Sunday, August 29, 2021

Review: There with You

There with You There with You by Samantha Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I devoured this book!
It was so nice to go back to the world of the Adairs. I really really loved the Scotland vibe that this book series gives. I couldn't stop googling every tidbit that it shares about Scotland. I even want to check the ancestry visa. lol. Moving ooon.

At first, I'm not sure if I would like the romance because of the age difference of the two characters but, it didn't even matter. The chemistry that these two give is AMAZING. The relationship build up transitioned so smoothly that I just kinda go with the flow with it. What started with a crush to friendship to admiration to being the person to trust to falling in love, completely sold me. Yep, Samantha Young did it again. Soooo sooo good with this storytelling, I loved it.

The children. ADORABLE. These two always stole the show. How they loved Regan from the start and cling to her at all times was a super bonus. I especially love Lewis because the shy type and serious boy who has taken to liking the nanny who is very understanding and cool was fun to read.

The drama. Yes the drama. I loved that this focused on the life-changing problems of both characters and how they were able to fight to be not swallowed and drowned by those problems that haunts them. It's very realistic in my eyes. The pain the Regan has to go through inside her head what with the feeling of being abandoned, coincides with the way that Thane's wife died and left him. It's tragic that both of them have that kind of great pain in their lives, but it's still comforting to know that they have each other to carry each other's weights. Not only that but they have the great support of their siblings. How Robyn and Lachlan's presence in their lives spark a great light that shines their dark days, it's the best ever!

"I've just gotten into habit of being happy-go-lucky no matter how I'm really feeling because I know most people don't want to hear the truth."
This quote hits me so hard. Pretending that everything is just fine and not divulging every aspect of your life to your friends is sometimes easier because sometimes it's hard to react to it. From the person pretending, maybe it's hard to digest and express what's going inside her head.

Also, to the next Adairs, I see what you did there. So excited for Mac and Arro, Erredine and Brodan? Right? It's Brodan right? Say yesssss!

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