Sunday, February 28, 2016

Review: Red Queen

Red Queen Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was ok. I don't love it and I don't hate it. But boy oh boy. If I was ever given a chance to talk to the characters, it will be like this:

To Mare Barrow:
I just can't. Your life was already horrible. Then you stumble into a far worse experience that could ever happen to you. If I were you, I might've just chosen the life in that war that you were dreading. Well, that's just me.

To Prince Cal:
Please keep this in mind. Many betrayed you Prince. All of you were betrayed actually but compared to all of them I think you are the most innocent.

To Prince Maven:
GRRRRR! Maven. I mean. Hello Maven. errr.

also, this:

This pretty much sums up my reaction for this book.

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Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Review: Queen of Shadows

Queen of Shadows Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Oh. Oh. Let's embrace the point of no return.

I just have one question. WHY? to everything!!! Why?! Ok. Not really everything. Don't get me wrong. I love the book. I swear I do. I just couldn't accept everything that happened. Now i have to wait monthssss to get my hands on the next book. Can you blame me if I wasn't satisfied?

1. The ship has sailed. Or drowned. Ha ha ha. Not.
No moreeee. No more C.C. Now i am devastated. And now i keep hearing that Lorde song, that i should embrace the point of no return. No more. :((( but whyyyyy?? There are parts in the book that are shredding every bit of hope that I have and yet i keep on ignoring them. Until the very end. It was like a slap or a blast of cold wind. Then nothing.

2. Aedion and the ghost leopard.
I can focus on these two. Let me please. Please? Ok. Haha! I loooooove everything about Aedion.

3. The fae-prince and her.
It wasn't a shock but still. I have no words but, acceptance. :(

4. The crown prince of Adarlan.
I only have 50% hope that you'll survive your fate. The other 50% won. Hahah!

5. Manon.
You never disappoint me!

And because i'm sleepy and i can't really think right now, full reaction on this book to follow.

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Saturday, February 06, 2016

Review: Heir of Fire

Heir of Fire Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Heir of Fire. Heir of Fire. HEIR OF FIRE. FIRE. haha!
What I felt after reading this book. :))


1. Again, why must you separate.
I understand that they need the separation thing but that can lead them to another path. It did by the way and right now I am so eager to know what will happen next!

2. "You left me." - Celaena.
Ohhhh Celaenaaaaa, you're breaking my heart!
Again, I know nothing could be done with the death of her parents and her kingdom, but knowing the happy days of her life with them makes me want to wish that they didn't die. :( Then followed by Sam's death and Nehemia.... :( Then there's her feelings for Chaol. *sighs*
Celaena you cannot escape the pain that love gives.

3. Captain of the guard. Traitor. No more title.
Chaol Westfall, no matter what happens I will support you all the way!

4. The prince is in love but the happy days are numbered.
Boy oh boy! Dorian you didn't. But you did! I'm happy for you. Really I am. But the aftermath, not so much. :( It's like Anakin Skywalker of Star Wars. hahaha! But in this one you were not given a choice. I was sooooo shocked. At first, I was like noooo that cannot happen. I mean. WHAT?
What about the happy ending part. Then I realized, oh no. If he has no happy ending that means......yes. (silent scream here) That actually happened. Dorian :(

5. That firelight within.
Nothing can be said about what happened in the fight in Wendlyn. Celaena was so brave she didn't care at all what will happen to her. But then something awesome did. AMAZING!!!! But yeah, those flashbacks tho. some were nice especially the ones with her parents, uncle and cousin. Even with the little quiet prince. awww. Then the slaughter happened. :(

6. Hello! Cousin! Aunt and New Friends!
So the cousin. I like him. haha! I love his dedication and loyalty to Aelin. Even when they were little. One of the things that is amazing about him is that he was able to endure all the wicked things and wasn't seduced by the power. Come to think of it, he can easily succumb to evil given that his people are gone but he didn't. Nice choice cousin. Nice.
Oh the wicked Aunt of the Doranelle. haha! I don't like her. no. not gonna say anymore.
Then there's a new prince. Hello, Rowan. Very broody this guy. Serious and silent yet a deadly weapon like Celaena. All those times that they spent together. woooot! BFF award goes to Rowan. HAHA! Mistward friends are fun too! I was really hoping to be a part of that story time session that they have. Seems nice to just sit there and listen to all the stories being shared.

Next booook, please!!

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Monday, February 01, 2016

Review: Crown of Midnight

Crown of Midnight Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If i thought Throne of Glass was amazing, this book, this one right here is soooo much better!!!!!! I cannot even explain how I couldn't stop reading this book. My eyes are hurting right now because of lack of sleep and exhaustion and yet i kept on reading. Ha ha. My poor eyes.

My suspicions are correct. I knew it! But what I really love about this book is the building relationships with the characters. Some ended but the new ones are worth reading! Oh boy! I couldn't stop myself from squeeing like a silly girl every time I see Chaol's name. Don't get me started on how I extremely appreciate Celaena's character. The best ever!!! Then there was Dorian. I didn't expect that. I was dumbstruck. Lol

Next book here I cooome! :)


My reaction?

1. I knew it! You are not a cruel person. So don't welcome the pain. No.
The King's Champion, that you are. As an assassin you have to be as deadly and as lethal and cunning and (insert every word that can describe an assassin here). Celaena is those words. But she is not that cruel. You know when you just chose to live and believe that someday you will be free of all these and you can go anywhere you like AND be as far away to those things that you wouldn't want to be a part of. yep. I don't believe it's cowardice. In others' eyes she may seem like a coward, but when you experience all that horrible events that she experienced and feel them each day while you breathe, I think, it's brave. Or just surviving. She may easily end her life but she didn't. Ignoring them may not help anyone but herself but if you put yourself in her position, i wouldn't want to trigger something that may or may not allow me to bring back all those pain. Wouldn't welcome them. at. all. So yes. Celaena. I support youuuu! whatever you do.

2. Assassin + Captain = Everything
I don't really want to share anything. Just that these two are really (hafokhasflkjspaoriwuqorujlka) hahahaha! yep. can't explain it. Tingles the spine. Butterflies in the stomach. Mind pure of sweet bliss. Just know that when I read Chaol's birthday I was like:
Everything after was..... hearts everywhere! Happinessss indeed!

3. When there is happiness, there is sorrow ahead.
I was expecting the heartbreak. But i didn't expect that much. I was shocked of what happened. that and many other things that happened actually.

4. ooooh Magic.
Another thing that I didn't see coming. OK. what is his role. Why him? I never thought about it, never crossed my mind. But it was interesting!

5. My FAEvorite.
Aelin Galathynius. This person. And how she was described in this book. How she was identified by a certain person that I have a crush on. yeah. hahaha

6. One last, Hellooooo, Chaol! :)
My thoughts are all over the place. haha! Must read book 3 now.

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