Friday, November 26, 2010

Review: Saving Juliet

Saving Juliet Saving Juliet by Suzanne Selfors
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

WOW. Romeo and Juliet story with a modern twist. I LOVE IT.
i mean first of all, some might say it sabotaged the original story, but for me, it's really good! I actually enjoyed reading it.

The story is about obedience and standing up for yourself. Also about how society shapes you, And of course love. :)
Mimi was controlled by her mother and what society dictates her for a long time,yes she was pressured and I can't help feeling sorry for her because she's must do what she is told. Same thing with Juliet and her mother. Juliet Capulet's life was being run by her mother and she can't do anything about it because no matter what she do her mother always wins. BUT then because of Mimi all of that has changed. for the better. :)

Troy is the same as Mimi, i mean he has his own image to uphold. Thing is, due to that, someone got hurt in the process. also due to that self attitude, he was able to give the wrong signals to the girl that he like and crazy about. :)

Romeo, romeo, wherefore art though Romeo? lol. anyway, Romeo is really DEPRESSED in this book. I mean I never read the original book so maybe he really is liked that before he met Juliet. He's so soft and vulnerable. a ROMANTIC i might add. I love it all the same. When he first gazed at Juliet it was like boom! "I love that girl." lol. I know it's not likely possible or realistic but then maybe to some people it could really happen like that. IDK, never experienced it myself.

i like Mimi's crush on Benvolio at the beginning until that horrible scene happened. UGH! i thought it might play well, i mean I like Troy to be with Mimi, but another guy to make him jealous couldn't hurt right? but then it all went downhill thanks to that awful thing that Benvolio did. gr..

my question is this, what would you do if you saw Romeo staring at you? or if you just happen to lay your eyes on Romeo in the flesh?
my answer? i don't really know, i might just stare in awe and wait until I stopped feeling the excitement that might come pouring out of me. :)

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