Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Review: Thomas & January

Thomas & January Thomas & January by Fisher Amelie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What song is in my head right now after reading this book?

"So just take my hand and know that I will never leave your side
You're the love of my life, you know that I will never leave your side"

(The Gambler by Fun.)

Yeah! This is bittersweet! In a really good way.
I was really hooked in Callum & Harper's story and this one did too!

January is a very sweet innocent girl. I like that about her. She's pure and friendly. She's a crybaby but not in an annoying way. Yeah. I like her. the blushing! Oh my gosh! That was the best! I mean other books describe people blush but this one is my favorite blushing kind of thing. Lol.
Tom's innocence about love is what made him experience heartache and completely changed him.
When the two of them met and --out of nowhere-- just kissed passionately in a bar it was like LOVE AT FIRST KISS. Literally. Lol
Something ignited between them and made them crazy for each other. The feeling while reading that was ecstatic and just lively.

From what i'm seeing positive view is coming from January and the negative is coming from Thomas. And that's complimenting each other.

Tom is afraid of getting his heart broken again. But what happened? He broke the heart of the love of his life.
I understand Tom here because he's like "Dude, been there done that. So not gonna happen again." Problem is he made a mistake of judging and assuming the worst from January. He didn't know, yes. He's being careful, yes. That doesn't mean someone is not hurting because of this. Another thing, he kept questioning January's declaration of love for him. From how i understand it, he definitely believes her but he's scared that it might be just too good to be true. He's scared that someday it might just go crashing down and he will be left alone again. This is the best thing and feeling and girl that he came across with and he is so afraid of losing her.

January feels like she's been taken for granted all the time. Like she's not worthy. Again hello SELF PITY.
Well, we can't blame her if that's what people are making her feel. Right? She has the right to be hurt! I cried when she mentioned being used and not good enough for Tom's liking. Like she's being discarded. Awww.
Tom's declaration of love for him was so sweet! She wants him to trust her that she will not break his heart. She never did. She was really in love with him. She did all what she could and give everything to him. She's remarkable for that. It's just sad that even though she's faithfully in love she still got hurt by doing it.

Of course, there are positive things that happened in this book. :) that is RISK.

“Sometimes the risk can be worth the reward.”
now this? This is hell yeah! They kind of did this in their growing relationship. And wow! Those two lovebirds are totally lovely!
Everytime Tom tells January that she's extraordinary and --insert all the amazing adjectives-- my mind is like playing Taylor Swift's song ENCHANTED. It feels like this is what is going on in Tom's and January's head:
"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you"


This book made me soooo happy!

Here are some of the scenes that are spine-tingling (lol. Is that even a word?)

"How did we both sleep on this tiny nothing,” I said out loud, my voice hoarse from disuse.
“Well, that leg was wrapped around mine,” he said, pointing to each part as he continued his explanation, “that stomach was pressed to mine, that beautiful face was buried in my neck. It was the best and worst night’s sleep of my life.”

and this one too!
“Can I ask you something?”
“Do you think I’m yours?”
“Yes,” she said without hesitation.
“Good, ’cause I know you’re mine.”

it's like singing I'm Yours by Jason Mraz! :)

Very nice book!

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