Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Review: Pushing the Limits

Pushing the Limits Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

You know how I see this book? It's about "distance".

"And I will make sure to keep my distance
Say "I love you" when you're not listening
How long can we keep this up, up, up?

And please don't stand so close to me
I'm having trouble breathing
I'm afraid of what you'll see right now
I give you everything I am"

(Distance by Christina Perri)

Yeah, I heard that song on the radio and said, S***! I can really see that in this book. :P Dramatic? Nah. Just emphatic? lol. Idk. Anyway, here, maybe I'll make more sense:

1. If I break will you still stay?
This book told me a lot of things about being brave and strong enough for yourself to get through life. It's hard to keep the people you love away from you knowing it's for the best and the right thing to do. In this book, Echo is a mess. She felt that she only comes second for every one. She never felt someone's first. Because of that she allowed herself to turn away from people that she really loves. As for Noah, well he also thought he's not good enough for Echo. What with all the problems that he has. He doesn't know what will happen to his future now that he has Echo and his brothers. These are heartbreaking moments actually. I really don't like it that people should distance themselves with these important people because it's "right". Well, what about how they feel? Is it right for them to be hurt and miserable? Is it the right thing even if it feels like your heart is shattering? I really don't think so. But then again, that's life. Sometimes we have to do things we don't want. Then again, it sucks!

2. Please hold me still.
This book also showed dependency and reliable people. I love it that this showed it pretty well and real. I mean I'm not sure if that's really how therapist deal with their patients but I can actually see it happening like that in real life. This book made me feel safe because it's actually saying that we don't have to shoulder everything in our life. We have people that we can depend on. People who are there to help us carry our baggage. Yes, sometimes we feel ashamed and guilty but that's the reason why they are there for us. They have their own say and choices and the good thing is they chose to stay with us.

3. I am not crazy. Can you tell?
Yeah, I didn't really felt the craziness in Echo's mind. Maybe because I know she's not really losing it. But her life is really crazy! Having someone you really love do something crazy as that to you. Yes, you will feel betrayed. Yes you will feel like maybe you'll turn out just like him or her. But the hardest part is actually facing every day with the same kind of mentality that's been making you doubt yourself.

4. Are you still there? I really hope so.
Noah, really loves his parents and his brothers. I love how this book made me feel that longing and loss. He really missed his parents. I really want to cry with him in those breaking parts. GOSH! His parents. Among his brothers he was the only one who really experienced how great it is to be with them. I really pity him because they died. I also feel a little angry with his brother because compared to them they can just easily forget. They didn't had the time Noah had with their parents. They are too young to feel those strong emotions and pain that Noah is having. Ok. That's just really sad.
Echo and her dad. Yeah. I don't want to say anything anymore. Spoiler. :))

5. Guilty or not, it's not your fault.
That is the truth anyway. I just felt like saying that.

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Review: Being Friends with Boys

Being Friends with Boys Being Friends with Boys by Terra Elan McVoy
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Again. Boys. Boys. BOYS!

That feeling when you think you've had enough of them but what you really feel is like they are everything to you? :)

1. Boys. Sometimes a girl just needs one. But a lot can be better too.
This book is about being friends with boys. They are pretty complicated sometimes because of how they react or how they view stuff in life. But most of the time they are just like just normal friends who listens and goofs around with. I really liked how Charlotte has a lot of guy friends. I also like the way they all treat each other with care and respect.

2. It's just too little too late...but maybe it's not?
The Trip/Charlotte things is driving me crazy! I really love their relationship. It's obvious that they like each other a lot. What with the long phone conversations/ notebook writing/ song swapping/ song writing and just always there for each other. Also how Char's voice in the book is saying how she's really connecting with Trip. Then he has to be all "I have to go or I don't wanna hang out with you anymore." That SUCKED so bad. I was like, "WTF? is wrong with you Trip? Do you really have to have a new girlfriend? You can't just be super close with someone then just cut someone out like that in a heart beat! You just don't! You should at least tell that person! You don't just ignore them!" So yeah, I was really devastated because I really like them for each other! Then at the end of the book, he's just there. Spilling all his feelings for Char in their notebook. I think it's great that he loves her back, but I can't help feel that it's a bit rushed. Then she sang the song that they made and it's the end. I wish there are more reconciliation bits or something. More romance between the two of them. But nooo, I just have to read it like that. Oh well. I still kinda like it.

3. But if I had you, that could be the only thing I'll ever need.
Fabian, Benji and Oliver are really great friends to Charlotte too.
Fabian with all the sensitive/ supportive thing going on. Benji, with how he's really cool with being friends and how they ended the "dating" thing. He's smart and he such a great listener too. He's the kind of guy that you can count on and makes you feel better all the time even if you're in your lowest point. Then there's Oliver, he's just the typical guy friend that you can't turn away from. He acts cool and confident. These guys are one of the great things that happened to Charlotte. They may have their fights or misunderstanding but in the end they still end up being happy and liking each other.


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Monday, August 13, 2012

Review: Saving Francesca

Saving Francesca Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Super fun read!

1. I like family drama.
I really like the Spinelli family. How they all love and care for each member of the family. How they were able to deal with their mother's sickness and how they overcome all the things that happened ever since that incident. I love how Francesca is really close with her brother Luca. Most definitely I really love it that Robert and Mia are very in love with each other. LOVE IT!

2.Boys. boys. BOYS!
Ok, i'm not boy addict or obsessed with them. I just like how Frankie handled them. Made friends with them! I really liked Jimmy actually. He's a geek for sci/fi and all. And he might be a bully and irritating but he's such a good friend and respects his elders. Thomas is obnoxious. But i really like him as well. He may come out as a guy who doesn't care but he cares about people who mean something to him and he values his friends. Will Trombal. haha. I like him because Frankie likes him. He's annoying at first but he's just one of those guys who likes what he sees. He may plan a lot but he's basing it through its importance in his life. He's determined and that's good. I just don't like it that he has to hurt people because he can't help his feelings.

3. Them girls.
The friendship of Bitch spice, Butch spice, Stupid spice and Slut spice is very likable. I love them! How different they all are but they still work together and compliment each other. :) It's so good to see people connect and rely on each other like these girls do. It may looked like they are using each other at first but they end up being happy with each others' company.

4. Frankie say what?
I really like Frankie. She may be confused but the book made me see something real. It's her. She's so real. I can see people like her in the real world. I mean she's only human who deal with human emotions, chaos and drama. She's strong and is dedicated to her family. She has her imperfections but it's ok because that's what makes her likable.

5. Happy ending?
This book has a happy ending! But, although it may looked like the romance bit is a happy ending, i still wished it was the way I pictured it in my head. haha. Yeah i'm a hopeless romantic.

4 STARS!!!

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Review: Lengths

Lengths Lengths by Steph Campbell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Emotions emotions.

This book is full of emotions. Locked in a box emotions that tend to let the person break once opened.

Here are my thoughts:

1. Locked in a box. Sealed until death?
Whit's character depresses me. I saw how she dealt with all her sadness and loss. It's not a happy picture. Do i liked it? No! Who would? She tends to avoid commitment. Yes it's hard to feel the pain again when you let yourself have deep feelings for someone again, but holding back from those feelings is not the solution. You'll only end up getting hurt again. It will also make you unhappy and feel regret because all you'll ever think about for the rest of your life would be 'what could have been? Or what if?' sad sad sad. Also keeping all those sadness and pain inside of you is not healthy! You have to let it go. Why? Because it's the right thing to do. Yes it's not easy but you can't let yourself suffer and live like that for the rest of your life because it's not really living at all.

2. Deal with it. You can't escape it.
Deo means no harm. He only wanted to help the person he loves. I get that. He cares. He wants to fix things. But in order to fix other things you should fix yourself first. I agree with Cohen in this book. How can you help someone if you can't even help yourself? You have to start with yourself. Running away or ignoring your problems is not the answer. We all know this. Sometimes you just have to be brave enough, have faith and take the risk.

3. This is suffocating!
gah! This book made my head hurt. :( it's good. I just, i don't know something's off or maybe because it's too much denial of feelings. I really don't like that. Grr.

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Review: My Life Next Door

My Life Next DoorMy Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book surprised me. I wasn't expecting to like it so much! This book is actually what I need right now. It reminds me of Sarah Dessen's books. Jase Garrett's and Samantha Reed's story sure has blown me away. :)What are my thoughts?

1. Hi mom. Remember me? Your daughter.
This book is about mother-daughter issues. I kinda pity them both because they don't really understand each other. It's like mom, can you grow a pair and just listen to me for a second? You don't even know what your talking about. You just keep planning on about my life and you don't even ask me if I want that. And the daughter is like, why am i even doing this? Why can't I tell mom what's on my mind? ......
I don't like it that they don't have an open relationship. It's not actually Sam's fault because, growing up, her mom is always the one in charge or is very strict about everything. They have a very cold relationship. It's actually like Sam is afraid that her mom will disapprove of her every move. The book portrayed just that. That's really sad and poor kind of relationship.

2. Howdie hottie boy-next-door!
That feeling that you just want to shout to the whole world that you are in love with that person and you can't seem stop thinking about him/her? Yeah! Sweeeet! It's also like you can't get enough of each other and is having that craving for more feeling.
Boy next-door Jase is everything that girl could want. He is nice, hot, not afraid to look you in the eye, brave enough to talk to you about sensitive stuff and is really understanding! Oh don't forget family-oriented. The good part is that I think Jase has been crushing on Sam for years now. Now that they're 17, he found that courage to actually talk to her. This guy knows how to respect others and very down to earth. I want someone like him!!!!
A boy like that who blushes because of his girlfriend? Come on! A boy who is concern because it's your first time together to do it. Buy condoms together? Lol.

3. I wish I'm you! Wtf.
Sam has been watching the Garretts for ten years now! She never talked to them. Just observes. I really think she wants to have that kind of experience. The big family type of experience. I mean who wouldn't? It's kinda crazy! I like how this book showed it here. The Garretts are everywhere! From the parents who act like they are teenagers in love, from the kids who act like crazy and know it all kids. From teens who are responsible yet feisty and have angst. Focused, determined and loving kids at the same time can be annoying and overbearing. Just wow! I love that family!!!!

Being jealous is one thing. But being jealous to you bestfriend is different all together. Especially if that bestfriend doesn't even have malicious thoughts about you and your relationship. Being jealous of someone who you think has it all is normal. Especially if you think that someone doesn't have to work her butt off unlike you who tries really hard all the friggin time. But, you should at least be considerate if that person is someone who has always been there for you and always being a good friend. Because that is just unfair for the bestfriend when you just suddenly decide to break your friendship just because of your jealousy and insecurity!!!! That is so unfair!!!!

4. I whine, you listen.
Sometimes we normally whine about stuff. I mean i whine about everything. Not to be annoying. But because it's the only thing I can do at the moment. But, in this book, whining about something and being complicated about it will only give you a headache. I mean Jase is right, you're not gonna die or be miserable for eternity. Sometimes you need to be reasonable and be able to think things through. I know it's hard sometimes because you can't do it just because you have to, but there's a solution for that. It will come.

I really like Tim Mason. He speaks for himself. He feels like a loser but i actually think he's a great person. I like his friendship with Sam and Jase. He was able to change his life by straightening up and helping himself get rid of his addictions. Also, just because he's annoying and can be really good to someone. :)

5. Help. I can't decide!
I don't like it that there are times in our lives that we can't decide what to do or how to act on something because you know it will create a lot of damage to others who matter to you. Also, when you know what to do but you can't do it because your afraid of what others might feel or how they will react. It's also hard, i mean really hard when a certain action or decision can make you lose the one person that you love the most, just because you're also being loyal to your family.
This book made me anxious while reading those parts. It made want to stop reading! It's like you know they will end up w each other but you are confused how will that happen now because of this problem. Grrr.

Best unexpected-type-of-deep-feeling book ever!!!!!

I really love it!

This song actually reminds me of this book:

  "Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin....
And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go somewhere only we know?"

reminds me of Jase and Sam. :)

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Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Review: Unlovable

Unlovable Unlovable by Sherry Gammon
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Just by hearing the name Seth, I can swoon anytime. Yup. I'm a goner.
Before anything else, I really really enjoyed this book. Yeah, there are stuff that are pretty much predictable but I still like reading it. Okay so here goes..

1. I have a crush on you, but I'm nervous.
Yup. I really love the idea that a young undercover cop/MET agent has a crush on an senior high school girl before she got involved in his case. And yes, I am talking about Seth and Maggie. Seth was adorable in a very cute way because he couldn't seem to know how to ask Maggie out on a date or how to have a simple conversation with her. He is totally hopeless. He is also really crushing on her. The moment he had the opportunity to be closer to her, he can't seem to stop flirting and be NERVOUS. That is just adorable! I know! I keep saying adorable. :)) That guy is very endearing not to mention really sweet. I would love to have someone like that.

2. Mom is an addict. Anyone else?
The issue about addiction is sick. It's also funny because the last book that I read was about father-daughter issues, and now it's about a mother-daughter issues. Anyway. Okay. It's sad that Maggie's life changed horribly because of her drunk mother. Being an addict can really takeover a person's life. It can cloud all your emotions, it can trigger unleashing all your pain or it can simply ruin your life. That's what happened her. Her mother was ruined. It's making me angry because she's the only person left in Maggie's life. She's the reason why Maggie became the scared person that she is. She's also the reason why she keeps holding herself back from life.

The drug addicts/ Dresser brothers are just plain psycho! I really hate those guys. Yeah right. They are claiming that they are not stupid but all their actions are stupid. Anyway, I don't want to talk about them. Annoying bunch!

3. If I knock will you let me in?
Because of the way that Maggie is: feeling unlovable nothing. She has some major trust issues and she's not really confident about people wanting to be with her. Who could blame her? Her mother is not really an example of the person who loves her. She's also poor and she doesn't have the luxuries in life. So, yeah. She very much pities herself. But that doesn't stop Seth from making him like her. Like I said, he's like head over heels for her. I even have a song that reminds me of Seth:
"I'll be your shelter
I'll be your storm
I'll make you shiver
I'll keep you warm
Whatever weather
Well baby Im yours
I'll be your forever, Be your fling
Baby I will be your everything"

(Be Your Everything by Boys Like Girls)
I can't even tell how sweet Seth is in this book. I just really like it that he's not stopping to win her over. His determination is there. He doesn't want to lose her. For a guy like him, I have to say he's one of the best out there. He's protective and he has that sensitive side with him that can knock a girl's mind out. If I ever met someone like him, I am sure I will not allow him to get away.

4. Love someone as though your life depends on it.
You see, Maggie loves Seth. But well, she can't help it if she felt betrayed? Trust issues remember?
This song even matches Maggie's feelings:
"You didn't let me down, you didn't tear me apart
You just opened my eyes, while breaking my heart
You didn't do it for me
I'm not as dumb as you think,
You just made me cry
While claiming that you love me"

(You Love Me by Kelly Clarkson)
Maggie's feelings was actually got me all saying "awwww!" Well because, the first time ever that she let someone in her life and allowed herself to love someone, that person deceived her. What's worse is she already feel like she's nothing and she's unlovable. Having that kind of thinking can be so frustrating. You'll think, yeah, how can he choose me if he can have someone better than me. I'm certainly not that special if he's just been forced to like me.

5. My mild way of saying, I know this story already.
You know that feeling when you already know what's gonna happen to the story yet you still want to finish it? Yup. That's me. I have to say there were stuff here that are actually good. But of course there are bad ones too. Like, the fact that there's always the annoying girl who's a bitch to the heroine and who is dying to have the hero. Also, self pity and trust issues. Sometimes I hate it because it's like Maggie isn't thinking at all. Other times, I was like what the hell is Seth doing hanging out with that bitch/ slut Hillary? Why is there always a jerk ex-boyfriend that goes mental? And, why, why why, does the girl always have to resist or keep herself away from loving the guy? grrrr.
Sometimes, I just really want to bump their heads and say, get it over with and be together already. But then again, where's the twist and drama in that right? Oh well.

I really want to see if this one turns out into a movie. considering it's been optioned already. :) Yay. I hope Mia Wasikowska will play as Maggie. It's also okay if they still consider Liam Hemsworth(only because I saw him in the author's blog) as Seth.

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Thursday, August 02, 2012

Review: Crash

Crash Crash by Nicole Williams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ever wonder a sweet-broken-bad boy might end up with a bitchy-smart-mouthed girl? This one did.
Somewhere along my "update status" I said that I found the perfect song for this book. I am so not joking! Here:

"Lyin' here with you so close to me
It's hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe
I'm caught up in this moment, caught up in your smile

I've never opened up to anyone
So hard to hold back when I'm holding you in my arms
We don't need to rush this, let's just take it slow

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
And I don't want to mess this thing up
No, I don't want to push too far

Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby, I'm alright with just a kiss goodnight

(Just A Kiss by Lady Antebellum)

Perfect song for both Jude and Lucy. Perfect lines! I don't even know how to explain. The lyrics can really tell you this is their story. Sweet bad boy! Bitchy-smart girl. LOVE IT! I seriously don't want to compare Jude to Travis Maddox from Beautiful Disaster right now because, I just don't want to. In my opinion they are different. Or well, it's just hard to choose. lol

Okay so where to start...

The story was actually good. I like that Lucy is kinda bitchy to people. She's sarcastic and very direct with her words. I like that she has this quality that she wants to save people.
I know that bad boys with a difficult past is kinda getting overrated, but I still like Jude here. Maybe because he wasn't paired to someone innocent and plain and goody-goody.

"Our reputations weren't who we really were, they were who people told us we were. Some of us fell into that trap, while others fought their entire lives to break free of them."

----Well, this particular line is really interesting. Sometimes we end up by being what other people think of us. Even though some might be not true about us, we either prove them wrong or just go with it and embrace it. That's kinda sad. Sometimes we overlook things and we don't see anything but what others tell us or rumors that spread like a disease. It's hard to prove things about what we really are when all people know the same lie or wrong info out there. It makes victims sad? yes. Will it ruin people's lives? Maybe. If we do something about it we might be able to change it.
That's what happened to Jude and Lucy. Good thing here is that, they have each other to know what the real thing is. It's sweet. A little cheesy? Yes. OMG. lol. But it's still good.

Okay, so I have another part in this book that I love.
Dance studio scene! When Lucy was dancing and Jude was outside playing the peeping-tom that he is. lol. Then the breakdown of emotions. (CRY-worthy)
I even have a song for that and for their story. here:

"I dare you to let me be your, your one and only
Promise I'm worthy to hold in your arms
So come on and give me a chance
To prove I am the one who can walk that mile
Until the end starts"

(One and Only by Adele)
----As much as Jude wants to be with Lucy, he always held back from the beginning. Oh he wants to be her boyfriend but he knows that he will still have to walk away from her. For him, he's not just good enough for her. As for Lucy, she wants Jude too but there are some things that you can't just let go, knowing that it will come crashing down on you in the end. This song is really hoping for that chance. As much as they want to be the one and only for each other they came across a lot of complications and obstacles.

Lucy was able to be strong about it. look:
"If you'd shut up about all the reasons I shouldn't want you, maybe you'd hear that I don't care."

Another part of that song from Adele, it says:

"You'll never know if you never try
To forget your past and simply be mine"

----I so agree with this. Very fitting for the story also! Their past are so complicated and broken that it's keeping them for having a relationship that they obviously both want. It's sad and frustrating because, the past is the past! Come on people you should focus on the now. You couldn't change whatever happened before! But, you can do something about what would make you happy and what you want to have in the present time. Live with the now! Yes. It hurts! Yes. You are sorry and blah blah. But if you really want something or love something you just have to suck it up and face it with big smile and head high. Act now before it's too late. Come on! Life is short sometimes.

That leads me to this quote from Lucy's dad:

"Don't let the fear of losing them keep you from loving them."

----This same problem always happen to almost every YA or actually romance books that I've read. People always let fear get in the way for them to be really happy. Or in other terms, they always expects the worst before having that sense of euphoria that they want. This kind of thing is what keeps us from being happy or have the happy ending. Yeah I keep on repeating stuff. It's true. Is it annoying that every one always have this kind of thinking? Yes. Can we help it? Yes and No. Yes because you can just be brave and ignore that fear. And, no, because you are being careful and trying to protect yourself from the pain. AGAIN, this is just all about taking risk. If you take a risk at least you know how it feels to try and not think someday of "what could have been" or "what if".

One more quote. This one is from Jude. Makes me melt. Cheesy? YES. Do I like it? YES. Do I want to pull my hair and go gaga and scream? Maybe. ha ha

"I'll be here, each day and every day on, as long as you want me to be."

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Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Review: Thomas & January

Thomas & January Thomas & January by Fisher Amelie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What song is in my head right now after reading this book?

"So just take my hand and know that I will never leave your side
You're the love of my life, you know that I will never leave your side"

(The Gambler by Fun.)

Yeah! This is bittersweet! In a really good way.
I was really hooked in Callum & Harper's story and this one did too!

January is a very sweet innocent girl. I like that about her. She's pure and friendly. She's a crybaby but not in an annoying way. Yeah. I like her. the blushing! Oh my gosh! That was the best! I mean other books describe people blush but this one is my favorite blushing kind of thing. Lol.
Tom's innocence about love is what made him experience heartache and completely changed him.
When the two of them met and --out of nowhere-- just kissed passionately in a bar it was like LOVE AT FIRST KISS. Literally. Lol
Something ignited between them and made them crazy for each other. The feeling while reading that was ecstatic and just lively.

From what i'm seeing positive view is coming from January and the negative is coming from Thomas. And that's complimenting each other.

Tom is afraid of getting his heart broken again. But what happened? He broke the heart of the love of his life.
I understand Tom here because he's like "Dude, been there done that. So not gonna happen again." Problem is he made a mistake of judging and assuming the worst from January. He didn't know, yes. He's being careful, yes. That doesn't mean someone is not hurting because of this. Another thing, he kept questioning January's declaration of love for him. From how i understand it, he definitely believes her but he's scared that it might be just too good to be true. He's scared that someday it might just go crashing down and he will be left alone again. This is the best thing and feeling and girl that he came across with and he is so afraid of losing her.

January feels like she's been taken for granted all the time. Like she's not worthy. Again hello SELF PITY.
Well, we can't blame her if that's what people are making her feel. Right? She has the right to be hurt! I cried when she mentioned being used and not good enough for Tom's liking. Like she's being discarded. Awww.
Tom's declaration of love for him was so sweet! She wants him to trust her that she will not break his heart. She never did. She was really in love with him. She did all what she could and give everything to him. She's remarkable for that. It's just sad that even though she's faithfully in love she still got hurt by doing it.

Of course, there are positive things that happened in this book. :) that is RISK.

“Sometimes the risk can be worth the reward.”
now this? This is hell yeah! They kind of did this in their growing relationship. And wow! Those two lovebirds are totally lovely!
Everytime Tom tells January that she's extraordinary and --insert all the amazing adjectives-- my mind is like playing Taylor Swift's song ENCHANTED. It feels like this is what is going on in Tom's and January's head:
"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder-struck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you"


This book made me soooo happy!

Here are some of the scenes that are spine-tingling (lol. Is that even a word?)

"How did we both sleep on this tiny nothing,” I said out loud, my voice hoarse from disuse.
“Well, that leg was wrapped around mine,” he said, pointing to each part as he continued his explanation, “that stomach was pressed to mine, that beautiful face was buried in my neck. It was the best and worst night’s sleep of my life.”

and this one too!
“Can I ask you something?”
“Do you think I’m yours?”
“Yes,” she said without hesitation.
“Good, ’cause I know you’re mine.”

it's like singing I'm Yours by Jason Mraz! :)

Very nice book!

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Review: While It Lasts

While It Lasts While It Lasts by Abbi Glines
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If you want me to compare this book to all the other Sea Breeze books, i am so begging you not to let me do that. Please?

The book was ok. Maybe i was just expecting a lot from it. Don't get me wrong I was entertained, i got teary-eyed in some parts, especially the prologue. But... I somehow find it lacking. Or something...

Eva's pain has got to really hurt so much. I mean she just lost the person she loved for 18 years. There were promises that she hoped to have someday. Yet all those promises were broken because of the lost love. That just effin sucks man! Yep she was scared to move on because it's like disrespecting or being unfaithful to Josh but we all know life has to go on. She knew that, of course, she just couldn't handle it yet.

"She always had Josh. He was her best friend, her protector and he made he
Of course because of this Jeremy, Josh's twin brother is trapped with her."

---of course because of her sorrow, Jeremy was hurting along with her and trapped. You can't blame the guy for feeling responsible and guilty for not watching out for his precious brother's fiancé.

"I’d worried that letting her get too close would break me. Unfortunately, I’d worried about that a little too late. Because I was broken."

Of course, there enters our bad boy.
He's actually charming and a flirt and just damn gorgeous. I never expected him to go crumbling down in front of a girl. Well, guess what. This is his moment! He's afraid to be rejected by the girl who means so much to him. Yes he's used to rejection all his life but that doesn't mean it can't hurt him. In fact, it's what's breaking him.

"Getting attached to Cage was bad. He had been the key to my healing. He’d forced me to get over things. No one had pushed me before him. I’d always cherish him for that."

--- Eva's feelings for Cage is new to her. She's feeling the intensity of what and how it is to love someone and making the right decisions. She never experienced this with Josh and it's kinda scary for her. Cage may have a lot of experiences with women but he never experienced falling in love with someone hard. That makes him and Eva equal. They have to start from what they know. Eva was able to experienced being loved the same way she loved a person while Cage never had that before. You know that part when Eva was saying that Cage has more experience than she is? That's just for sexual and physical stuff. Funny thing is Cage is inexperienced in falling hard for someone.

This is self pity:

"Girls like Eva didn’t want to keep me. They wanted to play with me for a while and then go find the boy their parents would approve of. I wasn’t the keeping kind."

--- now that's just self pity and not having confidence! Other than rejection, self pity is another one of our bitches in life. I pity Cage for this. I can't blame him because he lived his life like that. Knowing that he wasn't the keeping kind. It was like a slap in the face to know that the girl you love doesn't want you.

Like i said, not enough drama for me. It was just like that. I was like "oh hey, wait. That's it?"
Yeah oh man. I was so ready to cry really hard!

Anyway, even though it wasn't enough for me. I enjoyed other parts!
Eva singing that song in the bar declaring her love for Cage! Dude! So freakin awesome!!! I was really happy about that.
Also when Cage has heard the first time that Eva played the guitar and singing in his apartment. Moment alert! :)

I think i am not making sense, i am so sleepy right now.

This is a quote from that bassist dude, made me laugh so effin much!:

“Fuck man, do you know how many girls I’ve met that don’t even know what the hell a bassist is? NONE! Fucking NONE! Where’d you get her? I want one too.”

All in all. It was good.

I can't stop thinking about this book!
"I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me"

---- perfect line for Cage York! From the song Better Than Me by Hinder

What about some sexy sweet Cage line? Here:
"Crazy, girl, don’t you know that I love you?
And I wouldn’t dream of goin’ nowhere"
from the song Crazy Girl by Eli Young Band

Last Cage line that is making me melt? Here:
"I got a thing for you
And I think it's kinda crazy"
(Thing for You by Hinder)

What about Eva?
"You showed me something that I couldn't see
You opened my eyes and you made me believe
You lift my feet off the ground, spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier"

(Crazier by Taylor Swift)

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Review: Young Love Murder

Young Love Murder Young Love Murder by April Brookshire
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I actually have tears reading this book!

And my head is singing:
Cause you really hurt me, cause you really hurt me
Princess of China by Coldplay feat Rihanna
Again and again! And it made me cry even more!

Seriously? This is like an obsessive unhealthy love! And. i. Love. It! :)

"Death brought us together, death tore us apart. Now, it seems as if more death is destined to bring us together once again. Let it not be our own."
---- this is like LITERALLY!

Ok! So where to start...
At first i feel like the story is rushing it from the beginning but as i go along, boy was it so sloooow! The agony is long! They were apart from each other and it's so damn long.
Yeah. I was talking about Anna and Gabriel.

The bad boy thing was questionable for me. Only at first. Because from the moment he laid eyes on Anna he is so not acting like a bad boy. He was smitten! It's like he was head over heels for her with just one kiss in that beach. Same goes for the badass assassin. I mean one kiss and she's done for too. Hmm maybe i guess that's love right?

Oh well. The love hate relationship is very amusing and i am so entertained! Well first thing, i cannot believe he still loves her even though she killed his father in front of him.
" I loved you, Anna! More than anything in this world. And now I don’t know if I do anymore because I hate you. So much. I hate you so much that it’s killing all the love I had for you. And I hate you for that too!”
I know he also hates her but it says so right there that he's still hung up on her. Their relationship wasn't even that long and yet he couldn't seem to get over her.

As for Anna,
"It’s funny that loving him will be both my greatest joy and greatest mistake in life."
she's crazy to think that Gabriel is still in love with her. Making herself believe that he was looking for her because he still loves her. I can't blame her. Maybe. Well, because this was her first time to fall in love. She's crazy in love. And she just can handle to let go.

My favorite part of this drama is the confrontation in that party then the beach scene!
If he’s suddenly experiencing tender feelings for me, it’s too late now. I meant what I said.
Omg! I even have a soundtrack!
For the party, while that slut was making her way to Gabriel's pants then got hit by Annabelle, it's "From Yesterday" by 30 Seconds to Mars.
Gosh! Anna is giving up because she was hurt and jealous! I mean c'mon she has this delusion that he's in love with her and they will somehow get back together, only to find out he's with another girl. Funny thing is, Gabriel, although confused with his hate, doesn't want to let her go. He actually panicked when she told him Goodbye.
I also played R.I.P. by Rita Ora and of course Love the Way You Lie by Eminem and Rihanna.

The beach part?
“Because I don’t want to love you anymore!”
Despite the sense of satisfaction I feel because she may have been faithful to me for the past six months, despite how beautiful she is and how much I want her physically, I still hate her. What she did . . . I shudder at the memory.
Loving her has caused me more pain than even my father’s death did.
She wipes a hand wearily over her face. “Then don’t! Just forget that I ever existed. You don’t have to ever see me again.”

I played Princess of China by Coldplay and Rihanna.
Perfect song! Both of them hurting! Both of them want to give up! Both of them still love each other yet in agony. Gaaah the drama!

That's also the perfect song especially after the shot Gabriel and Anna gave to each other.
Anna and Gabriel are entitled to suffer. I mean i can't even explain Gabriel, so many things happened to his miserable life. Anna well she's a girl in love. Her boyfriend shot her in the chest. Almost killing her. So Gabriel deserved what happened to him too. Him going insane for two years! Believable!

See how he was:
Sometimes people say that their deceased loved one would want them to move on and find happiness with someone else. Is that true, or is it an excuse to betray the memory of the person who loved you?
--- even i don't know how to answer this. Maybe I'll get back to this thought.

Right now, i can't think because i am so hungry! Lol

Anyway, i am so excited for the second book!
Jackson, Max and Brent and oh! Uncle Simon are all awesome!!!

OH! One more thing!

I forgot to mention, the song for this book is also...

BEAUTIFUL LIE by 30 Seconds to Mars.

WHY? Go on and read it. there's plenty of HUGE LIES in this one.

Here read/sing this:
"It's a beautiful lie
It's the perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful lie it makes me

It's time to forget about the past
To wash away what happened last
Hide behind an empty face
Don't ask too much, just say
'Cause this is just a game"

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Review: Such a Rush

Such a Rush Such a Rush by Jennifer Echols
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Some of the comments about Ms Jennifer Echols is that she's the Nora Roberts in the YA world. I haven't thought about that before. I was a major fan of Nora Roberts. I've been reading her books since I was in high school. I think I've read almost all of her trilogies and sagas also. Reading this, i kinda see the resemblance of their writing. It's heavy and deep with emotions. It's amazing how such simple words can bring that out in its readers. I was expecting a cute love story from this book, but what it gave me was much better. :)

"You might think I'm trash, but I have feelings too! You might think I'm a slut because of what others are saying and what you're seeing but I'm not! What you're doing is actually hurting me! Worst of all I actually have feelings for you."
-- ok. This is what I would have said if I ever come a across someone I have a crush on who is treating me like trash/ slut. This wasn't really part of the book but it's what I was feeling while reading it. Lol. I'm pretty emotional like that.

So anyway, 5 stars? A bit much? Do you think I'm bias because Echols' books are my favorites? Nah. This book really deserves 5 stars.

This book is pretty intense and made me feel like I have a deep ache in my chest.

Losing someone is hard. We all know it. Even those who haven't experienced this might assume it's hard. It's hard to let someone go especially if that person is a relative, made a great impact in your life or because you love that person. The Hall twins especially Grayson showed us that pain. It felt raw. He felt lost and well, really afraid of losing someone like that again. Sometimes because of death we tend to do some things that can help us ease the pain and for us we think it's right but to others it has a different effect. Very well played in this book.

It's so unfair because Leah is always judged by people. It doesn't mean if she's poor she doesn't have enough value or should be disrespected. It's unfair for her that even the person she have a crush from afar is thinking the worst of her.
I understood now. He associated me with the tragedy of his family. He would take what he thought he needed from me in order to save Alec. That’s all I was good for.
What's even unfair is that people like to use her and think that it's just okay to do that and not even thinking how she will feel about it. Sometimes the effect of this is that that person will think so little of herself that he or she will tend to believe every thing negative thrown her way.
Grayson and I were so far apart that we had nothing to do with each other. Thirty years from now, if a rumor ran around the airport that we’d had a one-night stand, we would still be so far apart that nobody would believe it.
That's like a very sad story. It makes her believe in this norm that poor and rich people are not meant to be happy together. Yeah. That's sad. It makes her pity herself and makes it even more painful to accept.

"Love isn’t something you have to deserve.”
-- I believe this. You don't have to work up so much for that person to love you. You should just be what and who you are. Then he or she will just see or come to his senses that what he sees is great. As simple as that. If he loves you that's great if not maybe he doesn't know you enough but that doesn't mean you have to be hard on yourself or be someone else.

My favorite part in this one is how sweet Leah and Grayson were after their first time together.
“Are you sorry that we were together?” I whispered.
His whole face changed like an idea was slowly dawning on him. He cradled my cheek in his palm. “Leah, of course not.”
“You seem sorry,” I said, feeling small again. I’d thought I didn’t need his comfort. I’d thought I could comfort him. ......................
“Hey. I told you. Lately my brain isn’t working right. I feel one thing, but I act a different way and it surprises me. I don’t know where my words are coming from half the time. But you…” He kissed my cheek. “Gosh…” He kissed my lips, then backed away to look at me again. “You know what? Let me show you how I feel.”

sweet. I would want some Grayson Hall myself. It doesn't change how Leah felt at once of course. She still thinks so little of herself and she can't believe she's with the boy she has been crushing on for years. The good thing is Grayson respects her and looks like he actually have the same feelings as her.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Review: Borrowed Ember

Borrowed Ember Borrowed Ember by Samantha Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“Yeah, I only have three expressions. Blank. Pissed off. And polite boredom.”

Jai, you never bore me at all!! Lol!

Awww so that's why i kept on reading this very slooowly! It's not just because it's a total cliffhanger, it's also because I'm gonna be soooo sad!

Two topics. I have two topics that i want to discuss. Both of them have 2 stars each.

First topic is: sadness.
Yes. Sadness! Sadness in this book is very much related to fear. Because of fear, there is sadness.
Jai's fear, he is scared because he doesn't know how to accept loving Ari. Oh yes, he's in love with her, hands down! But he doesn't know how to say it. He's scared because he couldn't give the right reaction or he doesn't know how to just let himself go and embrace that admission of love. Every time he thinks about it, it makes him sad and remembers the cruelty of his family's words and actions when he was growing up. He couldn't let himself believe that someone or that Ari is capable of loving him with all her heart. It's sad because he is so broken and it's sad because he's sort of hurting her also.

Charlie's fear, he's fear is losing himself to power. In the end that addiction won and i really hate Charlie for it. Yes, he thinks it's justice and revenge, killing his brother's murderer but with the way he wants revenge only increases his way to his doom. Because of this revenge and fear of not being able to avenge his brother's death he was able to lose all the people that he loves. One of them is Ari. It's very sad because he was able to start from loving Ari and ending up in losing her. Not because Ari doesn't love him back but because of his own power-thirst. I really like Charlie!!!! I was even jealous with a certain female-Guild! Awwww!

Ari's fear is losing the people she loves and being taken over by the Seal.
"But Jai… I would die a hundred deaths to save you…because the thought of being here without you now, the thought of losing you… is unimaginable."
What's sad about this is that Ari did lose people like Sala and Fallon. Her mother and her friend. She almost lost Jai too. The Seal was scary! It's sad because every time it controls her, she feels like people don't want to be with her. And it's really a big issue for her because she always feel like people don't love her enough.

Next topic with 2 stars:

“I love you. Okay? I love you. You’re not alone.”

LOVE. What else right?

This book makes me melt with all the sweetness and mushy stuff in it!

Ari and Jai. Finally!
These two are the perfect lovebirds! I love them!
Ari never gave up.
"All I know is that there are all these people who think I belong to them. And the truth is, Jai, I’ll only ever belong to you. If you want me, I’ll belong to you forever.”
Even though Jai is being indifferent with her she still clings to him seeking comfort. She's very patient with him and she treats him like he's fragile( which he probably is) yeah! She understands him better like no other could. Best thing about this is he really needs it. Jai needs someone like Ari. And it's so perfect that he also fell in love with her. *sings Need You Now by Lady Antebellum*
He might be afraid of the relationship he has with Ari but he was still able to let himself embrace it in the end.
“I’ll always want you,” he whispered urgently against her lips. “You’re mine now, okay. Only mine.”
These two are totally in love and crazy for each other. Ari proved her love for Jai by always i mean always choosing or putting him first. Jai proved his love for her by standing by her while his father asked him to choose.

Love of Charlie. Yes Charlie still loves Ari, but that love was tainted by his hunger for power. That's very bad because he drowned in it and he forgot all about the good things. Awwww. I don't know what to say but pity.

"No one has ever looked at me the way you do. It’s humbling… to have someone like you look at someone like me that way.

Love. Red is in love with the ifrit. Now she's also gone. I hate White because I really thought he loved Ari. Asmodeus really love his sister Lilif. Trey and a Jinn king is getting mushy. Lol. Fallon loved Charlie... :(

Another star? What could be that for....
Jai's hotness?
Ari's loyalty and pureness?
Charlie's stupidity?
I think by just thinking about these stuff is worth another star? Don't you think? Lol!

I cannot wait for the 4th book!!!!! Coming out this November!!!!!

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Review: Blood Bound

Blood Bound Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Hmmm. I don't know what to say again. It's just that i find this entertaining enough.

I'll just point out why i have 3 stars for this book.

1 star is for the story. I like it because Mercy gets to know more about being a walker. More about vampires. And more about herself being in that "mate" condition. The story is not boring and it's fun to read. I like that she is able to face her fears. She's always admitting in the first book about safety and precaution whenever she has to face werewolves and vampires. In this book though, even when she's afraid she lets herself toughen up. I admire her for that. She's no wimp at all.

Another 1 star for the God thingy. I like it because she believes in God. I love that "lamb of God" necklace of hers. Also i LOVE It when she sang "Oh Holy Night" then the glaring at the woman when she belted out the "Fall on your knees" part. Lol

And of course another 1 star for the boys in Mercy's life.
I'm confused about Adam, although i really know he likes Mercy a lot.
I'm even more confused with Sam because he's living with her and he's really being patient.
What got me really intrigued is Stefan's interest in her seems to be in a romantic way from a friendly way.
Wonder what will happen next?

Oh! And that part with Mrs Hana the ghost? What was that all about?!?!??

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Review: Spill Over

Spill Over Spill Over by Jolene Perry
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love this book. Yeah. As simple as that.

This book makes me want to start crying and feel lonely. It's like shredding your heart because you can't take it that you've lost someone forever.

"The apartment’s mine. The car’s mine. It’s all mine. I feel the way I knew I would. I don’t want any of it. I want Mom."

First of all, being in Antony's head is really making me crazy! All that pain that he keeps pushing away because he can't deal with it is just too much to take. I can't imagine losing someone like that. I mean can you imagine that one person you have and love all your life and then she just suddenly dies and gone forever? Sure it makes you feel so alone at first and i know that you can move on someday. But, being in that phase of feeling alone is sooooo scary and soooo breaking my heart.

“I probably suck at taking care of people, but I want to take care of you. Though, I can’t imagine you needing anything I have to give.”

hearing this is just too sweet. You know that feeling when you feel like you don't deserve that person because you don't know how you can give her something that will make her feel happy or make you feel that that person deserves you? That is just so hard. Sometimes you feel that what your giving is not enough. But sometimes, the funny thing is that you don't even have to try because by just being present is enough for others.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Review: The Thing About the Truth

The Thing About the TruthThe Thing About the Truth by Lauren Barnholdt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

  He’s so hot that it kind of takes my breath away. Of course, I’ve probably been reading too many romance novels.

that is Isaac Brandano for you. :) if he was in my high school i would probably have a crush on him too. I mean he's kind of a jerk but a very sweet jerk. He's nice to look at too.

I really like this story! You know the feeling of some kind of cozy rain inside your system and it's making you blissful or something? That's how i felt. Also, i couldn't stop reading it. I wanted to know the whole aftermath and what really went down. I also want to know more about how Isaac and Kelsey had gotten really close. I like how it was written. Like Barnholdt's other books she always introduces the main conflict then makes her readers figure out how the hell it happened. Well, that's how i understand it anyway. :) The cause of the fight is pretty simple and stupid as per Kelsey but they feel like it's a really big thing. For some it might be like that anyway.

It's always like this every time i read a Barnholdt book. Two good things: 1. It's always interesting and make me tingly all over it's male character. 2. You can't really put the book down because it's so addicting.

This book is 3.5 or 4 i can't decide. I just know it's still a good read. :)

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Saturday, July 07, 2012

Review: Leif

Leif Leif by Abbi Glines
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Why? All I’d ever done was protect her. Why did she have to see me as something dark, something evil? I loved her.

You know the feeling that you think he's the perfect guy for the heroine but then she falls in love with the bad guy? This was what Leif makes me feel like. I have this feeling that Pagan should be with him. Compared to other books it should be like that! The one who saves you. Has been loving you since you were a child. Is very gentle with you. No bad bone in his body!!! I mean he's the perfect guy for the heroine. But then again this is not like other books.

I just wish Leif will get what he wants ever since he chose his mate. But sad part is the one that he wants for his life cannot be his.

I’d loved Pagan for the majority of my life but I couldn’t force her to love me.

Seee a very nice boy who's in love! Apparently making yourself believe that you're in love with the right girl really hurts when you find out she doesn't feel the same way. All his life, what he's doing was to protect and love her. He doesn't care if she always forgets about him. He still does what he wants to do for her without anything in return; but when he has the right time to claim what is his, it all goes down to his loss. :(((

Leif!!! I wanna hug you!!! Take me instead? :)

I don't know what the Sabine chick's purpose in Leif's life but i'm guessing there will be more.

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Thursday, July 05, 2012

Review: Close to You

Close to You Close to You by Kate Perry
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Finding someone who you click with, who you love, is such a rare thing.

oh yes it is! Finding someone like Treat Byrnes is like out of this world kind of thing. At least in my pov. Why do i say that? Maybe because of how sweet that guy is. From what i see, he's the bad-naughty-gentleman-mama's boy type. And it so cute and sexy at the same time.

I love the story. It's endearing. Yeah it is. It lacks some emotional parts that i am craving like the drama and agony and stuff. Haven't
cried in a book for a while. But i really like this! Eve and Treat's first encounter. Sooo cute! :) and every time they meet it's always 'how their faces lit up' description that makes me smile. It's sooo adorable. :) the mother thing is also good.

I love how flirty Rick is! When he met Olivia it's sooooo smooth. If i was Olivia i wouldn't mind at all if he asked me out right there. :)

I’ve never believed in Fate before, but I’m willing to if she’s going to lead me to you.

i knooow! Sooo cheesy! Just thinking about this line, makes me want to sing "Where have you been all my life...." by Rihanna! :)

This book is all smiles for me. :)

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Monday, July 02, 2012

Review: Scorched Skies

Scorched Skies Scorched Skies by Samantha Young
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is like the best Jinn story ever! Ha! Okay considering this is my first Jinn story. Well if Aladdin doesn't count. Haha!

So many painful emotions! I think this is better than the first book because they bare it all! All of them showed what they really feel.

I really do love you, kid. I guess I just never loved you enough.

Ari's pain of being alone and no one to turn to was doubled over. It's like if i I was her? I might consider dying or something. I really pity her! First with the Charlie thing and Charlie actually confronting her about it is like "WTF?! Why now?! I was waiting for a long time and now that I've moved on you want to be with me NOW?!?!? Fuck that!" yeah i was feeling like that in this book. Plus the Derek death! He didn't love her ENOUGH! Plus the Jai rejection. I mean c'mon! The girl might be strong but that doesn't mean she's made of steel! She has emotions that can lead to her destruction! Which leads us to this quote...

I’m pissed off being the girl whose daddy didn’t love her enough, who’s best friend doesn’t love her enough… who Jai will never love enough to work out his crap and put it behind him.

talk about major OUCH! I mean look at how painful that is! Considering those 3 are the ones she has left! The more she pushes them away the more she's being more cold and left in the dark. She may have let Charlie go but she still loves him. For Jai, they are like rubber bands. They might stretch as far away from the other but they still keep coming back. Always pulling each other together. And every time that happens Ari always gets her heartbroken. That's just another scab to heal. Again can i say OUCH?!

I feel like a crumpled up piece of paper that has something really important written on it. But no one will ever know what that is because all they see is something that’s been discarded. I’m done feeling like that!

I knooow right! Someday someone will get that crumpled paper and will look what's inside.

They beat the shit out of you and he let it happen. For years. But she almost died to save you. There is a right and wrong choice here, Jai.

Yeah Jai, that's like the greatest love of all! Ha! Cheesy i know. But i love this drama!!!! She almost died out there for HIM! Who would be an idiot to pass that up and let her get away! She's like the answer to your loneliness, the one that makes your heart beat again. And --insert all the cheesy lines here-- love it!!!!

She saved my life. She took the hit… and the last thing she did was use her gift to command that kid to leave me alone. Why did she do that?

do you really have to ask??!?!?! Isn't it obvious enough???

Third book!!!! I'm hungry for youuuu! :)

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Sunday, July 01, 2012

Review: The Naked Marquis

The Naked Marquis (Naked Nobility, #3)The Naked Marquis by Sally MacKenzie
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

  "How could she want to slap him silly one moment and the next, wrap her hands around him as if she'd never let go?"

Lol. This one is a good book. It's during these times that I want to read other types of books. Away from the paranormal stuff and teeny bop dramas. Just indulge myself with steamy Englishmen and their British rules. It wasn't really that steamy. Ha! It's a funny story with just a bit mystery.
It's refreshing actually.

The quote above kinda reminded me of Damon Salvatore (Vampire Diaries) lol! I know! I can't get away from the paranormal world. Ha!

Well, I'm sure Major Charles Draysmith is a really fun character. :)He can be funny and sexy at the same time. His stares are not really leery, more like a sexy come on. Ha! Miss Emma Peterson can say that again, i know, she has a crush going on since she's a kid. Ha!

I like the Claire and Isabelle calling them Papa Charles and Mama Peterson! It's sooooo cute! :)

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Review: River Cast

River Cast (The Tale of Lunarmorte, #2)River Cast by Samantha Young
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ohhh boy! Here goes.

I love the 1st book more than this. But it's still soooo good :)

Here are my comments:

Alone/ Lost
Jaeden suffered a lot in the first book. As in really suffered. I was very sad for her then and i am still sad at the beginning if this book. She scared because she don't know how to deal with her love ones and it made her leave them behind. I admire her though in this one because she was still able to face some those fears. With a little help from her mate :)

Caia, i really felt her in this one. You know not being able yo confide with the person she loves because she thinks he's in love with another. Arrrgh! She really really needed him! Plus Sebastian wasn't there anymore for her!!! :( boy, she can really control herself. Even though it's breaking her heart. :( want me to show you how she's hurting?

“I haven’t lost what you have. I’m sorry you can’t be with the person you want.”


Not being able to confide in anyone had brought on a fresh wave of grief over losing Sebastian. If she’d been given the chance to tell Seb she thought Midnights might not be so bad after all... he’d have believed her. No questions asked.

Everyone is in love! Caia, Lucien, Jaeden, Ryder, Laila, Vilhelm! :) love is in the air! Oh! Very possessive lycans in the leash! Ha!

Deception/ War
Really vampyre? I haven't really figure out yet if you're evil or not. Guess i'll find in the last book.
Marita, you know what, i really hate you!

“We were just discussing that. After all, you two aren’t going to commit to your mating, and Lucien and I would have been mates if he hadn’t been obligated to fulfil his father’s betrothal to you.”
----- whatta bitch!!!! I hate this girl!!

One more quote, this one i love:
She would tell you that in the end we only have ourselves, no matter how many friends, allies, or loved ones are in our lives. You have to trust yourself before you can trust anyone else.

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Review: The Selection

The Selection (The Selection, #1)The Selection by Kiera Cass
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another awesome read right here! I can't believe i let this book waiting in my shelf for a loooong time! Not only am i excited about the story, i'm also excited because CW will be airing this show next year! Or maybe later this year!

Okay, first thing, i really enjoyed this book! Like they all said it's inspired by The Bachelor with some Hunger Games - ish added to the mix.

What i like about the characters:

America Singer, at first i was kinda doubting her personality, because i don't know what she really feels. Okay, not really. Ha! I was kinda questioning her love for Aspen. Maybe she really does trust him at first, because she've been really faithful to him. Then he broke her heart. The heartbreak was really reasonable if i say so myself! She was really broken. And plus points for her because she was making herself heal not by jumping to the next guy at once but by just opening herself to friendship with Maxon. I really like it how she's in love with Aspen. He's like her only world and happiness. How much she gave herself wholeheartedly to him. Saving all those money for them/future. Not afraid of the consequences of their relationship. It was also acceptable to me how she forgave Aspen. I mean come on! I don't blame her for being weak. She LOVED the guy for 2 years! Plus they ended it pretty badly! She missed him too!
As for her 'growing'-more-than-friendship with Maxon, well who wouldn't want a friend right? She did it because she admitted that she doesn't want to win his heart. Straightforward like that. She can't help it if Maxon can't help himself. PLUS it was normal for her again to react that way because meaning consider winning The Selection, really, if she thought that Aspen really did move on she should as well. She shouldn't hold herself back to other possibilities right? Besides she said she would TRY. She didn't immediately said yes to Maxon.

Maxon Scheazer, wow you are so dreamy in a very pure way. Lol. He was a gentleman! I don't know what to say really. Just that i like him for being like the way he is. I really hope you find the one that will love you as much as you love the girl. Idk if it's America though. Aspen is still there! You don't even know that you already saw the "dog" who hurt America!!!

Aspen Leger, i was in love with you because America really loves you from the beginning of this book. But i doubted you also because i thought you cheated with America and also it's more like you were greatly attracted to her in a physical way. You are always kissing her! Lol. But that was countered by all those emotional stuff and family and all. So i still like you. And that wink you gave at the end of the book, you are so ready for that challenge! Gosh! Melts.

Okay some of the quotes that i LOVED!!:

1.) “America Singer, one day you will fall asleep in my arms every night. And you’ll wake up to my kisses every morning. And then some.”
------- who in the world would not fall in love just by hearing this? Okay i know Mer is already in love with him, so maybe she her love increased or heartbeat got really fast or something.

2.) “I do, Mer. That’s the point. I can’t make you like me. I can’t stand the thought of you hungry or cold or scared. I can’t make you a Six.”
------ this was one of those heartfelt words that countered the physical attraction. He really cares about her! C'mon! A martyr right here!

3.) "Maybe he’s even with the girl from my send-off. I don’t know. And I can’t do anything about it. But the thought of going home and watching it… I just can’t, Maxon....”
------- see how broken-hearted America was. :((

4.) “Maxon, I hope you find someone you can’t live without. I really do. And I hope you never have to know what it’s like to have to try and live without them.”
------ yep. That's America Singer for you.

5.) “Love you again?” I asked incredulously. “Aspen, I never stopped.”
----- see! I just love this.

I cannot wait for the second book! And the TV series!!!!

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Review: The Golden Lily

The Golden Lily The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm not bias or anything i swear! Okay maybe I am. I really really love Adrian Ivashkov that's why i'm giving this 4stars!!! Oh c'mon everyone who is a VA fan will surely adore him in this book!!!! :)

Okay since I don't know how to say how i definitely love this book, i'm gonna comment about the characters....

Sydney, is like one of the most innocent and powerful person! I just love how naive she is sometimes yet she's a very intellectual at the same time!

Adrian, i am so in love with you! I can't even begin how he changed in Palm Spring! It's like by just meeting Sydney, all fell in to right places. He's still cocky and always joking around but it's different in Sydney's perspective. She totally saw the boy who is in pain. The guy who had gotten his heart broken and the man who made his way and effort to achieve something.

Eddie, gosh i really pity him. He should be happy considering all his efforts and focus in his work. He should be able to tell the person he loves about how he feels.

Jill, i wish you could at least do something about him. Please. I like that kind of love story.

Angeline, please leave Eddie alone?

Trey, in some weird reason, i want you to like Sydney in more than just a friend. Hahaha

Here are some spoiler quotes, i just really have to react! Haha

1.) "Ever had that happen? Once you can’t have something, you want it that much more.”
---- yeah. This reminds me of a lot things. One being Rose Hathaway.

2.) "Which is scarier: walking into a den of crazy, murdering humans or being with safe—though kind of wacky-
vampires and half vampires? I know the hang-up you Alchemists have with us, but is the loyalty to your own race so strong that … I don’t know … that the people themselves don’t matter?”

---- i know why he asked this. It's obvious that he really has starting to have feelings for her. He understands her point of view but he still has this hope that maybe it wont cloud her heart or what she wants for life. Sad part here is that I don't think it's enough for her as of now

3.) "On impulse I took off my cross necklace and pressed it into his hand. “This time, keep it for real. Hold onto it until I return. If you get too worried, look at it and know that I’l have to come back for it. It goes realy wel with khakis and neutral colors.”
---- this is like one of those awww moments!!! Very sweet in an innocent way. :)

4.) Adrian stood there leaning against the doorframe, watching me with his heart in his eyes. In my chest, my own heart was breaking. On my cheek, the lily reminded me who I was.
I turned from him and walked away, refusing to look back.

---- OMG. Omg! Omg! Yeah i know.

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