Saturday, January 06, 2018

Review: If There's No Tomorrow

If There's No Tomorrow If There's No Tomorrow by Jennifer L. Armentrout
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a roller coaster ride of emotions. This book made me feel a little crazy that I just have to stop when it got too much. ha ha. YA books always make me feel like this. Too many emotions for teens.
One minute I was like...

then the next...

Major thought: LENA WISE was a one tough girl.

1. One big mistake can change everything.
Do we ever really know when we're about to make a big mistake? Sometimes, we know or we are conscious about it but there are times that we simply don't expect it. All we have to do is to always think before we act. Sometimes accidents happen and we simply can't control the situation.

2. Living for yourself is not entirely selfish.
Don't ever try to stop living because you feel like you have to punish yourself for impacting a disastrous incident on other people. Especially, if it's not your fault entirely. Yes, being partially responsible makes you feel guilty but in the end, you can never choose to erase that event that played out. You can never go back and have a redo. All you can do is try to survive and work your head on straight and learn from that incident. It's not selfish at all.

3. What does waiting do? None of us are promised a tomorrow. We don't always get a later.
This quote really did a number on me. It made me feel like reaching up and getting all the things that I want now, because you'll never know what tomorrow could bring.....
Waiting doesn't do anything but just feel that existence of every living moment that I have. Like I was just here... breathing and thinking and just doing mundane stuff. ACT NOW. ACT NOW ACT NOOOW. lol.

4. I knew I couldn't go back and start a new beginning. I couldn't rewrite the middle. All I could do was change tomorrow, as long as I had one.
The feeling of regret will always come when we feel like we have done something wrong, or when the effect did not go to the way that we though it would. This quote made me think that every tomorrow that we get is a chance for us to do something worth it. To do something valuable to our lives, like accomplishing simple and off-the chart stuff that we want to do. Like, do not waste all your time doing something that you don't want but always do something you know that is right. Of course, to someone like me, I always overthink that's why I don't usually get anything done. haha. But, this quote makes me want to really try. And I will, with the perfect time....

It's YA, it has romance, it has friendship, it has family, and it has drama. I LOVED IT!
THE ROMANCE WAS JUST WORTH IT. I LOVE IT. The bestfriends things. the balcony, the nightly chats, the tent....Sebastian was just so dreamy. hahah!
I know it's not just a simple life of a teen dealing with bad decisions, it's about making others relate to the realities of life. This could happen to anyone and I love how it could make an impact on others decisions and actions. Making others more aware of the consequences that their actions could bring.

Thank you Ms Jennifer Armentrout for writing such wonderful, eye opening, forgiving and enlightening book!!!

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