Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Awakening

i know i said that i can't find The Awakening ebook. and believe me i gave up and lost hope. (hahah dramaaa. anyway... while i was reading a new book, which was Black Hills by Nora Roberst, i got bored because i feel like it's all the same... so i 'tried' to search for that ebook again.. i googled it.. then when i typed "The Awakening Lit" then  came a link from demonoid. waah at first it say's that it was still the torrent from yesterday, then i read the rest then i found this Lit file in this link. then Link!!! waaah. demonoid i was soooo happy. so there. i have the ebook! and it's lit! i really love it. and i can't believe that i found it.

so for the story... remember i told you yesterday that i read the 1st ten chapters... so there i continued. the story is soooo good! why? because i like the way Chloe tries and really tries to be brave and not be damsel. Tori's bickering is soo annoying but it adds to why the story is good. Simon, well he's always there ready to defend and comfort Chloe against Tori, make some really comforting acts, like hold hands, whispers and stuff, he's really sweet actually and i think he likes Chloe as in likes her because there was this part that it's like he was about to ask Chloe to go out with him when Derek cuts him off. ok so Derek, he still has this hot temper but in the book as the story goes on, Chloe and Derek had their moments, every time Chloe is in danger, Derek is always there ready to defend her. he always says that it's because Chloe always finds her way into trouble that's why he has to do the rescuing, but well, my mind says that there is something more. as in maybe, he like as in really likes Chloe. again why, everytime Simon has somethng to say to Chloe regarding about his feelings or maybe if they talk, Derek is always interrupting. and i don't think those are by accident. when they got left behind in Albany because of Derek and his "Changing", Chloe was there for him and Derek is always concern i mean EXTRA concern for Chloe. one of the other werewolves even called Chloe as Derek's mate. awww. hahaha then in the bathroom inside the coffee shop were they took care and cleaned each other up. really sweet. also in the bus, where Derek let's Chloe sleep on his shoulder and he sang the song Dream Believer by Monkees which Chloe sang the other night when He was sleeping. lol. how cute. and best of all, he wants her to talk to him. there are times that he pushes Chloe to Simon , yet Chloe ends up opening  all his thoughts to him. if i'm not wrong maybe Derek and Chloe are the you know in this books. lol. i'm ok with it. it's also nice if it's Simon, problem is i think the author made up her mind and chose Derek because reading the books i can see that there are a lot of Derek-Chloe than Simon-Chloe.