Sunday, February 26, 2017

Review: Royally Matched

Royally Matched Royally Matched by Emma Chase
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Whoa, your royal Hotness, Crown Prince Henry and Lady Sarah's story wasssss awesome! I completely devoured this book.
If I ever need to do something that makes me nervous in front of a lot of people, all I have to do is picture Prince Henry naked. LOL. That's what I got from this book. Some advice, right. LOVED IT!

Ok sooooo, Prince Henry and Lady Sarah. Adorable creatures these two!
I can definitely say that Emma Chase did it AGAIN. She wrote another lovely amazing story that can totally make me giddy every time I think about it and I'm totally messing up this sentence because I think this is very horrible run-on sentence. LOL

1. This was another hands down sexy book! The first book was also lovely but this one was another level of lovely. Prince Henry was funny and sarcastic and romantic and dirty. Sarah was right. I can totally see a Fiyero in him (tho, I think because that character was currently fresh on my mind since I just watched the musical play, Wicked.) He was totally hilarious in every way, that part when he was singing in the Goat totally cracked me up. He was a romantic what with all the flirting and cute ways he seduce Lady Sarah. waaaaah gusssshing/ blushing tooo much right nooooow.

2. Lady Sarah's story was really endearing. I really loved these shy girls with a romantic bone in their body. It's like they are always good and perfect. In this one, she was the perfect match for someone like Henry. The goody two shoes to Henry's wild boy craziness. The quiet shy girl to Henry's loud presence. Also, she wa as bookworm and a librarian! Yaaaaas, go get your man girl!

3. Can I just say that these two were just perfect? Oh. Did I say that already? Well, I bloody hell want to say it again!!!
Also this one was perfect for that near-the-end part of this book.

4. Henry and Sarah's bed moments waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Also the singing and the playing of guitar and singing Ed Sheeran song. OMG. *faints*

5. I just want to say that if I ever meet Emma Chase in person I will soooo totally have a selfie with her. I will also hug her and tell her to write more books, please. I will also thank her parents for making her. LOL. Too much? Well she definitely deserves all the praise for her books because she's a really good one! You got that right, Emma! You are!!!! Never fails to amaze meeeee and make me feel giddy with these romance books you make. Yaaaas!

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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Review: The Cad and the Co-Ed

The Cad and the Co-Ed The Cad and the Co-Ed by L.H. Cosway
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dun dun DUNNNN!
Cheers!! LOL. This was soooo very funny I cannot contain my laughter. Sexy rugby player with granddad attitude and a crazy stubborn beautiful woman plus an adorably cute little boy who's addicted to pokemon. What a book!

First off, upon reading Sean Cassidy's book (2nd in the series), I was really excited to read the third one which was about his teammate and his cousin pairing up. Although, I'm not really sure how will that play out because Bryan Leech was an asshole to Eilish Cassidy. However, it really worked! Just like it did on the second book. Sean was a very arrogant prick yet he was a gentleman with a heart of gold to Lucy Fitzpatrick. In this book, Bryan was able to transform himself from a wild drunk to an old prune. LOL. Kidding aside, he was boring to others but he generally just erased all his bad habits and formed new better ones. Then he was able to reconnect with Eilish and then boom. Hearts everywhere. hahah! Though I understand the drama part on this book. I really respect Eilish's decisions. If I was her I wouldn't have the courage to go through with spending time with Bryan. Anywhoooo, enough spoilers.

Second of all, Sean Cassidy was still a smart-ass arrogant person but he was still lovely and sexy!
Third, Patrick was soooooo cute I wanna hug him!!!! Yes, I can definitely say that I am wearing a sign that says "Free Hugs" got that from you Cassidy!
Last, Oh boooy! I am clapping for LH Cosway and Penny Reid's third book!!!! I was greatly entertained!

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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Monday, February 20, 2017

Review: Rebel Spring

Rebel Spring Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


This keeps getting better and better. However, i was seriously close to vomiting what with all the blood spilled on this book. So many dead people! The deceit and hatred was full-on it makes my head explode. This was so morbid i wanna close the book. But i didn't. And well here i am telling you that i finished reading this book.

So what will happen to Cleo, Magnus and Cleo now?
Also I don't like Lucia. She's annoying.

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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Review: Daughter of Smoke & Bone

Daughter of Smoke & Bone Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Well that was unexpected. I started liking angel stories when I read Blue Bloods by Melissa Dela Cruz. I was seriously hooked! Now, coming back to the angel books, I can definitely say that this was a good one. The concept of falling in love with an enemy was not lost because it's cliche, but how this story was told really got me curious on the hows/whys and whats.

It was sweet really, the love story. The beginning of the story was exciting because of the action and the mystery. Then at the end of it, i felt the sweet sweet romance then the sorrow of betrayal and anguish of broken hearts. :(

for me, yep 3.5 stars!

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Review: Like a Memory

Like a Memory Like a Memory by Abbi Glines
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

my reaction:

I'm rating this thru the way it made me feel to actually go back to this story. waaaah 4 stars!
I couldn't imagine a perfect way to come back to Sea Breeze and Rosemary Beach. This was hands down a very feel-good book. I LOVED IT! To be able to catch glimpses of the kids that the previous series' characters made and the drama that will sure unfold if Abbi Glines continues to write the other kids stories (i was really hoping she will write them, please pleaseeee)... SOOOO GOOD!
I don't make any sense haha!

Soooo Nate Finlay, i've beeeeeen waiting so long to read his story. He did not disappoint. For me, he was like the very combination of Blaire and Rush. I cannot explain it but it felt like that. He has his faults but he was still a very mesmerizing guy! Then there was Bliss York, she wasn't not naive but she gave away vibes like that to those who do not know her. Deep down she was a very compassionate person and a very good friend. One thing I know is that the best loyal best friend award goes to Eli Hardy. He was just like Marcus in every way. He can have a relationship with Lila Kate for all I care, since her first kiss unfortunately did not return her feelings. Tho, I think that guy was just trying hard to ignore her but can't. I dunno I'm rambling. Alsooooom wth with the Corbin twins hahaha. The other one was a wild one and the other was the complete opposite. Very Krit and Blythe. lol. But do they really have to like the same guy? :( I hope not. Larissa and Micah for the win. even tho nothing really happened. hahah!


before reading:

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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Review: Grievous

Grievous Grievous by J.M. Darhower
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

this calls for a toast to Lorenzo Gambini.

So let's just say that he's the funniest villain I've ever read! Well he wasn't actually a villain. but he was a bad guy doing bad things and illegal stuff so kinda like a villain. A very funny and sweet guy actually. I know I know. He changed when he met Morgan/Scarlet. Maybe that was the point of the story, right? Hell this was romance and I.LOVED.IT.SO.MUCH!
Not all parts were all rainbows and candies. I can totally say that some of these were morbid and disturbing. But then again, the characters were awesome!!! Kickass!!!! Alsooooo the little Scarlet was so adorable I am currently PLEADING FOR A NOVELLAAAAAA. Please J.M. Darhower!!! If you ever stumble upon this review, I AM ACTUALLY BEGGING YOU TO WRITE ONEEEEEE. With shortcake and Scar. pleaseeeee! Scarlet can join tooo.

and noooow....

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Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Review: Long Way Home

Long Way Home Long Way Home by Katie McGarry
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"I'm so in love with you... Say you won't let goooo..."

This book was amaaaaazing as always. Never fails to make me all mushy and stuff. It was sooooo good to dive in to the Thunder Road world again. Seeing Oz, Razor and Eli wassss like welcoming a nice new weekend! Literally.
This time though the story was about Chevy and Violet. Let me tell you, I've been waiting for their booook since last year and it did not disappoint at all!
The thing about these two was that they always fight a lot but never stopped loving each other. The best part was that neither one gave up on each other. They have their disagreements on life and how to live it but they were able to overcome all that and chose to listen to their hearts and do what they felt was right.

Plus pointsssss ISAIAH WALKER was here. haaaaa! Boom! Never thought that one out.

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Friday, February 03, 2017

Review: Sempre: Redemption

Sempre: Redemption Sempre: Redemption by J.M. Darhower
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was better than the first book because of Gavin. lol.

OK. seriously, Carmine was an idiot sometimes but he loves Haven deeply and that counts for something. Haven spread her wings and that was brave. She experienced heartbreak and pain over and over again but she was able to surpass that and have her life in New York. Amen to that! Go girl!

Dr DeMarcooooooooo. LOL. I was really crushing on that dude. WHY! hahaha!
felt like this...

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Thursday, February 02, 2017