Friday, August 06, 2021

Review: Ruckus

Ruckus Ruckus by L.J. Shen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I know I said before that Vicious book is my favorite, but I think this one can compete. I mean, HELLO DEAN RUCKUS COLE? The womanizer stoner who is easygoing and can be really flirty? Need I say anything more? But seriously, I first encountered Dean and Rosie in Broken Knight (yeah, I know I shouldn't have done that coz I ruined the ultimate SOS ASH experience) But well, I can't go back now haha! I can't really remember them since I read that last year, that's why I'm re-reading BK now. Let me tell you, reading their names in BK just want to make me bawl and cry and self destruct. lol. too much? Yeah, I know. I feel so extra. haha!

Soooooo, here are my thoughts:

1. Really Dean? Really?
Dean is a manwhore haha! Yep, this guy loves threesomes. Always has a new woman everytime Vic calls him on the phone. Will take her date on family emergencies. I can go on and on. This guy is a huge flirt and I don't even know how to handle someone like him if I ever met one. But then, there are swoon worthy sides to this guy. How he claimed Rosie to be his since he was a teenager. How he can be really sweet when he puts his mind into it. How he shares astronomy facts and be sexy at the same time. How he was good to Emilia even though he likes Rosie more. How he made a sacrifice because Rosie asked him to. He has his faults but at the end of the day, I would kill to be with someone like Dean. Rosieeeee you are so lucky!

2. Rosie, I know you love him, he loves you too.
Dean and Rosie's relationship started very young. They crushed on each other for so long but then there are priorities to be made or should I say issues to be handled? But when both of them are now free of those stuff, they can now be together. Yay! However at the end there I thought death will come knocking at their door. I wanted to cry when Rosie was all alone in that pouring rain and Dean was not there to open the door. How Dean has his own battles to fight because of his biological father. How everyone was against on allowing Dean to be there for Rosie during the time in which feels like the end. I want to cryyyyyy so bad!
*sings Bleeding Love*

3. Sirius and Earth for life!
Astronomy can be soooo sooo sexy. I love how this is Dean's outlet on how he copes being all alone in that field. How he compares Rosie to the brightest star, Sirius and how Rosie compares Dean to planet Earth. Swooooon.

4. How can you give up if the fight is still on? How can you stop fighting if there's still hope for a win?
How will you know if it's the end? What if it surprises you and you don't know how to handle it? Yes, they can still give you time to but you know it will still end soon. It's hard to think that you can accept a short life especially if the that short life is the love of your life. You just want to ask why? Why her? Why not me? Why not someone else? But the thing is that even though it will end soon, it doesn't mean that you can't enjoy the time left. You can still make happy memories and be full of life and give it your all. It will be really hard when the end comes, but you tell yourself that at least you were able to experience great joy, amazing life and deep everlasting love. That's how Dean and Rosie survived.

Let me just sing in peace now...

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby, I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby, I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away

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