Sunday, November 26, 2017

Review: Infini

Infini Infini by Krista Ritchie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

this book.... I LOVED THIS BOOK!


1. I LOVE LUKA KOTOVA. hahaha! Baylee Wright is perfect for him. They are perfect together. Yasss!
Suppressing your feelings be like...
I can really feel these two's heartache in the book. I mean, I just want to lock them up in one room so that they can be together without anyone minding their business. Seriously, it's not too much to ask. All they want is to be together and love each other without holding back!

2. Abuse is a word that has a lot of threads. It can affect a lot of things in a person's mind. It can also have many forms and different effects. It can either damage you internally or it can give you something to work hard on and push yourself to your limit. This, craves control and when it doesn't work out you just keep on spiraling down until it ends. I know


3. Being a tormentor, I don't know how you do it and why you even do it? Some say it's because you see your self as the right one or the right path. But really, how will you ever know that? What if what you think is right, really just damages another? Won't you stop?

4. Dimitri is the favorite cousin. Hands down! Dimitri and Camilla together? Yes!!! Why not? Moreee of them please!

5. Timo, Katya and Luka? The best trio ever!!!!

6. Romance!
Nikolai and Thora still adorable as ever! The sweetness and adoration is too much it hurts to read but in a really good goooood way!
Timo and John? Yeah! the best!!!! Second cutest MM couple for me! Moffy and Farrow still tops them, but I still consider them as the most adorable MM couple. Sarcastic, supportive, understanding and definitely loving!

6. Sergei. The drama with Sergei is really bittersweet but I really liked it. All the revelations and how all the siblings work their way to making everything all right.


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