Monday, March 10, 2008

New Moon by Stephenie Meyer Part1

NewMOON! wah! remember my previous entry? well, i said I'm OBSESSED right? well here i am, and i just bought NEW MOON! i didn't care if it will make me hungry and poor because of using my school money., ahhaha! gah! sorry i really am addicted with this! haha!
so there, March 10, 2008, i bought NEW MOON! gah! i started reading it when i went home.
This book is when Edward will leave BELLA! making Bella suffer and all that craziness-depression-ish. wah! I'm really drawn with this book, it's as if i can feel the suffering of BELLA! the numbness the hole in her chest. EVERYTHING that makes her upset! it's like EDWARD left me too! (hahah! ang feeling! ahhah!) well, anyway, it's what i felt, when i was reading it. rar! I'm stuck with the phrase that Bella quoted when she was in the depression stage, "Past fading, Future impending"...wah! it's time for me to sleep! and I'm still not in the part na Edward came back! IF he does and WILL come back! gah! i hate the thought that he won't be coming back! it's like killing and pulling all out all the insides in your system and mind. the only hard part is that those insides fight to be taken away from their place! shit....wonder when i can be deep as Shakespeare...or whoever classic author was there...maybe i could make all of you cry! haha!

anyway...i must sleep! school tomorrow. shit. and there's a transport strike, meaning NO JEEP! shit. so there, later.!