Sunday, January 03, 2010

Evernight Series by Claudia Gray

Ok. i just finished reading the first two books of the Evernight Series. and i am soooo HAPPY AND EXCITED FOR THE 3rd book!!! as in i want to read it right now! actually, i read the prologue and 1st chapter in the author’s website. and waaaaaaaah.
ok. got carried away…

While reading Evernight…: first off, i really really thought that there are NO VAMPIRES in this book. i just thought there is something supernatural in a way, but no vampire. obviously I'm mistaken. when i read the prologue… it says that there are vampires.. but i have no clue if the protagonist or one of the main characters are one. then i suspected, that maybe the enemies were the vampires… but while i was reading, i really can’t understand who the vampires are…. i even thought that Lucas Ross is a ghost or something….. believe me, the book has it’s own way of keeping something to you. as in! or maybe it’s just me… but still, i haven’t gotten a clue until Autumn Ball. before that, Lucas Ross and Bianca Olivier are really gettin’ close and can’t deny their attraction for each other. i can’t blame them. it’s cute actually. Bianca having a small turned to BIG crush on Lucas, even though they just met… and not even talking at first because Lucas thinks it’s for Bianca’s best. Then well, they just can’t stay away from each other.. so they hanged out, went on a date, kissed (GAAH!). so anyway, they had a fight in their first date. (Already!! i know right! LOL.) their fight was about Bianca’s parents, and her life that is like a prisoner or someone being protected from something….(of course, it’s not really like that, or so i thought so,…) so anyway,, they had a fight and well, they stayed out of each other's way. Autumn Ball came and well this Balthazar dude, asked Bianca to be his date. Bianca accepted.. while the two of them were gazing at the stars outside the ball, Balthazar sensed that Bianca has someone else in her mind. so he asked who he is. Bianca said, that he’s Lucas Ross. it’s not that Balthazar is naive or whatever… of course he was hurt, but well, let’s just say he’s a really good person. so they watched the stars, being too close with each other, Lucas appeared and ruined their ‘moment’. Lucas said that he’s just looking out for Bianca(has his own motives actually, both personal and professional, tell you later! LOL) so anyway, Balthazar left and Lucas and Bianca sort things out. they were in the gazebo while they talked. Talked and KISSED(gaaah) they said sorry and make up. talked in a serious way of course and then they are making out. making out as in in a really hungry, i can’t breathe anymore make out type. i gotta tell it’s kinda HOT. lol. then  here comes the i-can’t-believed-that-happened part. what happened, you may asked? BIANCA HAD BITTEN LUCAS' NECK! as in, she just bites his neck. well duh. BIANCA IS APPARENTLY A VAMPIRE> SHOCKERR. the shocking part is that she knew from the beginning. she never mentioned it that’s why the reader(moi) doesn’t know anything.  wait… am i boring you? hope not. ok, to make things short… Lucas didn’t found out immediately what Bianca really is. but he did before Christmas break. so he left her because of Christmas break and well because of his confused feelings. Bianca explained everything in her email to Lucas. Lucas came back, they talked and make up. (i know i’m rushing this.. you probably can’t follow my story anymore. well lezz just say SUCKS to be you. lol) the story goes, then the second bite happened. after that Lucas gained vampire powers. and well they sought help to understand what will happen. so they’ve been told that if Bianca bites Lucas again, they may both turned into full vampires. they did what they could to understand their situation, read books etc. BUT Lucas totally doesn’t want that, to become a vampire i mean. again, you may ask why? BECAUSE LUCAS is a member of the BLACK CROSS. vampire hunters. (i know, i know.. forbidden Love right? i really really want to end this now…) sooo in the end, Bianca’s parents found out when they were all hanging out in their house. Lucas attacked them even Balthazar. Bianca well of course is really confused. Lucas told her that he was really sorry and told her “I love you”, then escaped. ~~~~ THEN, Bianca ran after Lucas. why? because the others cant cross the running water, Bianca being not really a vampire yet, (yes, she is not a full vampire because her parents told her that she was made by two vampires, she can be one if she killed someone’s life) soo she found Lucas and well, because of their LOVE they sort and cleared things out. (haaay LOVE) they ran away together. sought help from Black Cross. in the end, the vampires found them, and they attacked Black Cross, they want Bianca of course, Bianca surrendered herself because it’s the only way to keep everyone safe. she said goodbye to Lucas and that she will always love him no matter what. that they will always find a way to see each other again. Lucas said the same things tooo. (AWW). in the end, Bianca returned to Evernight Academy (yes, evernight is a school lol). Lonely because Lucas will not ever be returning to that school. she got a letter from Vic(Lucas ex-roomate) whom he had gotten from Lucas, including the brooch, black flower (Lucas gave this to Bianca as a gift when they had their date, sold it to a pawnshop when they ran away, and Lucas promised to give it back to her someday.) with that, it’s pretty obvious that they will Love each other more than anyone and anything and no matter what stand in their way…..

while reading Stargazer…: there are so many things that were explained here. obviously Lucas and Bianca are out of reach, although they still had their ways to meet with each other. the first meeting that they had was full of love and passion. (yeah!) ( ok i really want to make this as short as possible…here goes…) these two lovebirds met secretly… but after their first meeting Balthazar caught Bianca.. Bianca explained that she met another vampire who looks really young, apparently that vampire is Balthazar’s sister Charity. so they planned to help each other for their secrets to be kept hidden. HOW? Balthazar will ask Black Cross help to find her sister and not kill her, and Balthazar will help Bianca to see Lucas. again HOW? they will pretend that they are dating… that way they can easily get in and out of the academy. This arrangement doesn’t really suit Lucas. lol. because…
I don’t mean to overreact. I swear. I’m sorry, Bianca. It’s just—I miss you so bad, and we never get
any other chance to talk about all this stuff, and the last thing I expected to hear tonight was that some other guy gets to spend lots
of time with you when I don’t.
” ~Lucas Ross
that explains it right? so anyway…. there is really nothing going on between Bianca and Balthazar, even if her parents are really really happy for the two of them, Bianca is still completely in love with Lucas. (sighs!!! aaaaaaaaaaah) this is not only the complicated part…. when they had their date in an observatory. really sweet and romantic Lucas, took her there because he knows how much Bianca loves the stars.. so anyway, while they were there. things heat up. as in they kissed again hungrily like they don’t like to be ever separated again. they were half undressed now, problem here is that, when Bianca asked if they can do it, Lucas said yes. HOWEVER they are not thinking the same thing. Bianca is thinking about forever with Lucas by biting him and becoming a vampire, while Lucas only thought that were going to have sex. then Lucas got angry and told her that he will never ever become a vampire. here…
“The only words I really heard
were Lucas’s, ringing in my memory: I’ll never be a vampire.
He’d said it before. I’d believed him. But this time it had really hit me: No matter what happened, no matter how much we loved
each other, there would always be a boundary between me and Lucas. I’d endured our separation this year because I’d believed
it wouldn’t be permanent. How could it be, when we loved each other so much?”
~Bianca Olivier
sad right? knowing that you’re a vampire and the only person you’ve ever love is a mortal. what really sucks is that that mortal doesn’t want to be the one thing that you want him to be. being a vampire. what sucks even more is that, being a vampire is equal to being with you forever. really sad. i felt like crying in this part. because well, HELLO? it hurts! you’ve gotta admit it. :(( knowing that that person you’ll love will grow old and die someday, and you’ll be left alone in this world, only having the sadness that overcomes you whenever you think about him. ~~~ okok.. sooo what happened is that when they went out again, the second time that they hunt down Charity, this was the time that Lucas and Bianca broke things between them. really sad. i even thought that they will never going to see each other again because of their situation. ~~~~~~ then, one night, blue moon night, Bianca was in the gazebo, gazing at the blue moon and thinking about the first time he and Lucas went there. Then all of a sudden, Lucas was there with her. (by the way, after that last hunt with Charity, it’s been months that they were apart) She can’t believe it at first but then he really was there with her. Lucas told her that he can’t just leave things like that between them, that he understands her and he even thinks that if Balthazar is making her happy then he’s happy for her too. Thing is Bianca told him that she was never with Balthazar… and she told him everything about the lies of everyone around her, and that Lucas is the only person who never lied to her at all, except for the Black Cross which is only that was Lucas’ duty. sooo she told Lucas everything, 1. The attack of the wraiths when she and Balthazar were drinking blood from each other. (awkward for Lucas. but then Bianca doesn’t care anymore because she doesn’t want to lie anymore) 2. She is not going to become a full vampire. 3. her parents lied to her about what she is, she is half wraith and half vampire. soul and body in that order. 4. she doesn’t know what to do. (i love this part, because when she realized that she lost everything that she had and that she can’t do anything about it, the one person that she loved the most came back and is still there to be with her. they planned to run away together again, away from Black Cross and Evernight. SWEEET. but not so fast. because before everything happens like that way they planned, Black Cross attacked Evernight because of Charity’s evil plan and revenge. many vampires got attacked and were killed so as the hunters. Lucas and Bianca found each other, and they were both safe. ok, i don’t want to explain anymore. in the end, they were safe, Bianca and Lucas. Lucas took her to Black Cross to keep her safe, so as Bianca’s friend and roommate, Raquel. Raquel wants to join Black Cross because now she knows that there is a way to beat the supernatural and she will do anything for that. she also asked Bianca, she said yes… but problem is: 1. shes still hungry and she needs blood 2. she’s with Black Cross and once she drinks blood in front of them they can immediately turn against her and kill her.  3.  black cross is on lockdown and that means their (Lucas and Bianca) plan to run away is on hold as of now.

HOURGLASS!! i can’t wait to read you!!! :(