Saturday, April 02, 2016

Review: Unravel Me

Unravel Me Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So I have 5 major reactions, bear with me.

1. HE HAS A NAME! It's Aaron.

2. I was suspecting some of the things that might happen in this book, but still, it surprised me A LOT.
I mean yeah, a lot. haha! I don't want to explain it's just that I'm quite happy with the surprises and now I am really intrigue on what's about to happen next.

3. Then that happened! OMG!
It was a happy-OMG but kinda guilty-OMG as well. If you know what I'm talking about, this is about Juliette's feelings and actions. Yep it's about her love life. haha!

4. You must know that I am on Team Juliette because it's hard to choose between Adam and Warner. Actually I have an idea who I, yes me, who I want for myself, hahaha! But for Juliette, I am torn on who should she choose. I guess I'll find out on the next book. ANYWAY, this 4th reaction is how about how much I feel for what happened to Juliette. Her very existence was just so painful. Her mind was cluster-fuck-insane. Well not really. I just feel like if I was her I'd be willing to die immediately. So yes, I feel sorry for her. :(

5. And then Warner happened. I was just blown away by everything about him. Yep not gonna spoil you or anything. I just have to let this out. Whoa Chapter 62.
This is a TOTALL HAPPY-WHATTHEHELL. Just to clarify. haha!

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