Sunday, June 09, 2013

Review: Before Now

Before Now Before Now by Cheryl McIntyre
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars!!!! I'm such a sucker for sweet asshole-bad boys falling in love with super sweet caring good girls. I know i know opposites attract and this is such a cliche, but come ON! It's so freakin' adorable!!!!

Just look at that right there!
This reminds me of Park and Lucy plus this song kept on playing in my head while reading:

"You're such a hard act for me to follow
Love me today don't leave me tomorrow, yeah
But if I fall for you, I'll never recover
If I fall for you, I'll never be the same

I really wanna love somebody
I really wanna dance the night away
I know we're only half way there
But you take me all the way, you take me all the way
I really wanna touch somebody
I think about you every single day
I know we're only half way there
But you take me all the way, you take me all the way"

Love Somebody by Maroon 5

For me, this is how Lucy feels because she can't stop what she's feeling and her heart and body is demanding for Park. Yes she's scared because she doesn't have that assurance that this boy will not break her; but she can't help it if her heart is screaming for someone so difficult.

For Park, this song fits him as well because just like Lucy he's also scared. Scared that if he gave it all he'll come breaking down again if all hell breaks lose. He knows he wants Lucy so bad but he doesn't think he can manage to live if he lose her too.

1. I think about you every single day.
- reading this line from both of their POVs was just so heart melting. If you can't stop thinking about each other, maybe you should be together already! I mean come on! Yes, you have your issues but what can you do if that person is the one that makes you really happy and makes you feel like you can breathe easily? Go for it!

2. Wake up already!
- stop pushing that person away!!!! You will only keep on hurting yourself. Didn't you realize that if you feel hurt because of your actions that you are actually hurting that other person as well? Stop and think for a second, ok!?!

3. Stop messing around! All the waiting!
- just for the love of ---- stop it! It's really good that you have that capability to wait every singe time! But i really love it that you gave voice to it. You shouldn't wait like that if you always end up being the loser or the one who gets nothing out of it. I've heard of unconditional love but sometimes it looks like your suffering because of having those feelings.

4. Of you sweet boy.
- i can't even--- i just don't... I can't help but smile! That ending!!!! :D

5. You of all people should know that you guys are PERFECT for each other!
- just perfect.


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