Monday, April 04, 2016

Review: Ignite Me

Ignite Me Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series is sooooo beautiful! I cannot!

Can i have a moment?
Thank youuuu!

So lets have the 5 major reactions again since I did that last time.

1. So lots of reflection and realization for Juliette. Loved it! This book was so good at that. On how characters realize their full potential, their mistakes, their personality and basically their feelings and emotions. It was messy, it was awkward, it was heartbreaking and it was soooooo perfectly beautiful!

2. I was really sad about a blue-eyed guy though. I was just completely blind-sided!! It was like i know what to expect from the very beginning of the series, then suddenly i don't anymore. Because the characters evolve and grew up. I was ok you know, that it's him then suddenly he isn't AND IT WAS OK. Those moments with Adam and Juliette were agonizing for Adam, I know but I just wanna say come on, just move oooon. Lets not make this more painful than it already is.

3. Warner, Warner, AARON WARNER. YOU HAD ME COMPLETELY FOOLED. Well shocking news for me when I read this book. Not about your feelings for Juliette, i always knew you were really in love with her. It's just that this book really gave you that moment and I LOVED IT SO MUCH. Your weakness, your happiness what makes you gentle and sweet and everything about the rainbows with all the beautiful colors. Yeah i just had to say that. 5 stars for you!!!!!

4. Juliette Ferrars. Wow! Girl you really know how to do a finale! Wooot! Girl power all the way. Of course you made mistakes but I love it because you are not perfect. A lot of people were hurt by your actions and confusions but it's ok because you are also hurting just like they are. So who cares?! At least you were honest and you still had the guts to be pleasant to them.

5. Chapter 55 and 58 please! I cannooooot!

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