it was actually funny, although i’m not sure if it’s supposed to be funny at all. lol. i know, i’m not an expert or anything but let’s cut the crap and understand what I just thought of the movie and what the movie is all about. (lol., bitch much?) ok fine, i’m not going there…

the movie is fun to watch. i hate the gory stuff because it made me puke. i like the fun parts like their accents and laughable moments…. i hate the Nazis! lol for Italian. HAHAHAH! Bonjourno. HAHAHAH!


Here’s a short summary. :D

In Nazi occupied France, young Jewish refugee Shosanna Dreyfus witnesses the slaughter of her family by Colonel Hans Landa. Narrowly escaping with her life, she plots her revenge several years later when German war hero Fredrick Zoller takes a rapid interest in her and arranges an illustrious movie premiere at the theater she now runs. With the promise of every major Nazi officer in attendance, the event catches the attention of the "Basterds", a group of Jewish-American guerilla soldiers led by the ruthless Lt. Aldo Raine. As the relentless executioners advance and the conspiring young girl's plans are set in motion, their paths will cross for a fateful evening that will shake the very annals of history.


Monday, January 04, 2010

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Evernight Series by Claudia Gray

Ok. i just finished reading the first two books of the Evernight Series. and i am soooo HAPPY AND EXCITED FOR THE 3rd book!!! as in i want to read it right now! actually, i read the prologue and 1st chapter in the author’s website. and waaaaaaaah.
ok. got carried away…

While reading Evernight…: first off, i really really thought that there are NO VAMPIRES in this book. i just thought there is something supernatural in a way, but no vampire. obviously I'm mistaken. when i read the prologue… it says that there are vampires.. but i have no clue if the protagonist or one of the main characters are one. then i suspected, that maybe the enemies were the vampires… but while i was reading, i really can’t understand who the vampires are…. i even thought that Lucas Ross is a ghost or something….. believe me, the book has it’s own way of keeping something to you. as in! or maybe it’s just me… but still, i haven’t gotten a clue until Autumn Ball. before that, Lucas Ross and Bianca Olivier are really gettin’ close and can’t deny their attraction for each other. i can’t blame them. it’s cute actually. Bianca having a small turned to BIG crush on Lucas, even though they just met… and not even talking at first because Lucas thinks it’s for Bianca’s best. Then well, they just can’t stay away from each other.. so they hanged out, went on a date, kissed (GAAH!). so anyway, they had a fight in their first date. (Already!! i know right! LOL.) their fight was about Bianca’s parents, and her life that is like a prisoner or someone being protected from something….(of course, it’s not really like that, or so i thought so,…) so anyway,, they had a fight and well, they stayed out of each other's way. Autumn Ball came and well this Balthazar dude, asked Bianca to be his date. Bianca accepted.. while the two of them were gazing at the stars outside the ball, Balthazar sensed that Bianca has someone else in her mind. so he asked who he is. Bianca said, that he’s Lucas Ross. it’s not that Balthazar is naive or whatever… of course he was hurt, but well, let’s just say he’s a really good person. so they watched the stars, being too close with each other, Lucas appeared and ruined their ‘moment’. Lucas said that he’s just looking out for Bianca(has his own motives actually, both personal and professional, tell you later! LOL) so anyway, Balthazar left and Lucas and Bianca sort things out. they were in the gazebo while they talked. Talked and KISSED(gaaah) they said sorry and make up. talked in a serious way of course and then they are making out. making out as in in a really hungry, i can’t breathe anymore make out type. i gotta tell it’s kinda HOT. lol. then  here comes the i-can’t-believed-that-happened part. what happened, you may asked? BIANCA HAD BITTEN LUCAS' NECK! as in, she just bites his neck. well duh. BIANCA IS APPARENTLY A VAMPIRE> SHOCKERR. the shocking part is that she knew from the beginning. she never mentioned it that’s why the reader(moi) doesn’t know anything.  wait… am i boring you? hope not. ok, to make things short… Lucas didn’t found out immediately what Bianca really is. but he did before Christmas break. so he left her because of Christmas break and well because of his confused feelings. Bianca explained everything in her email to Lucas. Lucas came back, they talked and make up. (i know i’m rushing this.. you probably can’t follow my story anymore. well lezz just say SUCKS to be you. lol) the story goes, then the second bite happened. after that Lucas gained vampire powers. and well they sought help to understand what will happen. so they’ve been told that if Bianca bites Lucas again, they may both turned into full vampires. they did what they could to understand their situation, read books etc. BUT Lucas totally doesn’t want that, to become a vampire i mean. again, you may ask why? BECAUSE LUCAS is a member of the BLACK CROSS. vampire hunters. (i know, i know.. forbidden Love right? i really really want to end this now…) sooo in the end, Bianca’s parents found out when they were all hanging out in their house. Lucas attacked them even Balthazar. Bianca well of course is really confused. Lucas told her that he was really sorry and told her “I love you”, then escaped. ~~~~ THEN, Bianca ran after Lucas. why? because the others cant cross the running water, Bianca being not really a vampire yet, (yes, she is not a full vampire because her parents told her that she was made by two vampires, she can be one if she killed someone’s life) soo she found Lucas and well, because of their LOVE they sort and cleared things out. (haaay LOVE) they ran away together. sought help from Black Cross. in the end, the vampires found them, and they attacked Black Cross, they want Bianca of course, Bianca surrendered herself because it’s the only way to keep everyone safe. she said goodbye to Lucas and that she will always love him no matter what. that they will always find a way to see each other again. Lucas said the same things tooo. (AWW). in the end, Bianca returned to Evernight Academy (yes, evernight is a school lol). Lonely because Lucas will not ever be returning to that school. she got a letter from Vic(Lucas ex-roomate) whom he had gotten from Lucas, including the brooch, black flower (Lucas gave this to Bianca as a gift when they had their date, sold it to a pawnshop when they ran away, and Lucas promised to give it back to her someday.) with that, it’s pretty obvious that they will Love each other more than anyone and anything and no matter what stand in their way…..

while reading Stargazer…: there are so many things that were explained here. obviously Lucas and Bianca are out of reach, although they still had their ways to meet with each other. the first meeting that they had was full of love and passion. (yeah!) ( ok i really want to make this as short as possible…here goes…) these two lovebirds met secretly… but after their first meeting Balthazar caught Bianca.. Bianca explained that she met another vampire who looks really young, apparently that vampire is Balthazar’s sister Charity. so they planned to help each other for their secrets to be kept hidden. HOW? Balthazar will ask Black Cross help to find her sister and not kill her, and Balthazar will help Bianca to see Lucas. again HOW? they will pretend that they are dating… that way they can easily get in and out of the academy. This arrangement doesn’t really suit Lucas. lol. because…
I don’t mean to overreact. I swear. I’m sorry, Bianca. It’s just—I miss you so bad, and we never get
any other chance to talk about all this stuff, and the last thing I expected to hear tonight was that some other guy gets to spend lots
of time with you when I don’t.
” ~Lucas Ross
that explains it right? so anyway…. there is really nothing going on between Bianca and Balthazar, even if her parents are really really happy for the two of them, Bianca is still completely in love with Lucas. (sighs!!! aaaaaaaaaaah) this is not only the complicated part…. when they had their date in an observatory. really sweet and romantic Lucas, took her there because he knows how much Bianca loves the stars.. so anyway, while they were there. things heat up. as in they kissed again hungrily like they don’t like to be ever separated again. they were half undressed now, problem here is that, when Bianca asked if they can do it, Lucas said yes. HOWEVER they are not thinking the same thing. Bianca is thinking about forever with Lucas by biting him and becoming a vampire, while Lucas only thought that were going to have sex. then Lucas got angry and told her that he will never ever become a vampire. here…
“The only words I really heard
were Lucas’s, ringing in my memory: I’ll never be a vampire.
He’d said it before. I’d believed him. But this time it had really hit me: No matter what happened, no matter how much we loved
each other, there would always be a boundary between me and Lucas. I’d endured our separation this year because I’d believed
it wouldn’t be permanent. How could it be, when we loved each other so much?”
~Bianca Olivier
sad right? knowing that you’re a vampire and the only person you’ve ever love is a mortal. what really sucks is that that mortal doesn’t want to be the one thing that you want him to be. being a vampire. what sucks even more is that, being a vampire is equal to being with you forever. really sad. i felt like crying in this part. because well, HELLO? it hurts! you’ve gotta admit it. :(( knowing that that person you’ll love will grow old and die someday, and you’ll be left alone in this world, only having the sadness that overcomes you whenever you think about him. ~~~ okok.. sooo what happened is that when they went out again, the second time that they hunt down Charity, this was the time that Lucas and Bianca broke things between them. really sad. i even thought that they will never going to see each other again because of their situation. ~~~~~~ then, one night, blue moon night, Bianca was in the gazebo, gazing at the blue moon and thinking about the first time he and Lucas went there. Then all of a sudden, Lucas was there with her. (by the way, after that last hunt with Charity, it’s been months that they were apart) She can’t believe it at first but then he really was there with her. Lucas told her that he can’t just leave things like that between them, that he understands her and he even thinks that if Balthazar is making her happy then he’s happy for her too. Thing is Bianca told him that she was never with Balthazar… and she told him everything about the lies of everyone around her, and that Lucas is the only person who never lied to her at all, except for the Black Cross which is only that was Lucas’ duty. sooo she told Lucas everything, 1. The attack of the wraiths when she and Balthazar were drinking blood from each other. (awkward for Lucas. but then Bianca doesn’t care anymore because she doesn’t want to lie anymore) 2. She is not going to become a full vampire. 3. her parents lied to her about what she is, she is half wraith and half vampire. soul and body in that order. 4. she doesn’t know what to do. (i love this part, because when she realized that she lost everything that she had and that she can’t do anything about it, the one person that she loved the most came back and is still there to be with her. they planned to run away together again, away from Black Cross and Evernight. SWEEET. but not so fast. because before everything happens like that way they planned, Black Cross attacked Evernight because of Charity’s evil plan and revenge. many vampires got attacked and were killed so as the hunters. Lucas and Bianca found each other, and they were both safe. ok, i don’t want to explain anymore. in the end, they were safe, Bianca and Lucas. Lucas took her to Black Cross to keep her safe, so as Bianca’s friend and roommate, Raquel. Raquel wants to join Black Cross because now she knows that there is a way to beat the supernatural and she will do anything for that. she also asked Bianca, she said yes… but problem is: 1. shes still hungry and she needs blood 2. she’s with Black Cross and once she drinks blood in front of them they can immediately turn against her and kill her.  3.  black cross is on lockdown and that means their (Lucas and Bianca) plan to run away is on hold as of now.

HOURGLASS!! i can’t wait to read you!!! :(

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Reading Evernight by Claudia Gray!

WHHOOOO! i started reading this book last night.. about 9:30pm. i know the time because i was really pissed off, because i couldn’t have a decent copy of the ebook. grrr and yahoo is making it really hard for me to get it! grrr

so anyway, i will write something about my thought on the book later.

i just finished Evernight today… about 12. soooo beautiful!
