Monday, August 02, 2021

Review: Angry God

Angry God Angry God by L.J. Shen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I feel like writing a review for Angry God is too late now since, I read this 2 weeks ago. I feel like I should re-read it to give this a better review. I mean, this is Vaughn Spencer.
But then the story is still to fresh in my mind to re-read. Lol. I just wasted your time for reading the previous sentences. Lol. Sorry not sorry.


So let's do this. Here are my thoughts:

To say that I've waited to read this book since Pretty Reckless makes me feel so disloyal when I ended up skipping this entirely for months. I'm so sorry Vaughn because I read Hunter's book first.
Yeah, so sorry that I did not expect that this book will blow my mind away. We can all agree that Vaughn's character is a lot like Vicious. He's very complicated and is not a keen to expressing himself of what he wants or how he feels. Always so serious this one. I mean there are his actions that completely says that he likes Lenora Astalis as more than a friend but he can't really admit them. haha! See? Complicated. He feels possessive but he wants to hurt her. He wants to claim her but he wants to taunt her and drive her away. Inflicting pain on the person that you feel so strongly is like his way of flirting.

Even though he's complicated, I like how Lenora was able to handle herself and handle Vaughn at the same time.
She's not a pushover and she knows how to fight back. Good for her. I feel sad though because she was hurt when she was not able to get the spot in the art school. It feels so unfair that felt degraded because she can only get in if she was to become one's assistant.

Vicious and Emila
Still so strong. I like how Vicious handled Vaughn's problem. We get to see how Vicious as a father and a very loving and devoted husband to Emilia. Gaaaah this book. Melts my heart.

The end.
Yeaaaaaah that ending was swoon-worthy. How everything was unraveled, I really like it when Vaughn confessed that he was always there for Lenora and protected her in his own way. How he can't stop thinking about her and how he can't just stay away. It was revealed in Broken Knight that he loves all things British and how he's like enamored with the Lenny. That right there gives all the bonus points to Vaughn. Lenora gave it her best to face all the bullies and that annoying Arabella. How she also feels the same to Vaughn, just look at her sculpture. omg.

I don't know what to say anymore. I just really really like this book.

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