Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Review: My Soul to Steal

My Soul to Steal My Soul to Steal by Rachel Vincent
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

WONDERFUL STORY! Bittersweet, heartfelt and very painful! I LOVE IT!

I really like this book compared to the other 3. This one has a lot of emotions that continue to play in and out of my head. It actually bothers me a lot because of how Kaylee keeps on getting hurt. I really really pity her in this book. I mean c'mon! She feels like she's not wanted by the people around her! Feeling unwanted sounds really painful and every time her fears are being described in the book I can't help myself to feel sorry for her.

Another one, Nash. Nash is also hurting. I know, he did some unforgivable things but that doesn't mean he's not sorry. He's saying he loves Kaylee, but how come he gave up his memories of her in the third book? (and other matters that I am not going to mention because it may contain spoilers) However, I can't help myself to shout at Nash, "WHO'S it gonna be Nash!!?? Kaylee or Sabine!?!"

Tod, is a different matter all together. From the first book, I was actually in love with him! gosh I love you Tod! Marry me! :)i want you reaper! i need you! LOL
anyway, he said some things here that really hurt Kaylee, not him hurting her literally, but some of his perspectives regarding Nash, Kaylee and Sabine. I don't know if he's saying that for the sake of his brother, for the sake of Kaylee's emotions or for HIM. (yes, i think it may be his intentions as well...i'm still suspecting here... but i really WISH my suspicions are true. :)
Another matter about Tod, well, I THINK he's having feelings for Kaylee. as in not just a "friend" but in a different level. see here...
****Tod and Kaylee moments.****

His fingers wrapped around mine loosely, then squeezed, and I thought I saw the slightest swirling of colors in his eyes.
My pulse leapt and I blinked, breaking eye contact, then blinked again, confused by what I'd almost seen.
Tod stared at me for just a second longer, then shook his head, and his ironic grin was back.

(does this mean anything????? i REALLY think it does!)
Kaylee: "Wouldn't you be mad if I told you to give up on someone you love? Just... hand her over to someone who doesn't even deserve her?"
Tod gave me a strange, sad look I couldn't interpret, and the blues in his irises shifted subtlety before he got control on them. "Yes I guess I would."

(my favorite part!)
Then strong, warm arms wrapped around me from behind. "I've got you," Tod whispered in my ear, as Avari charged us.

I don't know if these meant anything at all or they are just simple gestures. BUT c'mon!!!! i LOVE THEM TOGETHER!!! :) This book hurt me to much I don't care if Nash ended up with Sabine! :( soooo I'm sticking with TOD! :)
but how can someone have a happy ending with a reaper? hmmmmm.

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