Thursday, August 12, 2021

Review: Broken Knight

Broken Knight Broken Knight by L.J. Shen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So this is my 2nd read of this book. I'm really in awe of the fact that it's so much better to read this now, since I've read all the SOS books. It gives me a lot of perspective from the characters, how they grew and transformed. It's so much more emotional since even though life was hard before, we get to see how they live with the new challenges that are thrown at them. It's a lot! It's so heartbreaking, this book.

So let meeee share my thoughts:

1. Luna Rexroth
I mentioned before that she was one of my favorite because of what happened to her and how she coped with her abandonment issues. She's a selective mute and she really tried to be as best as she can be. I guess coming from her, it's hard to be committed to someone if you know that you're different and you don't know if you really can give that person all of you. All her life she was protected and treated as fragile. So it's really breathtaking that she was able to experience independence by going away to college. Yes, it did separate her from her loved one especially our precious Knight, but she was able to find that courage to drive her own wheel called life.

2. Knight Jameson Cole
This guy, I am crushing on this guy so bad. So anyway, no one could be more loyal and protective as this guy. From toddler to adulthood, he has always shown how attracted and fascinated he was with Luna. That's just the best ever. Swoon-worthy level is high high high. How she adores Rosie, his mother, how he respects his dad, Dean. This guy is just perfect. Yeah, he's not perfect in the sense that he paraded a lot of girls in front of Luna and he was not able to fully express how he loved her so much he can just explode. Let's give it to him because Luna friendzoned him so bad. haha!

3. Dean and Rosie
I've been in loved with this couple since Ruckus, but this one made me cry. Because in this book we get to see the end of their relationship. How Dean suffered and cannot really function as the father to his kids because his wife is dying on him. He tried for as long as he can to fight and we can see how he felt devastated when the end is nearing. Rosie's so strong what with her plan for her husband and sons. But what made me liked her in this book is how she continues to cherish every single second that she has. How she tries to be more present and alive for Dean and their children. Even after her death, she still continues to look after them. It's just so sad because death is really something that is final. Rosie not existing in Dean's life is like the end of everything. And every time they face the last remaining days of Rosie's life is like the ultimate torture or another way of killing me softly.
Btw, chapter 24 and 25 made me cryyyy buckets! It's just so sad and it's making me so so so emotional I cannot contain it.

Giving up too fast was cowardly. But not giving up when all the signs pointed to long-lasting heartache was dangerous, too.
We can see how Luna continues to experience defeat what with the confusing relationship that she has with Knight. I know if they just cleared everything maybe just maybe they would have been together immediately, but then this on and off/ hot and cold thing kept me reading this like a girl on crack. haha! Anyway, as I was saying I kinda agree with the statement above, cause you can only take so much hurt. If you can already see that it's going to spiral down to more heartache why not just stop right? Just give up. Sometimes, all you have to do is protect yourself.

What if tomorrow never comes?
Then my darling boy, we'll make the best of today.

Yessss! Cherish every moment because we will never know when our life will end. We may reach a long life or we may get into an accident tomorrow. Sometimes, it's just how you live your life to the fullest that you can say that you enjoyed your life. Collect all the happy moments and embrace them.

We break things all the time. It's called life. If you don't break, you don't live. You don't move. You don't try. You don't take chances. Breaking is a part of living.
I guess this statement makes me want to think that you cannot really achieve of conquer what you desire if there's no breaking in between. Maybe we need to experience the hardship and the anxiety because it allows us to fight for what we want and it molds us to become someone that can overcome the obstacles thrown our way. Yes we need to try, we need to act because if we don't do something nothing will happen. Pain makes us strong because we learn how to avoid them when the time comes. We learn how to be at peace with ourselves.

If you love someone, don't set them free. Smother the fuck out of them until they realize they have no chance of escaping.
Spoken like a true and determined lover. I want to hug Dean Cole. haha!

PS, I'm not sure I like Dixie for Cole, maybe because I really really adore him with Rosie. But hey, who knows, right? It's Dean's life. haha!

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