Friday, November 26, 2010

Review: Reaper

Reaper Reaper by Rachel Vincent
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Since I'm playing favorites, and due to my undying love for Tod Hudson this novella deserves 5stars! :)

first of all, it's so nice to see Tod's perspective and how much he loves his mother and his brother. I love how he's always calculating and doesn't do something in a total rush. He's a good boy with ordinary faults. Being able to give up his life for his brother is another quality that makes him a wonderful person or should I say reaper. :) The way he cares for his mother is another big thing. *sighs* i love him. :) yes I am completely smitten and swooning right now. :)

however, I can't remember if he mentioned the "incident" to Nash in the other books. I guess I should read again..... or maybe Nash will find out in the 5th book? my gosh I am so excited!

also!!!!!!!! SPOILER ALERT

OMG!!!!!!!!! Tod found Kaylee first!!!!!!!!!!!!
does this mean anything???? seriously! and Kaylee saw him too!!!!! Even though they can't remember it on the 1st book, or maybe only Kaylee doesn't remember considering her state of mind at that time....OMG!!!!!!!!!!!
please tell me that these two are destined to be together! although I don't how that could be possible considering the reaper thing. BUT hell! what does this mean??? They saw each other first. :) i am so giddy right now, I wanna get my claws--errm I mean hands on the 5th book! If I Die!!! :)

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