Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer Part2

<--THE CULLENS! Wah! today is the day! hahah! I'm reading NEW MOON! hahah! yeah! but...before the reading part, i have to go through school! gah! I'm very eager to get over school and just continue reading NEW MOON, so there, gah school!

Funny thing today is that i can still feel that EDWARD left me too. hahah! yeah! how insane of me. i can feel all the pain inside my chest. i was about to cry, but i know that won't be necessary. hahah! gah! i feel so depressed and lonely! haha! i know I'm not supposed to feel what BELLA is feeling but i can't seem to understand myself either. gah again! i felt my cheeks were really hot. hahah! there's a hole in my chest just like BELLA, and my knees are trembling! shet! i think i have a disorder of some sort. haha! but then i can still feel that I'm normal. hahah! gah.

About the book i hate the fact the Edward left Bella! gah! and i was irritated that JAcob has to fall in love for BElla! gah!

i hate the part that' i had been patient reading the chapters that Edward isn't involve. wah! maybe because i have a better control on myself and i don;t like to spoil Edward's return. IF HE DOES RETURN....
well, to my surprise he did! and almost lost his life! gah! thanks to BELLA>...gah!
I'm so angry at Edward because he left, and the words that he left Bella which is, "It's as if I've never existed" gah! i hate you EDWARD!!! i hate you!!!gah!!! i hate because Jacob has to replace him! gah!! well, not actually replace because Edward is STILL the TRUE LOVE of BELLA...gah!
i can't explain my anger...but...i don't know...i can't.. hahah! all i know is that every chapter that Edward is away, i keep on screaming in my room like an insane person, saying, "gah!! EDWARD COME BACK ALREADY!!! GAH!! i hate you for leaving!! why?Why?!" haha! sounds pretty silly huh? hahah! yah i know that about myself and it's pretty funny! HAHAH!

i remember, one morning when i was on the way to school, I'm listening to the songs in my cellphone and every song i listened to was, WELL i think IS CONNECTED to NEW MOON and TWILIGHT> hahah! i kept on closing my eyes, and remembering all the scenes and chapters in my head. gah! hahah!

Okay, i you are to chose, vampires? or werewolves? hmmm...
i pick vampires! because 2 WORDs damnit! EDWARD CULLEN!