Monday, September 20, 2021

Review: Kingdom of Ash

Kingdom of Ash Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It has finally come to this. The ending!
Where do I even start?
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After a week of diving deep to TOG world, I can definitely say that this series did not disappoint at all. It has everything that I want for a fantasy story. It gave me all the goosebumps, exhilarating feels and all those spine-tingly feels haha!

The first chapters were kinda slow-paced but it gets better every single time I turn the page. It makes me crave to know what happens next. This book has at least 8-10 POVs, it feels like watching a tv series haha! Each POV is captures those components that you want from a character and to the scene unfolding.
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1. How harsh can Aedion get?
Boy, Aedion is really mad isn't he? A very cold guy at that. I know he has the right to get mad here, because he felt deceived in a way, but can't he see that it's not a personal decision. It's a matter of saving the entire world from those evil creatures. Every conversation and how he ignores Lysandra is actually a cry-worthy scene, all. the. damn. time. How could youuuuu ignore her? She's hurting too. That scene when he threw her out in the cold and she didn't even fight him for it. *sobs*
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2. That sick f*ck Cairn and Maeve. Stop with the torture.
I just...I hate them so much. What they did to Aelin and Fenrys, grrrr. I want to push them or drown them.

3. Rowan is swoon-worthy here, I still can't believe I'm saying this haha!
Rowan is pulling off all the swoon-worthy standards I cannot even think of what to say here. How he fight so hard to find Aelin is the best sad-love story here. That scene when he finally found her. A killing machine that silver-haired fae. Everytime Aelin did something that surprises him, he still finds a way to get to her. His cry for every pain endured due to the thought of losing his mate was really heartbreaking. Knowing that he was deceived by that evil valg queen, allowing him to think that Lyria was his mate, but all this time it was actually Aelin. That conversation he has with Aelin, and Aelin saying that she felt the pull but she didn't want to tell Rowan because she doesn't want to hurt him or that maybe he has two mates in that lifetime. I am not even making sense but you know, I don't care haha!

4. Elide and Lorcan, moreeee please.
The hate from Elide was harsh. As harsh as Aedion haha! But what I like about them was the scene when Elide asked Lorcan how could she love someone so evil and cold as Maeve, because she wants to know how she could do the same by loving Lorcan. That got me so emotional, I just want to bang myself to the wall. haha! Also, the battlefield when Elide searched for Lorcan. Thaaaaat was a scene that I want to watch someday on screen. The devastation when she found him close to death and how she struggled to carry him by horse to reach the gate. Lorcan even attempted to throw himself because he was too heavy and they might not make it on time before the dam breaks, and then declares that he loves her. OMG. Then Elide just gripped his arm and won't let go. Ok! I'm gonna cry in a corner now.

5. Whoa, Dorian.
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Dorian is one of the characters that has grown so much. He persevered. He accepted. He is the best in this book. How he handled his role in this book is awe-inspiring. I do not have the words.

6. Chaol and Yrene, those sweet moments erase all the heartbreaking scenes from the other characters
It was a good thing that this two exists haha! Amidst all the fighting and painful scenes from the other couples, at least these two is consistent with how happy and content they are. Yesss, Chaol really is my favorite character haha!

7. The Thirteeeeeeen! Manon :(
That was just brave. From the start, there dedication to Manon and to their group was one of the highest loyalty out there. What they sacrificed in this war knowing that they do not have any other choice for what they have to do. HANDS DOWN! I can feel sad for Manon though. :(

8. The Cadre, can I just say how I want to be friends with all of them?
The four men are all swoon-worthy characters. Each of them deserves their own book. lol just saying haha! Gavriel, sacrificed his life here. I just wished that he didn't. :( He loves his son so much that he was willing to sacrifice himself. I cannot. They could have bonded after the waaaar. He was such an easygoing guy. Rowan's BFF. I cannot. I'm gonna cry. Lorcan even though he's cold and dark, he loves Elide so plus points. Fenrys, this guy. I don't even know how to describe him. He suffered the most because he was tasked to just watch Aelin being tortured. He watched his own brother kill himself. What did he ever do to deserve this??? AND ROWAN, Rowan Whitehorn, he suffered the most. I'm gonna stop at that.

9. That very exhausting war. How are they keeping it up. Hands down to Lysandra and Aedion.
I feel so stressed and worn out while reading the battle scene. I just wanna scream and say, I WANT TO REST.

10. Aelin, you are breaking my heart.
Fireheart. I want to hug youuuuuu! Those heartbreaking scenes when she's saying "I just want it to end."; "I'm so, so tired." I was really saaaaaad for you. How she brave it all and gave sooooo soooo much to all of it. But it's still just never enough. How could life be so cruel to her. :(

11. That happy ending.
I'm just gonna say that I loved how it ended. How the villains died soooo sooooo happy about that. The coronation, the weddings. Yassss.

I have no more words. I'm just sad that it ended :(

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