Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

gah! so, when i was reading NEW MOON in MEgamall, that was also the same day that i bought ECLIPSE! wah!
i can't believe it either! i have the 3 books of Twilight Series! gah!

i started reading Eclipse MArch 13, 2008. gah! i love it because Edward will NEVER ever leave BELLA! EVER! hahah! he was also very protective and not allowing BElla to come see the -according to Edward- mongrel.. haha! jacob, i mean. so i liked that part. i also like the part when Bella asked edward to do the the most passionate and intimate thing that couples do, but obviously., edward refused because he thinks that he might kill BELLA.... sighs... but that doesn't mean there were no intimate parts in the book. wah! hahah! thinking about it makes me feel the kilig factor. hahah!

Thursday, i quoted, "Gah! I'm still obsessed with TWILIGHT SERIES! I can't control myself! I think I'm losing it. But then again I'm happy.....maybe because i haven't read series for like, what? DECADES? haha! oa..."

hahah! so, there, i read and read and read,,,and when Saturday came..i READ! as in READ! never leaving my place!

i hate the fact that BELLA realized the he's in love with JACOB BLACK. gah....when i was reading that part, i wondered what Edward is thinking. although he's not mad at her for loving Jacob, I'm still curious if GREAT PAIN came over Edward. because, i don't believe he's not HURT! gah! oh well, Edward is like they say in the book, unselfish...but i still don't think he's not HURT! that can't be! gah! i hate Jacob for kissing BELLA! and Bella actually respond to that kiss! gah!! i hate hate hate that PART! i know that BELLA loves EDWARD MORE THAN JACOB...but i still hate that PART! gah!!! EPAL! rar! hay... I'm happy BELLA accepted Edward's marriage proposal! that part was REALLY SWEET!!! traditional but gah so romantic!!! shit.
I'm kinda sad for Jacob and anxious what might happen to him in Breaking Dawn....what happened after Jacob feels the way he felt in the epilogue part of Eclipse
wah!! i want to see and read an excerpt of Breaking Dawn...anytime i might be found dead here with my laptop. ahhah! oa again...gah!!


i know this entries sound really weird to you guys...but i can't help it! it's what i'm feeling as of the moment! gah!!

According to Stephenie Meyer,,
gah!! she chose EDWARD! and she will forever chose him!
because like she said SHE can NEVER LIVE without EDWARD CULLEN!
i'm positive about it! hahah!

BREAKING DAWN!! august2!!! gah!!
I also like to read MIDNIGHT SUN so BAD! gah!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer Part2

<--THE CULLENS! Wah! today is the day! hahah! I'm reading NEW MOON! hahah! yeah! but...before the reading part, i have to go through school! gah! I'm very eager to get over school and just continue reading NEW MOON, so there, gah school!

Funny thing today is that i can still feel that EDWARD left me too. hahah! yeah! how insane of me. i can feel all the pain inside my chest. i was about to cry, but i know that won't be necessary. hahah! gah! i feel so depressed and lonely! haha! i know I'm not supposed to feel what BELLA is feeling but i can't seem to understand myself either. gah again! i felt my cheeks were really hot. hahah! there's a hole in my chest just like BELLA, and my knees are trembling! shet! i think i have a disorder of some sort. haha! but then i can still feel that I'm normal. hahah! gah.

About the book i hate the fact the Edward left Bella! gah! and i was irritated that JAcob has to fall in love for BElla! gah!

i hate the part that' i had been patient reading the chapters that Edward isn't involve. wah! maybe because i have a better control on myself and i don;t like to spoil Edward's return. IF HE DOES RETURN....
well, to my surprise he did! and almost lost his life! gah! thanks to BELLA>...gah!
I'm so angry at Edward because he left, and the words that he left Bella which is, "It's as if I've never existed" gah! i hate you EDWARD!!! i hate you!!!gah!!! i hate because Jacob has to replace him! gah!! well, not actually replace because Edward is STILL the TRUE LOVE of BELLA...gah!
i can't explain my anger...but...i don't know...i can't.. hahah! all i know is that every chapter that Edward is away, i keep on screaming in my room like an insane person, saying, "gah!! EDWARD COME BACK ALREADY!!! GAH!! i hate you for leaving!! why?Why?!" haha! sounds pretty silly huh? hahah! yah i know that about myself and it's pretty funny! HAHAH!

i remember, one morning when i was on the way to school, I'm listening to the songs in my cellphone and every song i listened to was, WELL i think IS CONNECTED to NEW MOON and TWILIGHT> hahah! i kept on closing my eyes, and remembering all the scenes and chapters in my head. gah! hahah!

Okay, i you are to chose, vampires? or werewolves? hmmm...
i pick vampires! because 2 WORDs damnit! EDWARD CULLEN!

Monday, March 10, 2008

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer Part1

NewMOON! wah! remember my previous entry? well, i said I'm OBSESSED right? well here i am, and i just bought NEW MOON! i didn't care if it will make me hungry and poor because of using my school money., ahhaha! gah! sorry i really am addicted with this! haha!
so there, March 10, 2008, i bought NEW MOON! gah! i started reading it when i went home.
This book is when Edward will leave BELLA! making Bella suffer and all that craziness-depression-ish. wah! I'm really drawn with this book, it's as if i can feel the suffering of BELLA! the numbness the hole in her chest. EVERYTHING that makes her upset! it's like EDWARD left me too! (hahah! ang feeling! ahhah!) well, anyway, it's what i felt, when i was reading it. rar! I'm stuck with the phrase that Bella quoted when she was in the depression stage, "Past fading, Future impending"...wah! it's time for me to sleep! and I'm still not in the part na Edward came back! IF he does and WILL come back! gah! i hate the thought that he won't be coming back! it's like killing and pulling all out all the insides in your system and mind. the only hard part is that those insides fight to be taken away from their place! shit....wonder when i can be deep as Shakespeare...or whoever classic author was there...maybe i could make all of you cry! haha!

anyway...i must sleep! school tomorrow. shit. and there's a transport strike, meaning NO JEEP! shit. so there, later.!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Okay, i might be a little malabo and weird and obsessed AND CRAZY, but well, you know well enough blogger, so don't complain why i speak or talk like this in here! haha!

So here goes, last week, uhmm March 5, 2008, to be exact, i accidentally and unintentionally bought a book, that i didn't even know that I WILL LOVE! SHET! so anyway, the book's name is TWILIGHT by Stephenie Meyer. At first i thought i won't be reading any book as of now. and to even prove to you why i was going that path was because i packed ALL my UNREAD and READ books, put them all in a huge box and sent them away to our new house, which is in CAinta. haha! funny thing is, i let my new bought-book stay under my sister's bed(my pretend book case). i didn't actually knew what the reason was, but i guess i don't want to send all my books away so i kept one, in case i changed my mind in READING again. actually, i don't have any reason for me to read again, i guess I'm just tired, preoccupied and maybe a bit lazy to read as well. but then BOOM! hahah! after i send all my "babies", i went inside my sister's room and well, i searched the internet and typed TWILIGHT in the search engine. so there, when i saw WHAT WAS INSIDE THAT BOOK, i was sooooo...well i can't explain and i can't think of any adjective to describe that feeling, but i think i felt my myself a bit crazy. maybe it's also because the pictures of the Characters are really beautiful! the characters!!! wah!!! i think that's the first thing that struck me and influenced me to read the book. but then, at that time, it wasn't enough, because i'm still LAZY, and seeing the SIZE and the PAGES of that THICK book! gah! i'm like, I DON'T THINK SO, JOAN!" there, when i was holding the book and unconsciously STARING at it, i was like, what the hell, it can't hurt. (oh!! i guess i have another "theory" why i don't like to read books at the moment, especially series; well because i know that once i started reading, i know that i won't be able to control myself and I'm going to be obsessed like what i am right now. gah!)
SO there, I'm reading the book! and i can't help but read it and read it and read it, until i realized that i was REALLY enjoying that book! guess i haven't read any book like that before, or it's just because i haven't read any books like THAT for a long time. the book was a PAGE TURNER! hahaha! i love it. but then time has to break all the excitement I'm feeling at that moment, because i have to live the house to watch a play. gah. but then, you know what, i didn't care, because i brought the book along with me, i even decided to buy the 2 books. so i decided to go out the house and went to National Bookstore, Cubao! hahaha! yah i know, crazy me! hahah! there, i was expecting to see PAPERBACK copies of NEW MOON and ECLIPSE, but then i only saw a HARDBOUND copy of Eclipse, so i said, maybe some other time. because GAH! books are really expensive, even if it's sale! GAH! they are HARD BOUND books! i can't afford at that time, so there, i said i just have to wait. GAH! so what i did was, i just bought another series, which is the VAMPIRE DIARIES series. yeah! hahaha! i guess I'm totally obsessed with vampires now. hahah! then after that i went to DLSU, well, first i ate lunch at Jollibee, waiting for my friend to came while i was READING TWILIGHT! haha! (how obsessed, right?!) hahaha!
so yeah, i kept on reading and reading and reading..i got home from school and read again. next day nstp, i brought the book with me! hahah! although i didn't read it in the site, so when i got home, i slept and did all my HWs,...after ALL that, i began reading again...then at about...2-3am I'm done reading the book! gah!! so beautiful.
I'm in love with EDWARD! i even wished I'm BELLA! gah!! EDWARD CULLEN iS THE PERFECT GUY! shit! i can't believe and accept that he's just a fictional character. hay...
but then again, TWILIGHT is GREAT! all of you should read it! the love story was so captivating and GAH! hahaha! i like the part when BELLA is irritated because she doesn't know why Edward "hates" her and why HE doesn't want to be friends with her. although Edward is acting the i-should-stay-away-from-Bella act, he still can't keep himself away from her! wah!! it makes my spine tingle when i'm thinking about this! wah!!! it's a really wonderful book! and i can't wait to see the movie! i also like the playlist that Stephenie made in her site. gah! I'm so obsessed! shit.
obsessed..hahah! the next day, i read the first chapter of Midnight SUn, it's a book, well it's the story of Twilight, only it's from edward's point of view. wah! amazing author you are MEYER! gah!

Friday, March 07, 2008