Thursday, October 21, 2021

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Review: A ​Court of Silver Flames

A ​Court of Silver Flames A ​Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sarah J Maas completely surprised me with this book. I was gaping the whole way. Kidding. Not really.
But yeah, this is definitely worth it. It will hook you right away, it is enthralling, steamy and sexy! All the beautiful words can be given to this book.
It will also break your heart! So this is a yes yes yes go buy it and read it! Go to the bookstore now or buy it online. Goooo!

Ok, I am now composed. So here are my thoughts.

1. Nesta gave a whole new meaning to love.
- To be honest I was annoyed with Nesta in book 1. But in books 2 onwards, I actually like her. She's so difficult that I can't help but want to know more why she's like that. It was explained here and I love Nesta's character even more. Her agony over her father's death was, her bitterness with Feyre, how she deeply cares for Elain, her self-punishment because of Cassian. I now understand, Nes! I want to sob right now. Her breakdown on that mountain hike with Cassian was soooooo heart-wrenching I wanna bawl like a baby. Her confession in Winter Solstice, that was soooooo heartbreaking I cannot.
She deserved Cassian, I am approving this.

2. Cassian may be a brute but he's a baby too. lol.
- Cassian may be that confident, arrogant bastard but he has his sweet side. Nesta is right, he's good and brave and everything that deserves all the good in his life. How he cares for Nesta and understands even though she can be really frustrating most of the time says a lot of Cassian's character. He is really patient with her. How Cassian treats her friends/family with love and care is adorable but how he treats Nesta with love and adoration is completely, swoon-worthy!

3. The chemistry between Nessian is off the charts.
- I now this is NA, but I didn't know it will be smut. THIS IS SO STEAMY SARAH! I love it so much.

4. Hello, Valkyries
Gwyn and Emerie. These two are the new additions in this series and I am really glad that they are in it. How they continue to fight to live for a better life. How they continue to find the courage to face the horrendous past that they had. How they are very good friends with Nesta. What they did in the Blood Rite. All of it. The training was the start of it all. Who would have thought that training your body to become a warrior can heal one's soul.

5. Hello new Illyrian baby!
Rhysand and Feyre have little moments here, but every they appear in this book, I just want to hug them. Oh also we will be saying hello to a new Illyrian baby here.

6. Azriel I am waiting for you.
Can I just comment that I am not a fan of Elain and Az? I don't like it I'm sorry. But a new girl is introduced in the series, so maybeeee that girl will be the one to finally give Az the love that he truly deserve. I wonder if the next book will be about Az and his girls. lol.

7. Nesta's powers
HANDS DOWN WOW. Nesta's adventure in this book was really captivating. I cannot stop how vivid my imaginations are because of how this book was written. Every thing about this book should be worshipped. haha!


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Thursday, October 07, 2021

Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Review: A Court of Wings and Ruin

A Court of Wings and Ruin A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Let me just say that a lot has happened and I don’t think i can recover anytime soon. 

This book gave me a lot and I absorbed them all so much that I cannot let them go after reading. Haha! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!

The twists and revelations just unraveled everything and they are sooooo brilliant. I loved how they all came together and put the pieces in order. The new developments that were revealed. The transition of the characters. How each of the characters has grown. Those scary and heartbreaking moments!!! Everything is awesome, jaw dropping and heart-wrenching!


To characters:

Rhysand is still the ulitimate faebae! 
Feyre still proves that she’s forever a badass!
Nesta is again one of my favorites!
Cassian can be my boyfriend. I will keep him forever.
Mor shared something that made me teary-eyed.
Azriel will forever be the brooding gorgeous male.
Amren gave it her all and more!
Lucien, if there’s no Rhys i’m ok with him to be with Feyre haha!
Elain, move on already please? You can do it!
Helion, why hello there. 
Tamlin, i wanna hate you but I have to admit there are still good side to you.
Tarquin, i will serve you sure!
Hybern King, hahah! You deserve that! 
Mr Archeron, that was amazing!
Jurian, i knew it!!

Friday, October 01, 2021

Review: A Court of Mist and Fury

A Court of Mist and Fury A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am just so happy with this book. VERY HAPPY. REALLY HAPPY.


1. That drama in the Spring Court
- That was one hell of a drama. I was so sad for Feyre during this part because she's sick and no one's helping her. I felt how helpless she is in this one. Her lover should have been the one to notice this first. But he keeps ignoring it. Maybe he didn't know what to do himself because he has his issues but STILL he could have been there for her. Her friend, didn't try ENOUGH. I know he's like that because he wants to portray someone who follows the rules and be a good example to their people, but he could still push his concerns, he could have done more for Feyre. Her new "friend", that bitch. I don't even know what to do with this. I hate that two-faced bitch. lol.
The wedding. OMG. How she's panicking and asking for help. Then suddenly "he" appears. Yassss!

2. Tamlin how could you?
I could just skin Tamlin alive. Kidding. I'm still trying to understand him because again, let's go back to how he became helpless and broken too. BUT, but but but, Feyre was right. He didn't even try. He gave up on her. He shut her out. He imprisoned her. To Tamlin, I know he's protecting her, but for Feyre, she doesn't need to be kept away from everything. She changed. That changed include Tamlin being not the right male for her.

3. Rhysand and friends
Let me just say that Rhysand, Mor, Cassia, Azriel and Amren are the best ever! I want to be friends with them too. I can't wait to know more about their story in this book. I'm thinking it's VERY interesting already. I want to know more right now.
Mor, she's like the best bff for Feyre.
Amren is cool and scary but complements Feyre's also.
Cassian is really interests me a lot. He's hardheaded but a teddy bear.
Azriel brooding, mysterious attitude is so delightful.

4. Feyre's sisters
Elain is portrayed as the beautiful and sane sister and she acts it well. I like her because she's just good. The goodness is overflowing. haha!
Nesta is the complete opposite. She is feisty. She's always haughty and prideful but she has a good heart. I like them both. But Nesta shows more character that I love.
At the end, I was actually heartbroken for them, but I'm looking forward to how it will play out.

5. Rhysand's revelation
Rhysand's intention from the start has actually more meaning that we come to know and I am falling so hard for this character. Everytime Feyre's in some turmoil or in an excruciating situation, he's always there for her. He treats her as his equal. AND WE ALL KNOW WHY. THE BEST EVER.
He manipulates yes, but everything has been calculated and assessed. THE BEST. I CANNOT STOP SAYING THE BEST.

6. Feyre's complicated situation
I am so tired for Feyre but in fairness to her she really doesn't give up so easily. THAT'S WHY I LOVE HER CHARACTER.


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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses

A Court of Thorns and Roses A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So I gave this book a 4star review. Why?
First off, I was really excited to grasp the ACOTAR world in my mind. I heard a lot of good things about this series and I was really curious. Almost all bookish people on social media are going gaga over this, and I just wanna know, WHY?

So I got my answer, I think.

First, this story is really REALLY working my mind to produce a very hyperactive imagination. lol.
The scenes in this book feels so mythical and wonderful and thrilling. It feels like one moment it's Beauty and the Beast retelling then suddenly it's Hunger Games. haha! I loved everything! The masked people in the Sprint Court feels sooooo enchanting. The calanmai feels oozing with a lot of danger and thrill that I wanted to just be swallowed by the book so that I can experience it for myself.

Feyre the huntress. I love her character!
I pity her so bad for what happened with her life and her family. How it seems like her family is just using her to survive and no one has her back. Who wouldn't pity her? Her life feels like giving up on everything and begging to stop existing. Who would have thought that one act of survival, will shift her life around. Not only did she was able to fulfill her mother's wish, but she was also able to experience a different way of living that eventually change everything for her. Both good and bad.
Her character is so bad-ass, it's hard to breathe sometimes haha!

Tamlin, The High Lord of Spring Court.
I was intrigued by him, yes. I was also rooting for him because of the slow burn feels that I think I did feel. I wasn't sure if my definition of slow burn romance is correct though. How Tamlin was so awkward at first and then eventually he became friends with Feyre and then it turned into intimacy and yeah you get it. I LOVED IT.
Feyre and Tamlin's day to day life in the Spring Court. THE BEST.

I loooove Lucien! He's the perfect BFF in this book. His loyalty to Tamlin is superb. He has the characteristic of someone who you'll want with your life everyday and it won't be boring.

Nesta being the wildcard. I was surprised that her character is just misunderstood. In the end she was the one person who Feyre can depend on. I love it!!!

The blight. Amarantha. Yeah. That one was so evil I wanted to smash her head.
Also, the powers of the High Lords got me curious so bad. I wanna know how strong they are. Soooo excited to read more.

Of course I am not forgetting Rhysand.
I won't. I mean he's one of the reasons why I started reading this. Those girls on social media are all, Rhysand this and Rhysand that. I even stopped myself in googling his fanart because I might see a spoiler. haha!
So yeah, the intrigue is there. The other half of the book was able to give a portion of how he became friends with Feyre. That ending part though got me curious. I guess we shall see on the next book.

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Monday, September 20, 2021

Review: Kingdom of Ash

Kingdom of Ash Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It has finally come to this. The ending!
Where do I even start?
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After a week of diving deep to TOG world, I can definitely say that this series did not disappoint at all. It has everything that I want for a fantasy story. It gave me all the goosebumps, exhilarating feels and all those spine-tingly feels haha!

The first chapters were kinda slow-paced but it gets better every single time I turn the page. It makes me crave to know what happens next. This book has at least 8-10 POVs, it feels like watching a tv series haha! Each POV is captures those components that you want from a character and to the scene unfolding.
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1. How harsh can Aedion get?
Boy, Aedion is really mad isn't he? A very cold guy at that. I know he has the right to get mad here, because he felt deceived in a way, but can't he see that it's not a personal decision. It's a matter of saving the entire world from those evil creatures. Every conversation and how he ignores Lysandra is actually a cry-worthy scene, all. the. damn. time. How could youuuuu ignore her? She's hurting too. That scene when he threw her out in the cold and she didn't even fight him for it. *sobs*
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2. That sick f*ck Cairn and Maeve. Stop with the torture.
I just...I hate them so much. What they did to Aelin and Fenrys, grrrr. I want to push them or drown them.

3. Rowan is swoon-worthy here, I still can't believe I'm saying this haha!
Rowan is pulling off all the swoon-worthy standards I cannot even think of what to say here. How he fight so hard to find Aelin is the best sad-love story here. That scene when he finally found her. A killing machine that silver-haired fae. Everytime Aelin did something that surprises him, he still finds a way to get to her. His cry for every pain endured due to the thought of losing his mate was really heartbreaking. Knowing that he was deceived by that evil valg queen, allowing him to think that Lyria was his mate, but all this time it was actually Aelin. That conversation he has with Aelin, and Aelin saying that she felt the pull but she didn't want to tell Rowan because she doesn't want to hurt him or that maybe he has two mates in that lifetime. I am not even making sense but you know, I don't care haha!

4. Elide and Lorcan, moreeee please.
The hate from Elide was harsh. As harsh as Aedion haha! But what I like about them was the scene when Elide asked Lorcan how could she love someone so evil and cold as Maeve, because she wants to know how she could do the same by loving Lorcan. That got me so emotional, I just want to bang myself to the wall. haha! Also, the battlefield when Elide searched for Lorcan. Thaaaaat was a scene that I want to watch someday on screen. The devastation when she found him close to death and how she struggled to carry him by horse to reach the gate. Lorcan even attempted to throw himself because he was too heavy and they might not make it on time before the dam breaks, and then declares that he loves her. OMG. Then Elide just gripped his arm and won't let go. Ok! I'm gonna cry in a corner now.

5. Whoa, Dorian.
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Dorian is one of the characters that has grown so much. He persevered. He accepted. He is the best in this book. How he handled his role in this book is awe-inspiring. I do not have the words.

6. Chaol and Yrene, those sweet moments erase all the heartbreaking scenes from the other characters
It was a good thing that this two exists haha! Amidst all the fighting and painful scenes from the other couples, at least these two is consistent with how happy and content they are. Yesss, Chaol really is my favorite character haha!

7. The Thirteeeeeeen! Manon :(
That was just brave. From the start, there dedication to Manon and to their group was one of the highest loyalty out there. What they sacrificed in this war knowing that they do not have any other choice for what they have to do. HANDS DOWN! I can feel sad for Manon though. :(

8. The Cadre, can I just say how I want to be friends with all of them?
The four men are all swoon-worthy characters. Each of them deserves their own book. lol just saying haha! Gavriel, sacrificed his life here. I just wished that he didn't. :( He loves his son so much that he was willing to sacrifice himself. I cannot. They could have bonded after the waaaar. He was such an easygoing guy. Rowan's BFF. I cannot. I'm gonna cry. Lorcan even though he's cold and dark, he loves Elide so plus points. Fenrys, this guy. I don't even know how to describe him. He suffered the most because he was tasked to just watch Aelin being tortured. He watched his own brother kill himself. What did he ever do to deserve this??? AND ROWAN, Rowan Whitehorn, he suffered the most. I'm gonna stop at that.

9. That very exhausting war. How are they keeping it up. Hands down to Lysandra and Aedion.
I feel so stressed and worn out while reading the battle scene. I just wanna scream and say, I WANT TO REST.

10. Aelin, you are breaking my heart.
Fireheart. I want to hug youuuuuu! Those heartbreaking scenes when she's saying "I just want it to end."; "I'm so, so tired." I was really saaaaaad for you. How she brave it all and gave sooooo soooo much to all of it. But it's still just never enough. How could life be so cruel to her. :(

11. That happy ending.
I'm just gonna say that I loved how it ended. How the villains died soooo sooooo happy about that. The coronation, the weddings. Yassss.

I have no more words. I'm just sad that it ended :(

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Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Review: Tower of Dawn

Tower of Dawn Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! Just wow. I cannot believe that I put off reading this for 5 years. Maybe if I didn’t the feelings will be much more intense. However, reading this also gave me all the strong feels and chills. I loved it!

Hello, Chaol. We meet again.
Finally I get to have a whole book with Chaol’s POV. Admittedly, I wasn’t thrilled before because I was really hoping he will end up with Aelin. Upon reading books 3 onwards, we all know it’s Rowan right? So, when I heard about this book, I was asking myself so it’s Chaol and Nesryn? Hmmm, how come no spark or something. Now, the good thing, i read this book and it blew me away. Completely. See Chaol is one of my favorite characters in the book. To see him grow and transition to this character who felt useless, self conscious and just hopeless, it really broke my heart. This book was a chance to accept all the mistakes, failures, heartaches and wrong decisions. Chaol has a lot of those swirling inside him. It has become his own monster that wants to overtake him. This book has finally given me the answer to Chaol’s thoughts. Why he feels like that. Why he felt like he failed Dorian. How he felt when his relationship with Aelin ended. That was really painful by the way. Aelin has her faults too. OMG! The feeeeeels. Had me feeling so emotional while reading this. That chapter was the best.

Enters, Yrene Towers. The heir of Silba.
I really like her. Aside from her healing powers, she’s a very brave person. Her relationship with Chaol started from irritable patient to becoming a special friend then a lover. Whoop!
How she pursued to battle it out with the darkness within Chaol was really something. She cared enough that she shared her own deep memories from her past. Her pain and lost.
Those two are just perfect.

Alsooooo, since we all know that Nesryn is also one of the POVs here, let me tell you that I was over the moon when a certain Prince has shown interest. The way they started was pure admiration and fun. It was everything when they finally confessed their feelings for each other. Sartaq is one of those prince that can be intimidating but can make you swoon unexpectedly. He’s a prince who is not entitled but deeply grounded. Cares about his people and his ruks. Also he’s very truly smitten with Arrow’s Neith, the windseeker, Nesryn. Swooon!

Let’s not forget about those Ruks! Boy oh boy, it got me thinking of Buckbeack from HP. Haha!

Alsoooo the revelations.
What the hell is up with Queen Maeve. OMG?! Whaaaaat, all this time, she’s actually a Valq Queen. She manipulated the two fae sisters and injected herself, making them believe that they have a third sister. This is sick!
The revelations why there are healers in Antica. Because the Fae was able to hide them to be protected. Because they can actually heal the people that are possessed with Valgs.
Why there are black spiders near the rhukin. Because it was Maeve who told them to remain and guard the gate.
This boooook! I am just so happy with what I discovered.

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Thursday, September 09, 2021

Review: Dotted Lines

Dotted Lines Dotted Lines by Devney Perry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Finally I got to meet Karson! I’ve been wanting to know how will they reconnect with him. After reading book 4, I already got the hint. It’s been Clara all along.

I love this series so much!

“To the junkyard,” nine other voices said in unison.
To the place where our stories had started and the place we’d found a family.
To the place where I’d found the love of my life.
To the place that would bind us together forever.”

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Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Review: Forsaken Trail

Forsaken Trail Forsaken Trail by Devney Perry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This series keeps getting better and better. Whenever I think it’s my favorite book, the next one always surprises me.

From enemies-to-lovers book is one of the best romance theme for me. Especially when they realized that their fights were actually foreplay. How they transitioned from hating each other, to understanding each other. How they begin to realize that that person is the most important human that they need to cherish. Of course, the new baby is an added bonus. Who doesn’t love babies, right?

Brody Carmichael is the best everrrr. He’s clueless on what to do with Aria but he tries to adjust, he tries to learn and he tries to be a better man for her. I LOVE IT. For years he didn’t like Aria then suddenly, bam. All it takes is for them to get to know each other, share a conversation, share a laugh and the sexy times lol. He’s perfect because everything he did for Aria is his sincere way of wanting to be involved in her life and their child. The rich part was an added bonus haha!

Aria St James is one of the most independent character there is. She’s brave and she likes to persevere in what she does. She’s lonely but she was given a happy and cherished life at the end. She was able to find it in Brody. Yassss! Her self respect is one of the amazing qualities because not only does she try to understand Brody, but she also knows how to be honest of her feelings.

This is the best boooook!

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Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Review: Quarter Miles

Quarter Miles Quarter Miles by Devney Perry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A best-friends to lovers book. I’m giving this a 5 star rating. Whoop!
It was nice to read the thoughts of both Kat and Cash because you can really see how much they love each other but wouldn’t admit them outright to each other.
Granted, Cash was not really sure at first but when he was in the point of realizing it and finally succumbing to his feelings he did the things a man in love would do. He tried to get the girl.
Katherine, made assumptions that Cash did not like her like that, because who would be confident enough to claim that when it has been years since she had fallen for him and she has been waiting so long.
The start of their romance was sexy and heartfelt. I love this!

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Monday, September 06, 2021

Review: Wild Highway

Wild Highway Wild Highway by Devney Perry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love love love this book!
When you think you don’t fit anywhere and you discover someone somewhere where all your desires are there, it’s sooooo self fulfilling.
It’s great that after all the one-man battle feelings that you have your whole life that you end up meeting the right one plus the whole family package and an amazing place to set roots. Not only that but the person you end up going back to was the same man that made you feel all those years ago. It sooooo much more heartwarming when you find your place and you actually belong.

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Review: Runaway Road

Runaway Road Runaway Road by Devney Perry
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The story was short and sweet. It’s one of those books that makes you feel warm inside because it gives you a glimpse of “what could be out there”. Getting on a roadtrip is not easy imho. I would do it, but not alone. It was rare to find ta Brooks along the way. The perfect package and all. But it still happens to some, I guess. This story made me think that every turns and surprises can steal you heart and give you the full blast of a happy life. Sometimes you just have to see it and take it.

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Friday, September 03, 2021

Review: Tin Queen

Tin Queen Tin Queen by Devney Perry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 beautiful stars for this book!
I hesitated briefly if I should start reading this book because I forgot some of the details that are important. Turns out, it's ok because the book gave me the pertinent details to the story while reading it. More like a recall from the past. Yay, Devney!

When I first got the hint what Emmett story was going to be like, I was completely down with it. So excited because I know how much drama will be in it. How painful the story will be and how heartbreaking will it be for the characters. I thought that was that, but when I was actually reading the book, I wasn't prepared for the heartache and the twist! Whoa. I cried while reading this because, who would not cry when you couldn't be with the love of your life. Who wouldn't cry when it's hurting you both because you can't be together. :(

The story started out smoothly, because it was just so casual between the two of them. Then it became addicting to both not realizing they were already in the hands of falling in love. Then when the lies get to be too much it just shattered in front of their eyes.

Emmett Stone, I really thought I'd prefer Leo over Emmett, but this book changed it for me. I love Emmett! This book shed a few things that made me find him endearing, a sweetheart and sexy. lol.
Even in the past he has always been a loyal friend to the Tin Gypsies and their wives. It was enlightening to see his interaction with his mother and how he missed his father so much. How broken he was when he found out the truth about Nova, how his guilt made him crumble and how he let himself feel the need distance himself from her because their relationship was fool of lies from the beginning. It's hard when you see a man who has to face the truth and find the courage to let the one he loves go, but he did. It was everything :(

June Nova Johnson, I was expecting her to fall for Emmett, obviously, but the emotions that she poured in this book, it made me cryyyy. Yes her revenge was driven by her loyalty and the need to give more for her father, but she wasn't prepared for the feelings that caught her when she encountered Emmett. It was so hard to be Nova. I wouldn't wish it on anyone else. When she discovered the truth about the death of his brother, the lies of his father and how she has to give up the man that she loves; giiiirl, my heart shattered. I cannot even. I mean who wouldn't collapse and have a heart attack. I'd be crazy for all the reality that I have to face if I was her. and crazy she did. haha!

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"If there was a miracle to be had in my life, I wanted it to be him."
I really cried when she hugged Emmett and cried all her hurts in front of him, and he still left her. OMG.

We survive the goodbyes so when a hello comes along, we appreciate its beauty.
yes to this quote.

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Thursday, September 02, 2021

Monday, August 30, 2021

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Review: There with You

There with You There with You by Samantha Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I devoured this book!
It was so nice to go back to the world of the Adairs. I really really loved the Scotland vibe that this book series gives. I couldn't stop googling every tidbit that it shares about Scotland. I even want to check the ancestry visa. lol. Moving ooon.

At first, I'm not sure if I would like the romance because of the age difference of the two characters but, it didn't even matter. The chemistry that these two give is AMAZING. The relationship build up transitioned so smoothly that I just kinda go with the flow with it. What started with a crush to friendship to admiration to being the person to trust to falling in love, completely sold me. Yep, Samantha Young did it again. Soooo sooo good with this storytelling, I loved it.

The children. ADORABLE. These two always stole the show. How they loved Regan from the start and cling to her at all times was a super bonus. I especially love Lewis because the shy type and serious boy who has taken to liking the nanny who is very understanding and cool was fun to read.

The drama. Yes the drama. I loved that this focused on the life-changing problems of both characters and how they were able to fight to be not swallowed and drowned by those problems that haunts them. It's very realistic in my eyes. The pain the Regan has to go through inside her head what with the feeling of being abandoned, coincides with the way that Thane's wife died and left him. It's tragic that both of them have that kind of great pain in their lives, but it's still comforting to know that they have each other to carry each other's weights. Not only that but they have the great support of their siblings. How Robyn and Lachlan's presence in their lives spark a great light that shines their dark days, it's the best ever!

"I've just gotten into habit of being happy-go-lucky no matter how I'm really feeling because I know most people don't want to hear the truth."
This quote hits me so hard. Pretending that everything is just fine and not divulging every aspect of your life to your friends is sometimes easier because sometimes it's hard to react to it. From the person pretending, maybe it's hard to digest and express what's going inside her head.

Also, to the next Adairs, I see what you did there. So excited for Mac and Arro, Erredine and Brodan? Right? It's Brodan right? Say yesssss!

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Friday, August 27, 2021

Review: The Kiss Thief

The Kiss Thief The Kiss Thief by L.J. Shen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"Do you have to be mad to fall in love?"
"Of course, you do. Falling in love is, by definition, going crazy for someone else."

This book is so addicting. Also, I cried. Absolutely 5 STARS!

Senator Wolfe Keaton is the perfect anti-hero. Buckets and buckets of praises for his character. The guy is an asshole, aloof, cruel but when you got his attention, I mean really really hooked him, he will do everything for you. The sad story of his past really gave justice as to how he acts in the story. No one can be so forgiving what with all the tragedies that happened in his life. How he fell in love with Nemesis was really exciting to read because the build up is a real tease! I cannot contain my happiness with it.

Francesca Rossi is one of my favorites as well because her character is the image of pure, good, expressive and not annoying. She's fantastic because she was able to attract Wolfe and then eventually fall madly in love with her. I wasn't even annoyed with the Angelo crush because it was realistic for me. Honestly, who would forget their first love simply because a gorgeous senator married her by force. The feelings won't just go away and the story was able to portray that. Loved it!

Their banter, the innocent seductions, the glorifying attraction, i'm giving it 10 stars! lol
I even loved that vegetable garden, their deal, the vacation in that cabin with Artemis. ALL OF IT.
This book is my favorite. I never thought it will overpower my love for The Villain, but it did. I'm so sorry Cillian. ahha!

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Monday, August 23, 2021

Review: Playing with Fire

Playing with Fire Playing with Fire by L.J. Shen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Let me seeeee...
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The book started off, ok. The romance build up between the two characters was something that got me hooked up immediately. But then, I guess the self pity and insecurities of the girl got to be a little too much for me. Also, the way the guy self-blames/self-hates himself is not really my cup of tea.
I still liked the story but maybe not that much.

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Monday, August 16, 2021

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Review: Broken Knight

Broken Knight Broken Knight by L.J. Shen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So this is my 2nd read of this book. I'm really in awe of the fact that it's so much better to read this now, since I've read all the SOS books. It gives me a lot of perspective from the characters, how they grew and transformed. It's so much more emotional since even though life was hard before, we get to see how they live with the new challenges that are thrown at them. It's a lot! It's so heartbreaking, this book.

So let meeee share my thoughts:

1. Luna Rexroth
I mentioned before that she was one of my favorite because of what happened to her and how she coped with her abandonment issues. She's a selective mute and she really tried to be as best as she can be. I guess coming from her, it's hard to be committed to someone if you know that you're different and you don't know if you really can give that person all of you. All her life she was protected and treated as fragile. So it's really breathtaking that she was able to experience independence by going away to college. Yes, it did separate her from her loved one especially our precious Knight, but she was able to find that courage to drive her own wheel called life.

2. Knight Jameson Cole
This guy, I am crushing on this guy so bad. So anyway, no one could be more loyal and protective as this guy. From toddler to adulthood, he has always shown how attracted and fascinated he was with Luna. That's just the best ever. Swoon-worthy level is high high high. How she adores Rosie, his mother, how he respects his dad, Dean. This guy is just perfect. Yeah, he's not perfect in the sense that he paraded a lot of girls in front of Luna and he was not able to fully express how he loved her so much he can just explode. Let's give it to him because Luna friendzoned him so bad. haha!

3. Dean and Rosie
I've been in loved with this couple since Ruckus, but this one made me cry. Because in this book we get to see the end of their relationship. How Dean suffered and cannot really function as the father to his kids because his wife is dying on him. He tried for as long as he can to fight and we can see how he felt devastated when the end is nearing. Rosie's so strong what with her plan for her husband and sons. But what made me liked her in this book is how she continues to cherish every single second that she has. How she tries to be more present and alive for Dean and their children. Even after her death, she still continues to look after them. It's just so sad because death is really something that is final. Rosie not existing in Dean's life is like the end of everything. And every time they face the last remaining days of Rosie's life is like the ultimate torture or another way of killing me softly.
Btw, chapter 24 and 25 made me cryyyy buckets! It's just so sad and it's making me so so so emotional I cannot contain it.

Giving up too fast was cowardly. But not giving up when all the signs pointed to long-lasting heartache was dangerous, too.
We can see how Luna continues to experience defeat what with the confusing relationship that she has with Knight. I know if they just cleared everything maybe just maybe they would have been together immediately, but then this on and off/ hot and cold thing kept me reading this like a girl on crack. haha! Anyway, as I was saying I kinda agree with the statement above, cause you can only take so much hurt. If you can already see that it's going to spiral down to more heartache why not just stop right? Just give up. Sometimes, all you have to do is protect yourself.

What if tomorrow never comes?
Then my darling boy, we'll make the best of today.

Yessss! Cherish every moment because we will never know when our life will end. We may reach a long life or we may get into an accident tomorrow. Sometimes, it's just how you live your life to the fullest that you can say that you enjoyed your life. Collect all the happy moments and embrace them.

We break things all the time. It's called life. If you don't break, you don't live. You don't move. You don't try. You don't take chances. Breaking is a part of living.
I guess this statement makes me want to think that you cannot really achieve of conquer what you desire if there's no breaking in between. Maybe we need to experience the hardship and the anxiety because it allows us to fight for what we want and it molds us to become someone that can overcome the obstacles thrown our way. Yes we need to try, we need to act because if we don't do something nothing will happen. Pain makes us strong because we learn how to avoid them when the time comes. We learn how to be at peace with ourselves.

If you love someone, don't set them free. Smother the fuck out of them until they realize they have no chance of escaping.
Spoken like a true and determined lover. I want to hug Dean Cole. haha!

PS, I'm not sure I like Dixie for Cole, maybe because I really really adore him with Rosie. But hey, who knows, right? It's Dean's life. haha!

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Monday, August 09, 2021

Review: Pretty Reckless

Pretty Reckless Pretty Reckless by L.J. Shen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So this is already a re-read review. When I first read this, I remember that I really liked it because Daria is such a bitch haha! I mean it's not even bad, it's like looking at a villain's perspective. Daria is not actually a villain because she's the lead here but you know how she's do bad things and hurts others? But then you appreciate the people around her, like his loving and loyal father, her asshole but supportive childhood friends, her nice but very dramatic mother and the boy who crushed on her so hard he cannot erase her from his system. Yes Penn, we know you're so gaga over Daria.

Soooo thoughts:

1. Daria is such a bitch but hey everyone of us has our inner bitch, right?
Every one has their bad side, right? I guess for Daria, it's all because of her insecurities and lack of trust in herself especially when she treat other girls as competition. Also, maybe how Melody treated her as not the kind of daughter that Daria wants to feel. I mean honestly, Via should have just gone bye bye. I don't like that girl! Annoying is one word but pure evil is the perfect description for how i HATE HER. Daria is entitled to feel the way she feels. Although I'm not so sure of the other sins that she has in her black book haha!

2. Penn, I know you are driven by your pain but you cannot control who you love, I guess?
How Penn was introduced here was like the very definition of a cute romance. But then, it ends abruptly or rather it turned to a hateful experience because of what happened to her twin and what his participation in that incident. I know he likes to get his "revenge" but I guess love overpowered him. We can definitely see how he cares for Daria, how he considers that Daria is just a lonely girl who lives in an unfair situation. What's so emotional about this is he was able to see the good in Daria and how that amplified his actions towards loving her.

3. Jaime's POV!!!! Woooot! Also, Melody redeem yourself haha!
The hotholes reunion was the best! haha! Jaime being a loving loyal father is the BEST EVER! How he's always team Daria all the way, I mean I cannot contain my happiness. Jaime is sexy here! Melody better step up in which she did by the way. But I really wanted to slap her sometimes because hello!!! Melody are you THAT blind? Come on girl, don't be stupid!

4. That breakup scene WRECKED ME! How dare you Penn and Daria!!! Good thing there's Vaughn.
That scene had me crying!!!! I cannot I cannot! Daria's pain was omg. that part really hurts! When Penn told her that they should end it because he has Adriana and Harper, I was like the hell with that!!!! Daria finally found someone as hers then you will just throw her away like she's a nobody. waaaah! I don't know how to explain this in a really vivid way but hell, I just, I cannot haha!
When Vaughn hugged Daria though, omg I want me some Vaughn Spencer, please? If you're listening God, I want one please. Or maybe Santa? Santa, pleaseeee!

Hahha! All in all, THIS ONE IS GREAT! Yassss!

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Saturday, August 07, 2021

Review: Scandalous

Scandalous Scandalous by L.J. Shen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My very first thought is that 18? REALLY? At 18? I remember how judgy I was toward Melody but then there comes Trent Rexroth and Eddie Van Der Zee. OMG. haha! When sparks fly, it launches spaceships. This one is a huge whoa!


Sooooo thoughts:

1. Luna is the best!
The cute kid who loves seahorse. I know she does not talk but she's still cute. How she interacts with Edie. How she appreciates her surroundings. How he tries to make his father happy. Everything! I know she's not the main lead here but you know when someone just stole the show. Yep. She's that girl.

2. Edie is a tough cookie.
Yep, this girl right here knows how to be a tough one. She's really brave and does not give a shit about anything. Well maybe her father but he's a really evil person that one.
Crushing on an adult. Woooot! I mean I have crushes too but dang, Edie just claimed that man. You go girl! I don't how to find that kind of confidence, I guess it's love? haha!

3. Trent deserves this! Give him a break, life!
Yeah, Trent deserves this HEA. He really does. I just still can't comprehend the age gap. haha! But But butttt, whatever works, right? If it's love it's love? Right? So many wrecking balls in Trent's life happened and he really needs to have a break. In a form of a teenager who loves him with all of his baggage.

This is truly scandalous! But I love it!

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