Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Review: Vicious

Vicious Vicious by L.J. Shen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So, first of all, I didn't know that I added this book last January 2017. The question now is why the hell didn't I read this book last 2017? Maybe just maybe, I would have known who Vicious Spencer and Emilia LeBlanc! But I guess it's ok since I get to binge read on the SOS books. haha!

Sooooo here are my thoughts on this book:

1. Ohhh teen love/hate romance.
The book speaks about enemies to lover. Sorry for stating the obvious. lol. I really liked the way Vicious always gives Emilia the hate treatment. I mean, I know it's because he liiiiikes her and all, he just doesn't know it yet or maybe he just doesn't want to acknowledge it at first. Also, I know Emilia likes her back. What with the way she always has him in her mind. Even though she has Dean, it's always about Vicious. Their interactions are really fun to read. The jealousy and those dirty thoughts lol.

2. Hello hello, Baron Vicious Spencer.
Hellllllloooo Vicious! Ok, time to calm down and write something about this. So, Vicious. He is one hot male. I mean, I think if I ever had to talk to him I'll be really REALLY intimidated. He's soooo aloof and cold and just vicious. But what I like about him is he's real with whoever he encounters. He shows off his true colors and no bullshitting with him at all. He can be cruel, especially when it comes to Emilia. But when he shows how he's attracted to her, I can just swooooon all the way to his mansion lol. He can be jealous, especially, again with Emilia. How he's always annoyed with Dean, how he cannot get over Dean's "betrayal" since Vicious thinks Emilia is obviously belongs to him. (not that he claimed her before, but in his mind, she is his. ok Vic ok.) He can be sweet. Oh how he treated Emilia during their first date. Their spontaneous time in NYC was sooooo sweet I swimming in a large bowl of syrup sweet, i cannot contain my happiness. He can be persistent. How he never gave up on Emilia. He really brought his A-game. When he realized that Emilia is IT, his forever, he just exploded and made sure that everything will be according to what he planned. AND IT WAS AMAZING.

3. Emilia, I don't know, but if I were you I would have punched Vicious so hard because of all his BS.
The thing about this one is if I was Emilia, I would have made Vicious feel ALL the pain when he drove her out from Todos Santos. Being alone, how scared she was living in an unfamiliar place, how lonely it was to be separated from her family. I MEAN THAT WAS SO HARD TO DO. I know Vic was all over the place when Em left but still, ZERO POINTS FOR YOU VIC. EMILIA WAS ALL ALONE. Some mental breakdown right there. It's good that Em was tough. The part when Emilia finally FINALLY decided to let Vic go, I was like: yeaaaah go girl! You deserve to be happy, this man is making you unhappy and hurt, just forget about him. But then again, we all know what Vic did. He did good, wait no, he did an excellent job on winning Em back.

4. This romance gives me all the feels.
Did I mention that this is hands down swoon-worthy? Yes. IT DEFINITELY IS.
That painting of Emilia at the end. OMG I can feel the love. Vicious sure did. He felt really smug actually haha! But yeah, that's some grand gesture right there.

5. I'm only reading this because they were the perfect parents in Angry God.
How devoted Vicious is to Emilia. I cannot. I just, I want to know how they started. Let me tell you, they were already perfect in Angry God, but they were a lot more perfect in Vicious.


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