Sunday, August 12, 2012

Review: Lengths

Lengths Lengths by Steph Campbell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Emotions emotions.

This book is full of emotions. Locked in a box emotions that tend to let the person break once opened.

Here are my thoughts:

1. Locked in a box. Sealed until death?
Whit's character depresses me. I saw how she dealt with all her sadness and loss. It's not a happy picture. Do i liked it? No! Who would? She tends to avoid commitment. Yes it's hard to feel the pain again when you let yourself have deep feelings for someone again, but holding back from those feelings is not the solution. You'll only end up getting hurt again. It will also make you unhappy and feel regret because all you'll ever think about for the rest of your life would be 'what could have been? Or what if?' sad sad sad. Also keeping all those sadness and pain inside of you is not healthy! You have to let it go. Why? Because it's the right thing to do. Yes it's not easy but you can't let yourself suffer and live like that for the rest of your life because it's not really living at all.

2. Deal with it. You can't escape it.
Deo means no harm. He only wanted to help the person he loves. I get that. He cares. He wants to fix things. But in order to fix other things you should fix yourself first. I agree with Cohen in this book. How can you help someone if you can't even help yourself? You have to start with yourself. Running away or ignoring your problems is not the answer. We all know this. Sometimes you just have to be brave enough, have faith and take the risk.

3. This is suffocating!
gah! This book made my head hurt. :( it's good. I just, i don't know something's off or maybe because it's too much denial of feelings. I really don't like that. Grr.

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