Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Review: The Crown

The Crown The Crown by Kiera Cass
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Awww this is it. The end! :(
Btw, I still don't want this to end. haha!

The book was actually just simple but I still liked it. This actually built characters that had me assuming that a certain thing will go like this or a certain someone would end up with that person. But then those never happened. I was slightly blindsided, I guess. I mean if I haven't seen the spoiler in Pinterest, I might reacted exaggeratedly. All in all, this book has shown falling in love without expecting it, maturity and making decisions not only because you loved the people around you but because you think that it is the best one, taking a risk means a lot and of course family-love!


I just want to say that every time Eadlyn and Eikko are together I'm like....
"Just kiss already, please!!!"

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