Monday, July 02, 2012

Review: Scorched Skies

Scorched Skies Scorched Skies by Samantha Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is like the best Jinn story ever! Ha! Okay considering this is my first Jinn story. Well if Aladdin doesn't count. Haha!

So many painful emotions! I think this is better than the first book because they bare it all! All of them showed what they really feel.

I really do love you, kid. I guess I just never loved you enough.

Ari's pain of being alone and no one to turn to was doubled over. It's like if i I was her? I might consider dying or something. I really pity her! First with the Charlie thing and Charlie actually confronting her about it is like "WTF?! Why now?! I was waiting for a long time and now that I've moved on you want to be with me NOW?!?!? Fuck that!" yeah i was feeling like that in this book. Plus the Derek death! He didn't love her ENOUGH! Plus the Jai rejection. I mean c'mon! The girl might be strong but that doesn't mean she's made of steel! She has emotions that can lead to her destruction! Which leads us to this quote...

I’m pissed off being the girl whose daddy didn’t love her enough, who’s best friend doesn’t love her enough… who Jai will never love enough to work out his crap and put it behind him.

talk about major OUCH! I mean look at how painful that is! Considering those 3 are the ones she has left! The more she pushes them away the more she's being more cold and left in the dark. She may have let Charlie go but she still loves him. For Jai, they are like rubber bands. They might stretch as far away from the other but they still keep coming back. Always pulling each other together. And every time that happens Ari always gets her heartbroken. That's just another scab to heal. Again can i say OUCH?!

I feel like a crumpled up piece of paper that has something really important written on it. But no one will ever know what that is because all they see is something that’s been discarded. I’m done feeling like that!

I knooow right! Someday someone will get that crumpled paper and will look what's inside.

They beat the shit out of you and he let it happen. For years. But she almost died to save you. There is a right and wrong choice here, Jai.

Yeah Jai, that's like the greatest love of all! Ha! Cheesy i know. But i love this drama!!!! She almost died out there for HIM! Who would be an idiot to pass that up and let her get away! She's like the answer to your loneliness, the one that makes your heart beat again. And --insert all the cheesy lines here-- love it!!!!

She saved my life. She took the hit… and the last thing she did was use her gift to command that kid to leave me alone. Why did she do that?

do you really have to ask??!?!?! Isn't it obvious enough???

Third book!!!! I'm hungry for youuuu! :)

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