Monday, July 30, 2012

Review: Young Love Murder

Young Love Murder Young Love Murder by April Brookshire
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I actually have tears reading this book!

And my head is singing:
Cause you really hurt me, cause you really hurt me
Princess of China by Coldplay feat Rihanna
Again and again! And it made me cry even more!

Seriously? This is like an obsessive unhealthy love! And. i. Love. It! :)

"Death brought us together, death tore us apart. Now, it seems as if more death is destined to bring us together once again. Let it not be our own."
---- this is like LITERALLY!

Ok! So where to start...
At first i feel like the story is rushing it from the beginning but as i go along, boy was it so sloooow! The agony is long! They were apart from each other and it's so damn long.
Yeah. I was talking about Anna and Gabriel.

The bad boy thing was questionable for me. Only at first. Because from the moment he laid eyes on Anna he is so not acting like a bad boy. He was smitten! It's like he was head over heels for her with just one kiss in that beach. Same goes for the badass assassin. I mean one kiss and she's done for too. Hmm maybe i guess that's love right?

Oh well. The love hate relationship is very amusing and i am so entertained! Well first thing, i cannot believe he still loves her even though she killed his father in front of him.
" I loved you, Anna! More than anything in this world. And now I don’t know if I do anymore because I hate you. So much. I hate you so much that it’s killing all the love I had for you. And I hate you for that too!”
I know he also hates her but it says so right there that he's still hung up on her. Their relationship wasn't even that long and yet he couldn't seem to get over her.

As for Anna,
"It’s funny that loving him will be both my greatest joy and greatest mistake in life."
she's crazy to think that Gabriel is still in love with her. Making herself believe that he was looking for her because he still loves her. I can't blame her. Maybe. Well, because this was her first time to fall in love. She's crazy in love. And she just can handle to let go.

My favorite part of this drama is the confrontation in that party then the beach scene!
If he’s suddenly experiencing tender feelings for me, it’s too late now. I meant what I said.
Omg! I even have a soundtrack!
For the party, while that slut was making her way to Gabriel's pants then got hit by Annabelle, it's "From Yesterday" by 30 Seconds to Mars.
Gosh! Anna is giving up because she was hurt and jealous! I mean c'mon she has this delusion that he's in love with her and they will somehow get back together, only to find out he's with another girl. Funny thing is, Gabriel, although confused with his hate, doesn't want to let her go. He actually panicked when she told him Goodbye.
I also played R.I.P. by Rita Ora and of course Love the Way You Lie by Eminem and Rihanna.

The beach part?
“Because I don’t want to love you anymore!”
Despite the sense of satisfaction I feel because she may have been faithful to me for the past six months, despite how beautiful she is and how much I want her physically, I still hate her. What she did . . . I shudder at the memory.
Loving her has caused me more pain than even my father’s death did.
She wipes a hand wearily over her face. “Then don’t! Just forget that I ever existed. You don’t have to ever see me again.”

I played Princess of China by Coldplay and Rihanna.
Perfect song! Both of them hurting! Both of them want to give up! Both of them still love each other yet in agony. Gaaah the drama!

That's also the perfect song especially after the shot Gabriel and Anna gave to each other.
Anna and Gabriel are entitled to suffer. I mean i can't even explain Gabriel, so many things happened to his miserable life. Anna well she's a girl in love. Her boyfriend shot her in the chest. Almost killing her. So Gabriel deserved what happened to him too. Him going insane for two years! Believable!

See how he was:
Sometimes people say that their deceased loved one would want them to move on and find happiness with someone else. Is that true, or is it an excuse to betray the memory of the person who loved you?
--- even i don't know how to answer this. Maybe I'll get back to this thought.

Right now, i can't think because i am so hungry! Lol

Anyway, i am so excited for the second book!
Jackson, Max and Brent and oh! Uncle Simon are all awesome!!!

OH! One more thing!

I forgot to mention, the song for this book is also...

BEAUTIFUL LIE by 30 Seconds to Mars.

WHY? Go on and read it. there's plenty of HUGE LIES in this one.

Here read/sing this:
"It's a beautiful lie
It's the perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful lie it makes me

It's time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last
Hide behind an empty face
Don't ask too much, just say
'Cause this is just a game"

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