Thursday, January 11, 2018

Review: Once and for All

Once and for All Once and for All by Sarah Dessen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Thing's end. Even with the best--or greatest--of beginnings.

I know this quote can really make a person down or feel negative vibes, but in reality, this does really happen. It's just how we accept it.

SOOOOO, this book made me feel giddy-excited and cry-in-the-corner kind of feels. ha ha. It was refreshing yet bittersweet. I LOVED IT!

1. Everyone's always in their own world, when it's still an option.
- It's always a choice to be left alone. Sometimes it's easier to just be in a quiet environment once in a while. It gives you that special peaceful moment that you didn't know that you crave. It's easier to just not talk and listen to nothing. If you can, why not, right? I'm not saying that I want this all the time, but if you have that option, I'm sure to take it.

2. All anyone really wants from another person is their attention.
- Seriously, every action seeks attention from others. We do things because we want to be noticed. Ok, so, to some, it might not be 100% attention but a portion of it is still about getting attention. I guess it's normal because we are co-relative to others, if we put it scientifically. However, I believe that we do this just because it makes us feel a part of something. In this case, we want others attention because it's our way of showing our reactions and feelings. We want to share what we are experiencing or just simply saying that we want to share what we have.

3. It was like my life had been silent in a way before, and now there was a soundtrack, the very best music playing along in the background at every moment.
- Having that best romantic moment in which you felt that spark or that change inside you, makes me wanna swoooooon. The romance part in this book was so sweet I just want to cry because Louna felt that feeling. Makes me wanna feel what she was feeling at that moment. That precious feeling that you want to treasure forever.

4. The dead aren't the only ones who vanish; you, too, can disappear in plain sight if enough is taken from you. I was still missing, in many ways. And I wasn't sure I wanted to be found.
- Heartbreak, lost and endings can be really depressing. It devastates me that these kinds of events can lead to awful and blood-curling loneliness. Sometimes it's easier to be numb all through out but you can't really deny and ignore these. It will always come back to haunt you especially if you haven't let them go. It's not easy to move on from these. It can either make you stop living life or just hide away from it all, but nothing really solves that, doesn't it? How can you move on though? I don't really know how to cope if I ever experienced that.

5. So many things we ask for, hope for, prayers put out into a world so wide: there was no way they could all be answered. But you had to keep asking. If you didn't, nothing even had a chance of coming true.
- I BELIEVE THIS! Try and try until you succeed! I'm not saying that we just have to wish and not act on it. I know it doesn't work like that. What I'm saying is that maybe if you really want it and believe in something, we can actually achieve them. I wish and pray because I want something. I believe that if I keep thinking about them, that it will have a chance to actually happen. There's no harm in wishing. It feels good actually

AMBROSE's character was so bright I just want to put him in my pocket, just so I can have a pocket full of sunshine! haha!
Mother, best friend and daughter relationship was the BEST!
Girl bff bonding was so intact, I loved it!!!
The romance makes me melt and cry!!!!!!!!!
LOUNA you are a strong girl!!!!!!!

Sarah Dessen you are still my favorite! Please keep writing more books like this.

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