Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Review: Being Friends with Boys

Being Friends with Boys Being Friends with Boys by Terra Elan McVoy
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Again. Boys. Boys. BOYS!

That feeling when you think you've had enough of them but what you really feel is like they are everything to you? :)

1. Boys. Sometimes a girl just needs one. But a lot can be better too.
This book is about being friends with boys. They are pretty complicated sometimes because of how they react or how they view stuff in life. But most of the time they are just like just normal friends who listens and goofs around with. I really liked how Charlotte has a lot of guy friends. I also like the way they all treat each other with care and respect.

2. It's just too little too late...but maybe it's not?
The Trip/Charlotte things is driving me crazy! I really love their relationship. It's obvious that they like each other a lot. What with the long phone conversations/ notebook writing/ song swapping/ song writing and just always there for each other. Also how Char's voice in the book is saying how she's really connecting with Trip. Then he has to be all "I have to go or I don't wanna hang out with you anymore." That SUCKED so bad. I was like, "WTF? is wrong with you Trip? Do you really have to have a new girlfriend? You can't just be super close with someone then just cut someone out like that in a heart beat! You just don't! You should at least tell that person! You don't just ignore them!" So yeah, I was really devastated because I really like them for each other! Then at the end of the book, he's just there. Spilling all his feelings for Char in their notebook. I think it's great that he loves her back, but I can't help feel that it's a bit rushed. Then she sang the song that they made and it's the end. I wish there are more reconciliation bits or something. More romance between the two of them. But nooo, I just have to read it like that. Oh well. I still kinda like it.

3. But if I had you, that could be the only thing I'll ever need.
Fabian, Benji and Oliver are really great friends to Charlotte too.
Fabian with all the sensitive/ supportive thing going on. Benji, with how he's really cool with being friends and how they ended the "dating" thing. He's smart and he such a great listener too. He's the kind of guy that you can count on and makes you feel better all the time even if you're in your lowest point. Then there's Oliver, he's just the typical guy friend that you can't turn away from. He acts cool and confident. These guys are one of the great things that happened to Charlotte. They may have their fights or misunderstanding but in the end they still end up being happy and liking each other.


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