Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Review: Unlovable

Unlovable Unlovable by Sherry Gammon
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Just by hearing the name Seth, I can swoon anytime. Yup. I'm a goner.
Before anything else, I really really enjoyed this book. Yeah, there are stuff that are pretty much predictable but I still like reading it. Okay so here goes..

1. I have a crush on you, but I'm nervous.
Yup. I really love the idea that a young undercover cop/MET agent has a crush on an senior high school girl before she got involved in his case. And yes, I am talking about Seth and Maggie. Seth was adorable in a very cute way because he couldn't seem to know how to ask Maggie out on a date or how to have a simple conversation with her. He is totally hopeless. He is also really crushing on her. The moment he had the opportunity to be closer to her, he can't seem to stop flirting and be NERVOUS. That is just adorable! I know! I keep saying adorable. :)) That guy is very endearing not to mention really sweet. I would love to have someone like that.

2. Mom is an addict. Anyone else?
The issue about addiction is sick. It's also funny because the last book that I read was about father-daughter issues, and now it's about a mother-daughter issues. Anyway. Okay. It's sad that Maggie's life changed horribly because of her drunk mother. Being an addict can really takeover a person's life. It can cloud all your emotions, it can trigger unleashing all your pain or it can simply ruin your life. That's what happened her. Her mother was ruined. It's making me angry because she's the only person left in Maggie's life. She's the reason why Maggie became the scared person that she is. She's also the reason why she keeps holding herself back from life.

The drug addicts/ Dresser brothers are just plain psycho! I really hate those guys. Yeah right. They are claiming that they are not stupid but all their actions are stupid. Anyway, I don't want to talk about them. Annoying bunch!

3. If I knock will you let me in?
Because of the way that Maggie is: feeling unlovable nothing. She has some major trust issues and she's not really confident about people wanting to be with her. Who could blame her? Her mother is not really an example of the person who loves her. She's also poor and she doesn't have the luxuries in life. So, yeah. She very much pities herself. But that doesn't stop Seth from making him like her. Like I said, he's like head over heels for her. I even have a song that reminds me of Seth:
"I'll be your shelter
I'll be your storm
I'll make you shiver
I'll keep you warm
Whatever weather
Well baby Im yours
I'll be your forever, Be your fling
Baby I will be your everything"

(Be Your Everything by Boys Like Girls)
I can't even tell how sweet Seth is in this book. I just really like it that he's not stopping to win her over. His determination is there. He doesn't want to lose her. For a guy like him, I have to say he's one of the best out there. He's protective and he has that sensitive side with him that can knock a girl's mind out. If I ever met someone like him, I am sure I will not allow him to get away.

4. Love someone as though your life depends on it.
You see, Maggie loves Seth. But well, she can't help it if she felt betrayed? Trust issues remember?
This song even matches Maggie's feelings:
"You didn't let me down, you didn't tear me apart
You just opened my eyes, while breaking my heart
You didn't do it for me
I'm not as dumb as you think,
You just made me cry
While claiming that you love me"

(You Love Me by Kelly Clarkson)
Maggie's feelings was actually got me all saying "awwww!" Well because, the first time ever that she let someone in her life and allowed herself to love someone, that person deceived her. What's worse is she already feel like she's nothing and she's unlovable. Having that kind of thinking can be so frustrating. You'll think, yeah, how can he choose me if he can have someone better than me. I'm certainly not that special if he's just been forced to like me.

5. My mild way of saying, I know this story already.
You know that feeling when you already know what's gonna happen to the story yet you still want to finish it? Yup. That's me. I have to say there were stuff here that are actually good. But of course there are bad ones too. Like, the fact that there's always the annoying girl who's a bitch to the heroine and who is dying to have the hero. Also, self pity and trust issues. Sometimes I hate it because it's like Maggie isn't thinking at all. Other times, I was like what the hell is Seth doing hanging out with that bitch/ slut Hillary? Why is there always a jerk ex-boyfriend that goes mental? And, why, why why, does the girl always have to resist or keep herself away from loving the guy? grrrr.
Sometimes, I just really want to bump their heads and say, get it over with and be together already. But then again, where's the twist and drama in that right? Oh well.

I really want to see if this one turns out into a movie. considering it's been optioned already. :) Yay. I hope Mia Wasikowska will play as Maggie. It's also okay if they still consider Liam Hemsworth(only because I saw him in the author's blog) as Seth.

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